Arkansas Senator Trent Garner and Representative Rebecca Petty tried to pass a Halloween bill that would prohibit certain persons required to register from distributing candy on Halloween, dressing in costume, etc. A violation would be a Class D felony, punishable by up to six years in prison.
According to Arkansas Online Petty cited sex-offender data from the U.S. Department of Justice and the Arkansas Crime Information Center, but did not provide statistics specifically about crimes committed by sex offenders on Halloween.
Fortunately, Rep. Andrew Collins showed up informed and asked Petty if she was aware of studies that showed “zero increase” in sex offender crimes on Halloween. “I do not have that answer,” Petty said. She then called on Arkansas Crime Information Center Administrator Brad Cozart to answer the question for the committee. Cozart said he did not “have any hard data” specific to Halloween crimes by registered sex offenders.
People are beginning to wise up!
A special thanks to Arkansas Time After Time (a anti-registry advocate organization from that state) for showing up and speaking out against the proposed new law. Also, kudos to Rep. Collins for paying attention to the research.
Floriduh politicians remain clueless. As evidenced by the exclusion of registered citizens from SB 642.
Oh, and no alcohol is still a standard probation condition in Floriduh. There is no language in the statute discerning any exempted convictions:
We need to start sueing for defamation on laws like these, like so many feet from a school yard, park etc that have nothing todo with peoples original charges. In Florida while on probation the judge cannot order someone not to consume alcohol if thier charge wasn’t alcohol related but if you have sex with a girl 20 years ago over 4 years younger they are saying to the public your deviant to target children on holloween simply to ruin you and your family and direct the public who they should avoid. These one law fit all and retroactive bullyings gotta stop
Once they begin to fail and waist everyone’s time with these stupid unconstitutional bills they will look elsewhere to earn credibility. I doubt they have the spine to focus on the growing gang problem in America who by the way are top of the list on human trafficking.
I sent an email thanking them.
Although I am happy about this, one thing stands out: Arkansas isn’t Flori-DUH. I wonder if it legislators will ever see through the Books and the BS they shovel.