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Ok, I don’t understand this case
A guy gets rearrested now is labeled the predator label because of a prior offense in Colorado that the state of Florida says is almost similar enough, so therefore it can trigger the predator label however you have the case of Crose versus Florida 2024
“When interpreting statutes, the Florida Supreme Court has now instructed us to “follow the ‘supremacy-of-text principle’—namely, the principle that ‘[t]he words of a governing text are of paramount concern, and what they convey, in their context, is what the text means.’ ”. If it’s not word for word with the other state statues they can still say it’s close enough seems like it contradicts this ruling.
However in Montgomery v Florida said that Pennsylvania was different enough not to trigger a a predator label.
So we have a split decision in the 4th district vs 1st district in Florida in what constitutes a predator label. Pennsylvania registry is not enough related Colorado is?
I know that we’ve beaten the Brevard County Proximity Ordinance to death but I laughed as I read an article in the paper this morning. In Florida Today there’s an article that lists Brevard’s Legislative Priorities for 2025. One comment about the Indian River Lagoon in particular had me laughing.
“Designate $100 million in recurring appropriation for the Indian River Lagoon protection program, with state cost–share for water projects that reduce pollution sources; remove legacy loading; restore critical ecosystem functions; and
***provide sound, applied research for the Indian River Lagoon, St. John’s River Upper Basin and Lake Washington***”
Folks 3 yrs ago Vicki Henry from WAR ask me to speak at the D.C vigil about the registry and I declined and it was given to Galen if memory serves me. Many know that most all of the registry is a ruse. So who’s the prey and who’s the victim. While internet sting operations have their down sides of entrapping and enticing others by callous methods and devices. One still has to say who’s the real victim’s?
Guys theirs two sides to every coin. When authorities provoke as in most all in internet ordeals is justice actually served? Given a plea deal type of compromise. Who is compromising who? Should we call this registry Evil Justice, Blind justice, or Enticing justice. People can incite wrong justice which is wrong like a J6 ordeal in many ways and can leave many scars. Even prolonging one’s sentence after prison is a bit unethical. Sure many were enticed in all these ordeals whether physical or non physical via internet by deceptive devices. So whats that say about biblical justice? Authorities have limited justice and when they go beyond than it leaves a gray area in man’s justice. I’m sure you all can figure that one out.
Viewing cp could lead to death
I read the proposed bill (it’s only one page). Under the bill, a 16-year old who texts sexually explicitly selfies to her 17-year old boyfriend would subject them both to the death penalty. Both she and her boyfriend would be subject to a mandatory sentence of either death or life imprisonment in federal prison.
Meanwhile some murderers who cop a plea could get out in 12 years after gain time with just an arrest record once they get out. But a 16 year old could be put to death? I do not see that passing the supreme court, at least the death penalty part of it.
Yes, there are three federal bills, for new offenses, linked on your reference:
One of them I read makes it looks like a registry violation could send you to prison for life. I have seen that one in the past and it was very scary. So I forgot to tell the registry office that I dyed my chest hair red. Now I am going to slammer for life. Maybe exaggeration, but maybe not. In some states, firing squads are still on the books.
There are people walking free in the U.S who have committed murder more than once. And they still get out of prison and after any probation, other than having a record, they can go about their lives with most having no idea that person is potentially a danger to society.
Shame that so many people think we are the boogeyman waiting to pounce from the shadows and drag people into the woods. I have lived on my street now for 17 years and if I am outside, when they leave the neighborhood, they still give me a disgusted look.
I smile and wave at them like they are my best friend. That really gets them every time LOL. It’s a wonder they haven’t crashed because they are more worried about me than paying attention to driving.
The OffenderWatch website (a .com site) displays the following to its potential subscribers:
“The OffenderWatch App uses data provided by law enforcement agencies who have elected to participate in the OffenderWatch App program, as well as data from other public sex offender registry sources. The offender data includes offender address, phone numbers, email, and other internet identifiers not available to the public but made available by law enforcement to aid with community safety.
Because OffenderWatch is a business partner with thousands of agencies in the United States, we have been able to gain access to this information on your behalf.”
If our phone numbers, email, etc. are being exposed to the general public, especially if any data are coming from law enforcement, I’m pretty pissed off. If I try to start a subscription to verify their claim, I wonder if they’ll deny me based on my registered email address.
