Dear Members and Advocates,
Every FAC member should be aware of NARSOL (the National Association for Rational Sex Offense Laws). FAC is the Florida state organization that is aligned with the national efforts of NARSOL. We have expressly agreed to be the Florida state affiliate for NARSOL in our mutual efforts to reform laws that impact Persons Forced to Register (PFR). The hope is to develop an affiliate organization in every state, all working together to raise awareness, respond to legislation that will reform the laws, and ultimately abolish the public Registry.
Each year, NARSOL sponsors a conference and brings together hundreds of attendees to discuss legal cases, media campaigns, organizational development, and even the much needed self-care that keeps us all moving forward for another year. NARSOL presents a quality annual conference that has been attended by many known researchers, professors, attorneys and advocates over the years. Organized and run totally by dedicated NARSOL volunteers, the annual conferences feature dynamic, headlining speakers, informative workshop topics, and unique networking opportunities for members and advocates.
We are proud to share that five of the break-out sessions will be presented by FAC members. Click here to see the line-up for the 2024 conference. You can also watch the key speakers and conference sessions from the comfort of you home by signing up for the Livestream at
We have come a long way from the first NARSOL conference in 2009 that was held in a secret location in Boston. At the early conferences, many advocates used a pseudonym and attendees were required to register before knowing the exact location. By 2012, though, NARSOL was welcomed in cities across the country, and the conferences became widely publicized.
The 2024 NARSOL conference begins this Friday, June 21 and from Noon-1:00pm, FAC will be gathering for a special Meet-and-Greet with the Board of Directors, County Coordinators, FAC members and guests that will be attending the conference. After the introductions, FAC will present Spirit Awards to members that have demonstrated their dedication to FAC and to the mission of educating the public, media and legislators. If your name is called, we will arrange to deliver the Spirit Award to you in person. You are invited to join us by Zoom or phone to celebrate with the team.
Topic: FAC at NARSOL, Time: Jun 21, 2024 12:00 PM ET
Join Zoom Meeting online, use:
Meeting ID: 946 5989 7623 and Passcode: 818698
To listen by phone only, call 305-224-1968 (same Meeting ID: 946 5989 7623 and Passcode: 81869).
With Unity Comes Change!
The Florida Action Committee (FAC)
Monday Night Support Group via Zoom–Open to registered citizens and family members, every Monday at 8pmET. Find comfort, motivation and encouragement with other members in this no-judgement zone as they share common concerns and interests. To participate, contact [email protected] or leave message at 833-273-7325, Option 1.
Monthly Membership Call –IMPORTANT NOTE: The JULY Membership call will be postponed until Thu July 11 at 8pm ET. 319-527-3487. If you have any problem connecting to the call for free, you can text CALL ME to 319-527-3487 for a call back from Free Conference Call and you will be connected to the meeting at no charge.
New Member Call – IMPORTANT NOTE: The JULY New Member call will be postponed until Thu July 18 at 8pm ET. 319-527-3487. Call in to learn more about the organization, action opportunities, where to find support, get resources and referrals, or just share information. If you have any problem connecting for free, you can text CALL ME to 319-527-3487 for a call back from Free Conference Call and you will be connected to the meeting at no charge.
Family Support Group via Zoom – Second Saturday every month from 11am-1pm. By Invitation only for non-registered family members with loved ones on the Registry. Must be an FAC member. To participate, contact [email protected] or call 833-273-7325, Option 1.
SHINE Women’s Group [Women Forced to Register]. For more information, contact [email protected] or leave message at 772-494-1947.
Men’s Group – Men Forced to Register (MFR) can participate in the group that meets by ZOOM (video or audio/phone only) on the Second Tuesday of each month at 8pmET or times may vary. Contact fac.rgion8a@gmail,.com or leave a message at 833-273-7325 Option 1.
Legislative Team – Meets by ZOOM on the Second Wednesday of each month at 8pmET. Contact [email protected].
Veterans Group – Meets on the Fourth Tuesday of each Month. Times may vary. Contact Mike at 831-353-4500 or email [email protected].
Hernando – Sat, July 27, 2pm – 4pm. RSVP at 352-606-0187 or email [email protected]
Orange – Sat Aug 3, Noon-3pm – Resource Fair. RSVP to [email protected] or call 833-273-7325 Option 1.
POSITIONS AVAILABLE: Contact [email protected] or call 833-273-7325 Option 1.
Fundraising Chairperson– Organize fundraising events and campaigns.
County Coordinators – Help build local FAC teams to organize Meet and Greets, identify resources, and be the eyes and ears that can keep FAC informed.
Staff Writers – Persons familiar with writing effective articles and/or Press Releases.
Grant Writers– For FAC (501c4) and Justice Transitions (501c3)
Website Moderators– Screen and approve comments on posts.
With Unity Comes Change -Get Involved and Join an Action Team Today!
Florida Action Committee
[email protected]
One more thing Patty, should we all say inducing by enticement is the American way for true justice today. We are commenting about justice in this registry.
