KY: License plate reader scans for sex offenders
A very scary plan is being implemented in Paducah, Kentucky. Police are being provided with a license plate scanner that scans for vehicles of people on the sex offender registry. The Kentucky State Police troopers already have this tool, but now it’s being used on the local level.
According to the officer quoted in this news report, .“Every car that I pass, it will reference the license plate against a national database and tell me if the car is stolen,” Smith said. “It can tell me if the owner of that car has a warrant or is on the sex offender registry.”
Why are they scanning for people on the registry who are merely driving along?
In Florida, where not only registrants’ vehicles must be registered, but any family member or cohabitants’ vehicles must be registered too (even if the cohabitant has never committed a crime in their lives), the consequences can be disastrous!
Another reason to challenge the registration of innocent people’s vehicles on the sex offender registry. If you are a cohabitant of a registrant in Florida who has been stopped or questioned because your vehicle’s tag was flagged on the registry, please contact
Where and when will this end!!!! I sometimes just pray for death to take me.
Well i have kids that drive my car to school one child who is in the air force and has one car on base.And another daughter who attends college in a car and my wifes car The only car i register is the one i drive now I cant wait for them to stop my daughter who is a lieutenant in the air force or my daughter on campus they will have it.They already depise them for taking the graduations away and my son who is going to the marines hates them i tell them all they’re not all bad but they see what i go through.And they weren’t even born when my offense occurred in 91 Please ex facto come soon because i didn’t plea to this
95% of police are sh*tty people. It is good to teach your children that, and their children, and their children.
These license plate scanners are fine to find wanted people. They are not fine to identify vehicles that have been Registered by people who are listed on the Nanny Big Government $EX Offender Registries. F all people who support that. They aren’t Americans.
Wow! That hits close to home! I wish there was an organization in Kentucky that would keep us up to speed on what’s happening in our state. Thanks again fac for what you do.
It’s all part of the plan. Which is to violate every “$ex offender” possible regardless if they live a crime free life or if their “crime” was decades ago!
This is a witch hunt and the government is wasting money on chasing ghosts all while locking children in cages and terrifying and scaring them mentally for life!
Welcome to America!$!
i was stopped cop gave the excuse of dirty lic. plate couldn’t read it. cop got pissed when i didnt tell him where i was going, etc.. gave me a ticket for lic. unreadable or something like that. i had to drive 140 miles round trip to fight it in court and the crooked orlando cop never showed upped
So I take it that the scumbag cop did not use an automatic license plate reader to read your license plate. Why did he/she stop you then?
And of course, a person should never, ever talk to any cop that stops you. Beyond the minimal amount that is absolutely required. A person should never discuss where you have been or are going. Never.
Lastly, we need to fight scumbag cops. You should send a letter/e-mail to his/her boss and tell him/her what happened. Tell him/her that things like that rightly make people thinks that cops are pieces of sh*t. And that they should all go F themselves. And send it to that pig’s boss, and the next boss, and so on.
These scumbags need to get the message that they richly deserve all of the disrespect and contempt that they get. They earn it daily. Need to fire all of their scum asses and replace them with decent people. Except that few decent people will get involved in their cesspool.
Makes it much more likely that police will harass you. Maybe they should just paint a big sign on the car so everyone knows, a big “scarlet letter.” Just last week I was the passenger of a 70-year-old man who got stopped by police for a minor infraction that normally merits a warning. I warned him when the officer was running his registration through the computer not to expect leniency. The ticket will cost $125, a painful hit for someone living on Social Security. Plus that officer will likely be looking for his car more closely in the future now that he knows exactly what it looks like.