That is probably how the fake deputy got my cell phone # stating I failed to register. When I told him where he could stick the sunshine at, he then also had my parents number an harassed them. Since I was in law enforcement and my Father was a high ranking military officer, neither of us fell for it.
I had never had an issue like that before so I still say it was someone who had access to law enforcement data as my phone is not published. Having said that, hackers sell lists of phone #’s, names, addresses, emails, social security #’s and even bank account #’s.
When I made my police report on the fake deputy, the sheriff’s office did what they do best to us, ignore and deny justice.
How is this website allowed to share personal information that isn’t available on say the fdle or county website?
Florida News
‘Sexual Predator’ License Label Rejected
News Service of Florida
Jan 10, 2025
Thanks for post that. The article was confusing though since it does not seem like it will be immediately addressed. For now the statement will remain on the license under the higher court takes a look. (From what I got from the article).
Beyond that, isn’t having a photos, names, address and the word sexual offender or predator compelled speech? I think far more people check us out on the registry than they do our I.D’s. I have only showed my I.D once last year and that was at my bank.
I only have the code on the back of my license but the last time I renewed it, the clerk yelled out at the top of her lungs “Sir did you know you license says you are sex offender”?
I would even take a compromise. While on probation or other sanctions, be on the registry. Once off all sanctions, no registry, or at least not a public one. Our goal is to take it down completely, but we will take any win, no matter how small.
I had to laugh at the end of the article where one judge did not want Sexual predator removed. The judge that dissented stated that takes away a tool for law enforcement to identify the offender as such.
I call bull on that judge’s opinion. I have been stopped several times by law enforcement with just the code on my license and they always come back to the vehicle and say to me “Did you know you were listed as a sex offender?”. “Why I declare kind sir, I did not know that, thanks for informing me”. LOL
My point is, even when I go to the driver’s license place to replace my license the lady tells me that I have Sex offender coming on her screen. Like I did not know, jeez golly jeepers.
Disturbing. A tiktok fad of To Catch A Predator.
Just read the article and glad this time, the police believed the guy who was attacked as a predator, which he surely was not. I do not use any social media, do not have any contacts with anyone other than sharing on Florida action committee which is my right to do.
I do not go on dates and stay to myself. Even if I got off the registry, I would not go on dating apps. You could be released from the registry then end right back on it due to these vile people who take matters into their own hands. And several people over the years have been severely injured and even killed over social media pranks at the expense of an innocent person’s life.
Those students should be put on a registry themselves, and the college should relieve them of status of student at their facilities.
The irony in this case is that the college students who “set up” the military serviceman into meeting the supposed 17-year old female were apparently not aware that the age of consent in Massachusetts is 16, so he had not actually committed a crime in the first place. The only crime committed here was by the college students attempting to entrap the serviceman in town for a family funeral.
Has anyone else been made aware of the increased intensity in home searches and push for harsher VOP violation sentences?
Check this post on Reddit’s Sex Offender Supoort page:
I hate to tell you this but, that is nothing new. I started house arrest in 1997 and probation in 1999. I had probation, city cops, Sheriff’s office and Florida Department of Law enforcement raid my house many times.
It was not until I was off all sanctions and moved away that I was “Somewhat” left alone. I say someone because law enforcement still comes to my door whenever they please but not allowed in as I am not on paperwork and have done nothing wrong, and they do not have a search warrant, which would be needed off of sanctions.
I feel for those experiencing that, but I have seen it and had it done to me. I always cooperated and said yes sir, yes ma’am, can I wash your car sir. I felt like the way those felt like during slavery, doing what you were told but despising the way I was being treated for no reason other than my charges.
On a side note, when I worked in law enforcement, there was no registry, but I saw my share of people being treated wrongly and I eventually quit because of those incidents I saw but was not allowed to report or I would have been toast.
One guy just spit on the ground, not at the other officer and because of that, got his teeth knocked out. I tried to intervene but was told if I did, my career would be over. It did, but because I chose to end it. I did a lot of crying after that because that job had been my dream since I was a small boy, not knowing not all cops were heroes.
I wish the local PFR “advocates” that aren’t on the registry would remeber this. Pissing off the local sherrif because he can’t do anything to you has consequences for the rest of us. Thanks to the “advocate” I now have the sherrifs deputies knocking at my door constantly to do compliance checks. Its getting old. Somebody has made them because they are at my door all the time. This was never the case before. I appreciate the fact Somebody is willing to try and help. But trash talking the sherrif is only making it worse for the rest of us.
