ENVISION is an annual conference that brings together diverse child advocates and organizations and empowers them to prevent child sexual abuse using a public health approach. ENVISION is held in partnership with Darkness to Light and the Moore Center for the Prevention of Child Sexual Abuse at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. Envision 2022 focuses on the importance of communication in preventing child sexual abuse. Effective communication engages and empowers us to work together to keep kids safe from harm.

This is an online event that is FREE to attend. To sign up, visit: https://www.d2l.org/envision-national-prevention-conference/

FAC NOTE: This might be a good idea to see what others are saying about our COMMON goal of preventing child sexual abuse. It might also be a good opportunity to discuss the effect the registry has had on this goal (if any) and whether there are better ways to invest those resources.

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