The In Person Challenge (Matthew 25 Ministries v. Swearingen) was dismissed. That’s the very bad news. The not so bad news is it was not dismissed on the merits, it was dismissed because the judge felt Matthew 25 did not have standing to sue on behalf of its members. The other not so bad news is the Judge’s tone in his conclusion:

“Truly l tell you” reads the verse for which Plaintiff is named, “whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.”Matthew 25:40 (NIV). In designing the myriad requirements that pertain to those convicted of sexual offenses, the Florida Legislature may have fallen short of both this creed and the Constitution. Plaintiff lacks standing to contest the latter, however, and its suit must be dismissed.”

As unfortunate as it was to receive the dismissal, the conclusion offered hope. There are several options for moving forward. Among them, an appeal or simply re-filing the same claims with individual members of Matthew 25 (or other options being explored). This is not the end of the road, just a bump in it.

The Order can be read here: M25 v. Swearingen – Order Dismissing

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