I really don’t think this is a “stick against a wasp next’ type scenario. Grant money is usually received in the first quarter of the year. So obviously they have to use up the “pocket change” left over from December or else they won’t receive the maximum amount. This translates into what is happening with the uptick in compliance checks, sweeps and general mischief towards us.
In addition, most departments have their hiring “workshops” in January and provide “tag-a-longs for recruits to see what it’s really like and to weed out the pack early on.
There has always, always been at least 2 or 3 LEOS show up knocking on my door every Feb. You can really tell the greenhorns by the way they’re standing a couple steps back from the lead officer and their eyes always tell me “do I really want to do this?”
Funny, when I was on probation, my female probation officer was super cool. If a neighbor was nosey, she would tell them she was my aunt LOL
On the flip side, OFF of all sanctions, some of the deputies and officers who come to my door will tell the neighbors all my business and put me in more danger. My main one that checks on me “Tries” to be discreet but many times a neighbor has walked by while he was telling me to make sure I am up to date on my offender registration. Since the neighbor was closer to him than I was and I could clearly hear him, I know the neighbor did as well.
I do not live in your county but do live in Florida. Same for me though as they come by whenever they feel like it. My Regular Officer comes four times a year. But other ones tend to like to stop by just to harass me and say things like “You should probably find another city/county to live in as no one wants you here”.
I told my regular office that and he said if I peek out and it is not him, just don’t open the door. But if I do not open the door, they leave a sex offender flyer on my door and go talk to my neighbors, asking if they have seen me lately.
Folks, things are going to get worse, before they get better, if they ever get better. Every victory we win, they come out with some other thing for us to fight. I am waiting until we have to register once a month. If 4 times a year is ok by the courts, heck why not once a month or even do like probation and come by whenever you feel like since that what they do to me anyway.
Personally, I think everyone – PFR, former-PFR, good American, moral person, whomever – should be “trash talking” the sheriff and everyone else about the Registries. I don’t think there should be any other kind of talking going on. MOST of the time, that should be done in the MOST offensive and obnoxious way possible. Registries should never exist in peace. Some of the time, such as when/if you are trying to “work” with a snake politician, it should be done respectfully. But it should ALWAYS be done. In every case, all the time.
I don’t think it matters much how PFR “advocates” are talking to the sheriffs anyway. Because for every advocate, you have literally 100,000 other people who are telling the sheriffs how awesome their harassment Registries are. So I don’t think I’d worry much about how advocates talk to them.
Anyway, I have no idea why anyone would put up with law enforcement coming around much. I allow them to see me maybe once per year, IF they call in advance and ask me for permission. If I thought they were harassing my family or causing me any problems, they’d never see me. I’d put a stop to it. The best way is to 100% remove access to your home. If that is not possible, I suppose I’d just never answer the door.
I think it is a HUGE mistake for PFRs to help big government with their idiotic harassment scheme. I think it is a HUGE mistake to signal it is acceptable. The criminals should be seeing the opposite. Let them see and understand what the scheme costs them. Registries MUST cost as much as possible.
Lastly, I’d love it if the criminals tried to visit my home all the time. I would love to be able to waste so much of their resources on something useless and stupid. That is the ideal situation. While they were doing that, I’d be yelling far and wide about all of their other failures. I’d surely be pointing out all of the crimes which they’ve failed to prevent or solve, all while jerking it with their Registries.
Guys if you want to know how screwed up much of this registry is check this out that happened here in VA and I’m sure the methods are similar in Florida. And be sure to click on some of the links in the article.
I worked in law enforcement a long long time ago. There was no internet then. Having said that, I am of the believe, if you meet up with a cop, you did nothing wrong because there is NO victim, but a made-up underage scenario.
I am not saying people were not trying to meet up with underage people, but the victim is not real, it is a cop. That is the exact definition of entrapment. But sadly, judges move forward and do not agree that there was no victim.
I have a question regarding vehicle registration. There is a vehicle on my fdle web page that it is not registered under my name but it is parked on my property. My other vehicle is parked on my property and is registered under my info.
Can they post both vehicles tag info online even though one of the cars is not registered under me? I know they need to be registered but i thought only the vehicles registered under your name specifically can posted online???
Thanks in advance for you input!
So neither of the vehicles i register are owned by me. They are listed on my registration paperwork but not on the FDLE Flyer.
