A Coral Shores High School student in the Florida Keys is facing 15 years in prison and life as a registered sex offender for continuing to date his 15-year-old girlfriend after he turned 18 in December, according to a Monroe County Sheriff’s Office arrest report.
“At the time of these incidents, Tucker was 18 and [the girl] was 15 years old,” Detective Josh Brady wrote in the affidavit. “[The girl] is not old enough to consent to sexual intercourse.”
The charge is a second-degree felony punishable by up to 15 years in state prison. And, by the letter of the law, if convicted, Tucker would have to register as a sexual offender.
There needs to be a line drawed somewhere. This is so stupid. Who ever made these laws needs there head examined. I would bet that the group of persons that thinks they got some of these laws enforced; how ever many years ago. They are not God. There is a limit on appropriate age consent but something like this should not apply at all, no way, no how. They have known each other long enough to consent to anything and everything as before he turned 18 that’s just normal. So let it be! “Dictators”
I’m an old man now but back in my day this sort of crazy legislative environment could NEVER have happened. The “Fifteen will get you twenty” saying was around in my day back in the 1960’s. But almost everyone I knew-including myself- had 14 and 15 year-old girlfriends
at 19 and older. Our girlfriends were biologically grown women and proved it quite often. Pregnancies resulting led to a lot of long lasting happy marriages back then. And everybody caught up in such situations recognized what the Jews have known for thousands of years. That’s why they barmitzvad and batmitzvad their kids at 13. This crazy war on sex has got to end. Criminalizing young kids having sex is just plain nuts!
Someone needs to go and seriously slap the shit out of that girls’ parents. There’s no way you couldn’t have known who your daughter was dating. And even then, you know what the consequences are going to be for this young man who was totally “legally”dating their daughter when he was 17, but now that he turns 18 all of a sudden now it’s an issue and you want your daughter to stop dating him and the only way you can enforce it is through the police and ruining this kids’ life for the REST of his life.
This is what happens when you have a bunch of SHEEPLE who run to the government and want them to solve all your problems for you. You end up with stupid shit like this where the government is used to ruin the life of an 18 year old kid. It’s beyond shameful. As someone who used to be a teacher and work with teenagers, this kind of crap just makes me sick to my stomach and breaks my heart. All because of a couple of vindictive adult parents.
It almost seems like the parents waited for this kid to turn 18 to screw him over like they did. I really hope he gets out of this mess – and I’m talking about charges being dropped and no pleas.
Actung! Where are your papers!
I believe that Florida’s law allows a 16 or 17 year old to have consensual sex with an adult up to the age of 23. It doesn’t apply in this case because the girl is only 15. It does look like the law will allow him to eventually petition for removal from the registry, but such removal is not automatic. It wouldn’t surprise me if some of those pursuing the case committed the same crime when in high school themselves, but got away with it. The judge who sentenced me regularly dated high school freshman girls when he was a senior. I seriously doubt that nothing sexual happened on those dates.
“Also, if convicted on the original charge, Tucker can appeal the registration requirement under the 2017 “Romeo and Juliet” law.”
Doesn’t Florida’s RJ law specifically say that if there is less than 4 years between the victim and accused, registration is not required (if not prohibited)? Seriously asking; I’m not familiar with Florida law, but that seems common.
How about just not adding that to his sentence in the first place? Why should he have to go through the appeal process if Florida’s RJ law specifically exempts circumstances like this from registration? Guess the obvious answer is that it doesn’t inflate Florida’s registry.
Sounds to me like the girl’s parents are simply vindictive assholes with friends in high places. If they don’t like the guy, fine. But bringing in the law and ruining this kids life to this extent is a bit too extreme. If it were my son accused, I’d advise him to take it to trial. Expose the idiocy of the “letter of the law” as (selectively) applied to this case.
the right attorney and he will beat it but he will be scared
romeo julet law in florida what happens if this defense is used
he will have to petition the courts to be released from the SOR
back in the day mark lunsford Jessicas law his son wasnt even a yr later was messing around as well with underage well the crusader for tougher sex laws curcumvented the law it was Ohio charge life time reg. but they used the romeo Julet case laws out of florida..he beat it with a mistmeanor (sorry spelling) but here is the BS of this story he didnt have to petition to be released from SOR they didnt add him in the beginning ! now yrs later this is ongoing he is now charged with meanising women and domestic pattery out of Ohio
If this is how young people are being treated in high school, then it’s well past time to stop allowing students to attend school once they reach the age of 18.
In addition, dating should be completely disallowed for any students. Schools are complacent and allowing of public displays of affection. I remember back in high school the numbers of couples who would be kissing. I always thought this should NOT be allowed in schools but here we are today not only allowing it, but knowingly allowing it when laws exist to ruin kids lives just as soon as one turns 18.
The whole thing is stupid.
This country I swear. When you are a ” legal child ” at 17 and under, the laws and its enforcers protect you and are with you. Then you cross over to 18 on your birthday and the laws with its enforcers make you the enemy of that same protected group you were just a part of. It is disgusting.
So true Bobby. Oh and let’s not forget, let’s saturate our society with sex at every turn on movies, TV, music, billboards, commercials, internet porn, etc…. but God forbid if you should act on a sexual compulsion. We the people will bury you in the jail until you can’t see straight. Yeah, this country is turning to shit real quick.
The US government has too much money available for too many useless lawmakers passing bullsh*t laws like this. Voters need to stop voting for the same two political scamming parties so that we have a chance to shrink this government which can then focus on tax funds on REAL CRIME.
Then they should be arresting thousands and thousands of people since this 3 to 4 year age range difference of high school relationships have been going on since forever here. High school Seniors 18-17 with freshmen or sophomores 17-16 and even 15. Nothing new. Been going on now, decades ago (my time) and even before my time. These arrests and charges of people in the same high school circle within a 3 to 4 age range difference is ridiculous. That poor kid just had a birthday ( barely legal 18 ) and most likely as a senior looking towards colleges and his future as a fresh adult in this world. He doesn’t need this. It is unfortunate to be a youth these days.
Doesn’t this fall under the Romeo and Juliet statute?
I was thinking the same thing.
yes it would !!!! This is similar to my case but mine was 4 yrs and 3 mos and the extra 3 mos had prevented me from from being released. I spoken with a lawyers about the Fla Statue. Specific says within 4 year gap now I have two options Either F.A.C beats the Ex Post Facto In court or AZ establish a HB2300 that establish early termination after 10 years The purpose of protecting child is too put children on the list itself. This suxks Two kids are in love You just can’t flip a switch to stop love The gov, is going to far with this crap!!
I forgot to mention My case was in 1989 -1991 Way before Megan or Adam Walsh Act I was in prison in 2007 under these crimes when the law came into effect
@ Andrea
After conviction and a served sentence, most likely.
This is still stupid however.
This is simply going tooooo far! And who filed the charges? Her parents? Ok, Media, sensationalize. Make the parents look like victims. Make this poor kid look like a monster. This poor kid. Probably all because he thought he was in love. His life is forever altered, prison or not. Registry or not. This is absolutely going to far! We need to fund these things. I know I’ve considered it but our legislatures need to hear voices. Any voice. Many times. It’s time they get a brain.