A bill in Michigan would require inmates to be registered to vote as part of their exit from the prison process.  Too many individuals have left prison without being registered to vote.  Often their address or eligibility has changed.  The two primary areas of confusion have been how to regain the right to vote and how does a felon register to vote.  Granting ex-cons the right to vote didn’t solve the problem enough.  This bill would include voter registration with the exit process in prison.  

The bill has passed the Michigan House.  It is waiting for consideration in the Michigan Senate.  Few things have separated minority groups from participating in the election process of their community, state and national leaders than linking the completion of a paid debt to society with the loss of voting rights.  If this passes and signed into law by the Governor, it would be a best-in-class example of getting something done to fix wrongful thinking from the past.  It would help to reduce the ever growing dis-enfranchisement of ex-cons. 

This would also stand in clear contrast with Florida’s system.  That could still be described as one riddled with confusion over eligibility.  And worse, Florida’s system could be described as one that seeks to keep more citizens off the voter rolls due to exclusions and financial hurdles. 


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