Anyone can justify their good or evil thoughts or even corrupt their own understanding. Sure many can rationalize anything, corrupt anything but one spark can start a fire, a war or even a backlash of bad measures. Its not about revenge its about justice for all pure and simple.
Truth be known we are all guilty, or are we some Pretty pure and perfect. Government is not perfect and this registry in many ways is unjust and unethical, It’s a means to cause others to stumble,. If you set a trap for another you will fall in it yourself. I believe that is a proverb pure. I’m sure all would love your answer or comment.
Patty let me give you a good example of rational. When Cain killed Able was that Rational? That example was a bit much to lay on something unjustly. Patty its the principal of the registry as a whole that many fight against. The sex registry was laid on many unjustly and is very unethical in many instances.
They say its a way to protect people from talking to a teenager via the internet. if love covers all sins than authorities have a lot to cover up wouldn’t you agree. Pulling the rug out from someone is not the way for any true justice.
“Mankind can rationalize anything and corrupt anything.” Sex offender mankind can even rationalize a sexual relationship with a child! For example call it “just one mistake” or blame the victim.
No one here rationalizes such a thing done to a child. You must be thinking of a different site.
Also, “sex offender mankind” is not a thing.
Whom are you quoting? Your post generalizes all of those folks on the registry. This has been said before, bit I will say it again. Not all sex crimes that land a person on the registry, are the same. The majority of registrants do not commit another sex crime. I’ve not seen any evidence that shows registrants blame the victim for their own actions. If you care to have an open and civil discussion, please let me know.
Funny they let people on here bash us but half my posts about us getting removed and never posted saying they do not meet guidelines. But, outsiders can come on here and give us grief.
I am done. Good luck to everyone.
* Probably won’t post this either.
I for one would hate to lose your voice. I don’t mind the occasional basher, it reminds me to try to speak out. I always think that maybe we can change people’s minds through education. Sadly, most who come here spewing vile are one shot trolls. Again I hope that you continue to speak.
I appreciate your kindness. My point was, they let them spew whatever they want but I will post something about a recent event and because I spoke my mind on the subject, I got censored or not posted at all.
I do not mind the few times they have asked me for a source but when they just outright strike down my post rather than let the readers decide, it is like we are writing an article to the Russian newspaper, and it gets put in the shredder, never to be read.
quoting Saddles.
Ms. Pure. What are you quoting?
Patty Pure has no idea how the American legal system works; how people are often forced into plea deals to save their homes; how witnesses for the prosecutors lie under oath; how prosecutors withhold exculpatory evidence, etc.
The Broward County judge who presided over my case was disbarred for life for having an affair with the prosecutor during a death penalty case, which resulted in a reversal and retrial. She lied about it all throughout the state bar investigation. The bar recommended a one year suspension but the Florida Supreme Court imposed a lifetime disbarment.
The Broward County probation officer who lied on two violation affidavits and committed perjury against me was arrested for raping one of his probationers. They eventually dropped the case because they could not prove it was non-consensual and chose not to proceed on the second degree felony offense he actually committed by engaging in sexual activity with a person under his supervision.
So both the judge and probation officer in my case were corrupt to the rafters. Yes–that is how corrupt the system is. You can easily find out the names of the two individuals by Googling the relevant details (“Broward County judge disbarred for relationship with prosecutor in death penalty case” and “Florida rape charges against Broward probation officer dropped”).
Forced to Plea.. I dont agree with that comment. ENCOURAGED to plea… a different tale. I was watching a crime tv show and the accused was encouraged to plea out to 35 years without possibility of parole. The accused passed, saying that is the equivalent of a life sentence. When he passed on the plea, the prosecuting atty had 7 more charges added and the accused was brought to the judge with 105 years potential sentencing. The case went to Jury and the accused was found not guilty of a few of the added charges and the Judge gave the accused 12 years with possibility of parole at 3. This was not a sex offense case, but shows how the system pushes you towards accepting the plea.
I would like to make a little comment which might be off the subject a bit but does have merit. On this weekly update and this Narsol convention should one say what is Rational today? Setting up another, the true justice of it all, or flat out lying and cover up and deceptive measures. .
Rational – is a logical and justifying & understanding and reasoning if the intent is just. Inducing one is not reasonable.
Mankind can rationalize anything and corrupt anything. Authorities seem to do the same. Is being induce by another reasonable in many ways although truth never fails. Mankind can talk many into a plea deals or other unethical character, or is being a greedy the best it gain for this Nation.
So should we all say to error in human to forgive divine in government today. Should we pray for a Nation that caught up many in the registry, Pray for a Nation to bring America back on the right track, pray for a felon convicted by his peers or help bring back true American Justice to a Nation. that is mixed even about their understandings. Are we all guilty?
People on here might not like what I am about to say but considering past ordeals and circumstances should we also pray for our present President brings back true justice for all.One never knows where truth will come from but many still do. P.S. if this is not posted I as well as many will understand.