Ok follks here’s your chance to get a reviewed or addressed again for a second chance in this registry ordeal. And yes with the help of all advocates we may have a window opened to us to sound out about this registry ordeal that is effecting many. A proper prospective is always good. Here is an article about second chances from the President. And yes Biden knows what forgiveness and pardons are all about.
I am sure all the advocates should take note of this also as no one likes to be gaslighted. With Gods’ will many can be given a second chance to be heard and even the one’s that are still in prisons, jails, or on probation. Happy New Year.
I am sure many have morals about much of this registry as thy shall not kill, steal, etc… This registry is stealing many of peoples liberty. Many of these would be considered coercive acts. And yes guys this registry is forcing many to do something against their will. Coercive act 1774
While “coercive acts” themselves are not inherently illegal, depending on the specific actions involved, they can be considered illegal if they violate existing laws or involve threats, intimidation, or undue influence to force someone to do something against their will, effectively constituting coercion as a legal offense in many jurisdictions.
Cherokee I know you were just trying to make a point so forgive me. Are not we all trying to make a point about this registry. Even the advocates that went to D.C a few years ago were trying to make a point about these unfair registry issues. Not to many seemed to listen in American Government.
One can agree and disagree on a lot of things but when the truth comes out can we blame it on circumstances that were provoked in many ways by callous actions of government or should we google it today and see what the proper method is to keep a vigilantee down.
Advocates know how unfair this registry is to many that have gotten abused by it.. Inducing evil to prevent evil. Is that governments standard of justice today? Whether one is considered an offender or not all have principals in every issue. So that,s why we stand
Ok Temper Will Allen, Cheorkee why get upset, what are we all fighting for. I would think the main thing is justice not who’s an offender or an X – Do we not all offend in thought and deed? One wonders should we all say Give me liberty or give me death? Are not we all bond slaves to this registry ordeal or are we all still back in Egypt being slaves. Is government in their antics abusing many on the registry either before or after their sentence or time served for their greedy abuses to be seen by men all in the name of public safety. Talk about getting hit by a streetcar named desire.
Do we all choose our words carefully when asking for a redress of grievance in a court situation or is this registry man’s thinking and actions to upset one’s liberty. Talk about a coercive act by government in this protection issue. Is serving the public also an illegal act of coercive in many ways. Has government gone bad even going against a person’s God given liberty to voice or speak out. And yes government has gone bad in several area’s.
One can talk about Christian liberty or Social liberty but if one doesn’t have Christian liberty or understanding even ethics than this country is going to the dogs even with the many unethical laws on the books. Or is it ethical to live in outer space or on the moon.
Nicely said. I wonder how much more Florida and Federal changes and local changes are coming? When this started for me in 1997.. the list was just a piece of paper on the sheriffs desk. Nothing else. The local court did their job. I took the medicine of responsibility and restorative justice. In fact the DA is upset with Florida for re-listing me. He said justice was served. Go figure, a DA who is upset that his judgment was not enough. A slap in the face to his integrity and intelligence.
I choose Florida to live now. But I also choose to fight retroactively applied punishment until it’s removed. Time to go get it done.
I was not fighting or arguing, I was making a point. That point was just my opinion and opinions are allowed in the United states. No one has to agree with anything I say. I was sharing my opinion. No one agrees with everything someone says. Fighting among ourselves is what the people who hate us want us to do.
So many on here have gotten fed up and stopped coming on here.
I come on here because there are no other groups for us to support each other but if everyone is going to be nasty, eventually everyone will leave the site.
Looks like Matt Gaetz -Trump’s former nominee for AG and a mastermind of Florida’s impossibly punitive SOR- could end up on Florida’s SOR… irony of ironies.
If he escapes charges….
The system is so broken.
I’m not a slave or soldier.
So many of us have been lifers for years and decades. So many of us have paid the price to society.
If Gaetz escapes…. Time to flood the FDLE with petitions for removal. and go public with each case. We are already public property. I want to start a walking picket in front of court houses and call the Narsol people down here and shake hands and go public with the end result of De-registration for anyone with 20 years of no prior convictions to be immediately released. 20 years is long enough. Time to redraw the line in the sand Mr Trump. Time for logic to prevail. Show me how to Make America Great.
Show us respect and restore our freedom.
ONE day on the registry is too much. Especially when retro-actively applied.
