KY: License plate reader scans for sex offenders

A very scary plan is being implemented in Paducah, Kentucky. Police are being provided with a license plate scanner that scans for vehicles of people on the sex offender registry. The Kentucky State Police troopers already have this tool, but now it’s being used on the local level.

According to the officer quoted in this news report, .“Every car that I pass, it will reference the license plate against a national database and tell me if the car is stolen,” Smith said. “It can tell me if the owner of that car has a warrant or is on the sex offender registry.”

Why are they scanning for people on the registry who are merely driving along?

In Florida, where not only registrants’ vehicles must be registered, but any family member or cohabitants’ vehicles must be registered too (even if the cohabitant has never committed a crime in their lives), the consequences can be disastrous!

Another reason to challenge the registration of innocent people’s vehicles on the sex offender registry. If you are a cohabitant of a registrant in Florida who has been stopped or questioned because your vehicle’s tag was flagged on the registry, please contact



13 thoughts on “KY: License plate reader scans for sex offenders

  • July 13, 2018

    I highly recommend that any one on the S.O.R who drives a car,to get a license Plate number hider from surveillance camera’s, there not illegal[yet]

    They way they work is they create an unseen blinding glare on the plate-the camera can’t read the numbers, go on google to find them, the one I use emits an unseen infra red light-thus make the plate unreadable to a surveillance camera, do some goggle research on them-stay in the safe zone

  • July 9, 2018

    Correct me if I’m wrong, but I believe the ACLU has already challenged this on a national level.

    An underlying problem is that there are so many cops now, they have nothing better to do. Which also explains why there is such a laser-focus on creating more “sex offenders.” As I reflect back on my youth, I cannot remember seeing nearly as many cops. Here in Duval, there is practically one on every corner. My recollection has been substantiated by an article in the NY Times which states:

    “In 2016, there were slightly more officers per capita than in 1991, when violent crime peaked, according to data collected by the F.B.I. Now, officers deal with half the crimes per capita that they did then.”

    The full article is here:

  • July 9, 2018

    Daytona already has lic. plate readers on patrol cars, some cities in MA. have them as well this is nothing new i seen this first hand 7/8 years ago

    • July 9, 2018

      Paducah Kentucky is a very small town. The cops probably knows everyone that lives here anyway, so why would they waste all of that money on license plate scanner. It so stupid and wasteful.

    • July 9, 2018

      Yes plate readers have been around for years,


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