The following redacted letter was shared with us by a member.


Good Morning,

My daughter attends 4th grade at local elementary school here in county. She has been enrolled there since kindergarten. A few weeks ago, as always, I participated in my daughter’s parent-teacher conference. This time, however, upon check in, I was required to have my driver’s license scanned. As a follow up to this experience, I have a few questions about the scanning device which is — I’m assuming — in partnership with Raptor Technologies:

  1. Was/is the implementation of Raptor Technologies done on a county-wide or school-specific basis?
  2. How was its implementation funded?
  3. What is the annual cost of the service for the county and/or individual schools who have implemented it?
  4. What type of education/training does the county school board provide its employees who receive alerts/notifications when a driver’s license gets flagged by Raptor?
  5. Are there any plans for the county school board to increase the scope of its visitor screening procedures to include security threats to our children beyond those individuals who are — for a myriad of reasons — required to register as sex offenders? For example, individuals with criminal backgrounds that may include:

-DUI (

-drug (

-gun (

-kidnapping (

What about child endangerment or murder convictions?

I appreciate county school board’s intent with implementing Raptor. Nevertheless, that service is only targeting one potential safety threat to our county’s children — sex offenses. However, over the past 25 years, Department of Justice statistics continue to confirm that registered sex offenders have the lowest recidivism rate than any other crime except murder. All that said, if we are going to invest resources in maximizing the safety of our children, respectfully, can we please target individuals with criminal backgrounds that are statistically more likely to reoccur?

As a father dedicated to providing his daughter with safety above all else, I would appreciate a response. I would be more than happy to continue the conversation further via email, over the phone, or in person.

Lastly, your principal at my daughter’s elementary school should be commended for the grace by which he handled our family’s particular situation a few weeks ago. It did not go unnoticed. Nevertheless, the technology that our school board has imposed through Raptor — technology that is apparently central to keeping our children “safe” — actually has me, because of my non-adjudicated offense that still requires me to register as a sex offender (despite not having an actual, criminal conviction), terrified that my daughter will be exposed to harrassment, judgment, or denied the full benefits of her education — by either her fellow students or the faculty/staff with whom we entrust her 5 days a week — because of her affilaition with me as her father.




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