What’s next, researching sex offenses that happened in the 1800s so they can place them on the registry to get more funding. That is all it is about, funds to create jobs for registry compliance.
That didn’t take long. Both County sheriff says no victim has come forward to either office. Statute of limitations.
Huh? So……. Go interview her and ask the questions that should be asked.
We need funds for detective work to bring light to poor legislation from bad characters. Too many of us are getting railroaded. Too many of us are ready to rejoin the ranks of society. Too many of us are ready to contribute to society in a meaningful way. Too many people believe sex offenders are incapable of making permanent change. This is not true.
Please us “Ex-offenders” unless that person is still offending. The label should not represent us for the rest of our lives unless we are actively offending.
We have been intoned with thinking we are sex offenders for something many of us did decades ago. I am not my past.
You are correct
Hey, I enjoy your comments. But “ex-offenders” is no good. Who all are we going to call that? I kind of like “ex-drunk drivers who ‘accidentally’ killed someone”. And “ex-child abusers” and “ex-wife beaters”. Do all those work or should I call all of them “ex-offenders”?
How about “ex-cheater” or “ex-liar”? Those work or should I use “ex-offender” for those too?
If we are using labels and calling names, then we are going to continue to have the same hateful, dumb Amerika that we have. We could try to improve it.
Anyway, I prefer “Person Forced to Register (PFR)”. That is accurate. I’ve been a PFR for decades. I also need to add that the Registries radicalized me decades ago to the point that I no longer take accountability or responsibility for any bad SEX thing that I did in that past. I have no concern or empathy for it any longer. That ended decades ago. I fully paid the price for it. I won’t be accepting any labels for myself.
I have noticed your posts on multiple platforms Will. You speak well.
I’m struggling with anger over the disdain of retroactive policies. I was removed after 10 years in one state in 2007. Moved to Florida after a total rebuild career wise. Wife and family. Bought a house. You know the American dream. Work hard, pay your taxes, watch football. I had forgotten the label. Moved on. Then bam FDLE said retroactive application applies to you. I’m sorry to rant but I’m devastated. Makes no sense these legislators.
What I meant to say is the RSO policy has it both ways. Once removed should be the end nationally. But that’s not how it is. No logic applied. Only fear propaganda and lies about statistics and facts.
Yes, if your situation happened to me, I would be angry beyond reason. I’m certain I would act on it. Maybe in a positive way but maybe in a negative way. Hard to say unless I’m in the situation. I have some triggers.
Why don’t you move to a better state? Personally, I think Floriduh is a cesspool across the board. Just leave.
Registry A**holes/Supporters/Terrorists (RASTs) lie that the Registries are a “civil regulation” and that they are supposed to list people who might be dangerous in order to “protect the public”. If that were actually true, and given that the states are sovereign and run their Registries, then it makes complete sense that each state can decide at any time who should and should not be listed on their Registries. I think that IS the logical way.
Therefore, why should Floriduh (or any other state), care what State X thinks about a person? Floriduh should make their own decision. It’s their Registry.
I’ll go further and say that I don’t think it should/would be an issue if a state allows one of their residents to be removed from their Registry but then later decides that the person should be listed on the Registry and puts the person back on.
I mean, if “we” (government and RASTs) think that Registries are acceptable at all, and civil, I think they should work that way.
Again, I would be insanely angry if I were removed from the Registries and then added back on. Obviously that causes real problems. But I don’t get why people are “extra” concerned about that versus simply why Registries exist at all. If we allow Registries to exist then I think every Amerikan should accept that it can be decided that you should be listed. If you aren’t listed on a SEX Registry then other Registries should exist that we can list people on. If SEX Registries exist, there should be a lot more Registries. And there would be if it were all not just idiotic social policy and built on lies.
Having said all that, I do not think there are ANY informed, intelligent, moral people who think Registries should exist at all.
The reasons I personally do not move out of Florida are:
#1 Leaving Florida does not take you off the registry.
#2 Leaving Florida does not take away your responsibility to register in Florida (However many times you register per year. For me it is 4 times)
#3 My family is here and do have some family around the U.S in other states but I have been in Florida since 1979 and I like it, other than the obvious reasons to not like it.
#4 I would most likely have to then register in two different states and the cost to return to Florida each time (Gas and time wasted) is not worth it. And I would spend my entire year registering in each state.
