Florida police (Grady Judd) arrest 277 including cops and doctors in sex sting

No Florida Sex Offenders Arrested by Sheriff Grady Judd

Sheriff Grady Judd held another of his “cutesy titled” sex offender stings, “Operation No Tricks, No Treats”, where he posts fake ads online and waits for people to respond to them.

Florida Sting Arrests primarily for prostitution

This time he netted 277 arrests, including a Sargent from his own police department. Judd is quick to point out that some of these “human traffickers” are doctors, teachers, pharmacists and, with a snarky grin shares the marital status of those he is shaming.


Notably absent from his round-up… Anyone on the sex offender registry.

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44 thoughts on “Florida police (Grady Judd) arrest 277 including cops and doctors in sex sting

  • October 25, 2017

    if a minor is Not involved, How Do They gett convictions??

    • October 25, 2017

      That’s the fun part. “Statutory rape” is a strict liability crime in most jurisdiction. Reasonable mistake regarding. A person’s age I not defense in many places even if you were mislead with a fake ID, etc. Either the victim is a minor or they aren’t. EXCEPT when it is a sting. That for which you cannot be convicted if you actually commit the act becomes a crime if you ATTEMPT to commit it.

  • October 24, 2017

    For those in Florida especially Polk Osceola orange county Volusia County or any counties in Florida who have been involved in a sting operation we should all get together petition or do a class action lawsuit with the federal court but we need a good attorney find a good attorney and we should fight this getting out of control we need to stop this so let’s all of us get together and let’s start this FIGHT! Any Suggestions. Because my son was involved in a sting operation in 2012 has papers from the court saying he is not on sex Offender probation but has to register because of the stupid statue that it falls under.

    • October 24, 2017

      There are no shortage of good attorneys. There’s a shortage of funding for such a lawsuit.

      • October 24, 2017

        There is a shortage of good attorneys here in Central Florida that would NOT want to be bothered on taking a case like this especially one that just takes your money and waste your time and not fights what’s right !! It’s sad. That’s how it goes What do you recommend for us as a group to do to get together and fight for those effected by these stings they do here in Florida?????

        • October 25, 2017

          Gil Shaffnit is in Central Florida.

    • October 27, 2017

      You should include Osceola county as well I would be glad to join


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