Man pushes for laws to keep sexual predators out of hospitals

75-year-old Edward Bowman is pushing legislators to create a law, “Clara’s Law”, to be named after his late wife Clara Mae, that would ban sexual predators (not sure whether the term “predator” is used to distinguish the different classification or if it’s used by him synonymously with “offender”) from nursing homes, hospitals and medical facilities all over the country.

In 2006, Edward’s late wife was sexually assaulted by a male nurse and he has been on a crusade since to get a law passed in her memory. This year, he is going to walk 237 miles from Mount Dora to Tallahassee, to meet with Florida lawmakers.

While Mr. Bowman has a sad and compelling story, he’s missing the mark on some facts.

Firstly, the nurse who assaulted his wife was not on the registry. Therefore, “Clara’s Law”, had a version been in effect back then, would have done nothing to protect Clara.

Secondly, the overwhelming majority of sexual assaults are committed by first time offenders. If another patient is assaulted by a healthcare worker, there’s a 97% base chance that it would be by someone not on the registry, further reduced by the fact that it’s unlikely that a hospital worker with such a criminal history would be working in a capacity where they could assault a patient, making the odds negligible.

Third, the unintended negative consequences of a law that would ban registrants from hospitals, would be that they would be prevented from visiting with loved ones, including their own children (see:,,

Bowman has been pushing for a “Clara’s Law”, in one form or another, for over a decade. Prior versions would have required healthcare facilities to report incidents of sexual misconduct (not convictions, but reports) to the state Health Department and potentially a national clearinghouse, but those measures failed.

We can understand Mr. Bowman’s desire to memorialize his wife, but banning an entire class of former offenders from hospitals – the effect of which could be to prevent children facing scary medical procedures from the comfort of their parent – is not going to do Clara any justice.

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39 thoughts on “Man pushes for laws to keep sexual predators out of hospitals

  • December 13, 2018

    Surprisingly, in my hometown of Bay City, Michigan, even though the local hospital is right next door to a high school, parole officers have enough common sense to NOT ban sex offenders from using the facility or visiting patients in that hospital. However, if there was a specific ban for hospitals and nursing homes, there would be no common sense discretion. How do you explain to a sick child in a hospital that daddy can’t come and visit you? How do you explain to a woman in a nursing home that her husband of 60 years can’t come and visit her? Hopefully this misguided crusade will NOT gain traction.

    • December 13, 2018

      Totally concur!!

  • December 12, 2018

    Missing the point he wants a ban, so how will we be get treatment or operations, sorry for what happen, but again, he missing some very important points and has been miss guided.

  • December 9, 2018

    A hospital CANNOT DENY you service because of your inability to pay.
    BUT, they can deny you service because of something that happened 25+ years ago???


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