#5 I have always been a warrior, a fighter and a champion for justice. Having said that, I was to stay and see us get our rights back, at the very least, the rights to be removed from the horrible and dangerous registry that has caused some to even be murdered.
@Cherokee, If you leave Florida and will have no temp residence here in Florida, after letting your sheriff know of your intent, and filling out the paperwork (make sure you keep a copy), you do NOT have to ever register in Florida again, unless you come back. I guess you know that, but you’re probably talking about keeping some kind of residence here. I just wanted to make that clear to other readers. Sorry this message is not aligned with your last response to Will. The webpage is not allowing it.
Well anything is better than sex offender. That was my point. I, and many of us are still being called sex offenders but I have not offended since 1991 so why am I still being called a sex offender?
Do ex-murders from 40 years ago still get called murderers?
Do ex drug addicts still get called drugies?
Are people who use to smoke still considered smokers?
Maybe we shouldn’t be labeled at all. I was just making the point that me and many of us are tired of still being labeled sex offenders / predators if we have not offended in decades. Some on the news when making comments about us use sayings like “Once a sex offender, always a sex offender”.
Got it and I agree.
Calling a Registered Person a “sex offender” is so inaccurate that it is lying. It is also hateful and malicious. Truly, only uninformed, dumb, and/or immoral people do that. But I will say that is a large percentage of the Amerikan population. I think most people will call you that today. Those people are defective. And if they call you names, they are requesting to be called names themselves and they deserve it.
I was just trying to point out that “ex offender” is not much better than “sex offender”.
“Person Forced to Register” is good. It’s accurate. That is all people listed on Registries are – they are people who are being forced to Register – by immoral, illegitimate, nanny, out-of-control, GIANT Amerikan governments, at the point of guns.
No one who believes in limited government thinks Registries should exist. There are certain political parties which claim to believe in limited government. Every time they make that claim, the issue of Registries should be brought up. There is little that is more GIANT GOVERNMENT than keeping lists of people that it SUPPOSEDLY monitors and tracks. That is what fascist regimes do. So which political parties are the fascists? We need to crush them by any means possible.
I think it’s fair to say that murderers will always be called murderers, as the fact that they killed a person does not go away with time. They may not currently be murdering someone, but it’s statistically proven that people who commit violent crimes such as assault, rape, and murder are much likely than the average person to engage in tcriminal behavior again. Recovery is of course possible for some people, but it is unlikely in such a broken penitentiary system regardless.
Actually people that drive drink are most likely to have harmed more children and adults then any other criminal and there recidivism rate is through the roof. wheres the list for the drunks? ohh that’s right there isn’t any as to many politicians, lawyers and other white collar would be on that list!
I kind of hear what you are saying. But I don’t think it’s quite right.
There are convicted murderers living among us. So, if they are “murderers”, where is my big government Registry listing them? Don’t I have a right to know about a murderer living next door to my family? What if it is a child murderer? Won’t someone think of the children?
Where is the outrage about murderers living next to schools? You know plenty of them live “too close”. Or how about murderers being in schools?!! If a murderer travels to another city, shouldn’t big government be lying to all of us about how they are “monitoring” and “tracking” that?
I don’t hear people being called “murderer”. I think Amerika only cares about SEX and the SEX Registry. That is one reason we know it is nothing but lies that the SEX Registries are for “public safety” or “protecting children”. The SEX Registries exist for harassment and to make dumb people feel better.
My point was, some 18 year old kid who killed someone in a 7-11 robbery 40 years ago and now a 58 year old person who changed their life, is not going to be yelled at saying “YOU MURDERER”.
But I can just step out my front door and someone occasionally calls me a name or two for something I did 34 years ago. This happens on a regular basis. It really never gets old.
We’re being governed by a sex predator who an ethics report confirmed paid a minor for sex. The name? Matt Gaetz!
Oral arguments for Henry vs state of Georgia 11th circuit oral arguments
In regards to registrants allowed for overnight stays with their children
Bad audio. This is from 8/13 just came across this.
“In my single days, I often sent funds to women I dated—even some I never dated but who asked. I dated several of these women for years. I NEVER had sexual contact with someone under 18. Any claim that I have would be destroyed in court—which is why no such claim was ever made in court,” Gaetz wrote. “It’s embarrassing, though not criminal, that I probably partied, womanized, drank and smoked more than I should have earlier in life. I live a different life now.”
Umm. What is he saying? Someone break down the words. I’m not a psychologist but I smell dishonesty.
Matt needs to be dropped off on the Island of Misfit toys with the rest of us He is no better than us and his “I did not have sex with minors” argument didn’t work for Bill Clinton either.
He wants a free pass and a reset button while he’ll keep us from EVER getting the same second chance. F him. Something must be in the water in Coral Springs as to why this guy kept getting reelected.
You know you guys seem to be hitting on something about this punitive justice if one wants to call it that. Sure their are pro’s and con’s in all types of justice.
Punitive is just a type of justice and just another form of probation. Their are several types of justice such as retributive, restorative, political justice,even criminal justice to name a few although who is being blinded by all this.
Sure we all want justice and the only justice is true justice not some backyard form of cat house justice Its like a prohibition with many holes in it
I agree. Don’t forget back door justice.
Has anyone seen how A I defines this google question?
Type in the following, “Florida sex registry punitive”
A I says the registry is punitive.
Quick someone send this to the president and ask for a pardon. And a refund on the last 28 years of my life.
I hear you loud and clear. The problem is, the law makers have to say it is punitive and most of them won’t. Until that happens, or the Supreme court gets a heart and a soul, we have to step on thin ice for the rest of our lives.
What I cannot understand is, some sheriff’s offices are making people pay a fee for registering and they say it is an “Administrative” fee. Well so was my probation fees. And both, if you do not pay, you could be arrested. How is that not punitive?
Since going to jail is punitive, it makes sense that the thing that sent you there would also be deemed punitive. But logic does not prevail in this scenario.
I have to agree with Cheorkee about this harassment that some may be going thru. On another note are we all looking at this sex registry with the right frame of mind. In my own encounter the LE had to come up with something to charge me with since I never made a choice rather a decision. He came up with the word action and well actions speak louder than words but in many of these actions are authorities doing the right action. Such as in a plea bargain given before going to trial, or the actions of letting LE know where your going, how long you are going to stay. These are just a few actions or examples, call them rules if you like.
Sounds complicated but what was the moral action in even the sex sting operation done via internet or the lifetime probation many face after being in prison? Nothing wrong with standing up to big brother and yes their actions appear to be wrong in many ways. What a Christian nation we have today.
Being left out of society so to speak with these harassing rules and regulations is a bit anti-Christian by those in authority. Even looking at video that Hard Reality posting is shocking for anyone but that’s
reality. My hopes this coming year is many on the registry fight for truth in all this registry ruse.
The Books: good news and crazy news that I just discovered. Lauren Book no longer in Senate due to term limits – Yea!. Ron Book nominated for 2024 Nobel Peace Prize, in recognition of decades of advocacy and nonprofit work – Insane!
I didn’t know they handed out Nobel Peace prizes for harassing people. How on God’s glorious Earth is that peace? So make everyone suffer because of one person who they had a bad experience with, in their past?
My Bible says to love others, forgive and move on. It may not be easy but it feels good when you release the pain.
this is said but there’s a statistic at the 11 min mark that is important to all of us not sure where they got that number though
I watched some of this video (I have been to prison) but this was very sad watching these elderly folks just waiting to die and maybe never getting to see freedom again. I finally had to stop watching. I am not a whimp, but it did upset me watching this.
Some of them may have done some horrible things in their past but everyone deserves quality health care. I had to call my parents while I was locked up because the prison refused to treat me, and I was on deaths door.
My parents called an attorney and the next day I was sent to a special hospital ward in the prison and stayed there for a month. If I had not made that call to my parents, I would have died.
glad you have someone to call. being on hit list has made me mental now as im a loner home body no friends or family and as i get older its very hard for me. not sure whats going to happen. but i just cant wait till my time on earth is up.
Ditto here. There’s actually one helpful thing the registry has done for me – I no longer fear death.
it is something i actually am looking forward to the longer im in this isolation of hell from the hit list! scared to even wipe my butt as that may break some strange law.
Since 11/18. the Brevard Count SORT office is making people sign and fingerprint a copy of the “new” county ordinance amendment. They then tell registrants that if they WORK within 1000 feet of a school, daycare, park, or any place kids congregate they need to quit their jobs immediately. The sherriffs dept have also contacted probation last week to get probation to help enforce this new policy. Apparently there is going to be a 3 month “non-arrest” policy while all registrants are informed and allowed to get in compliance (quit) and a list of arrestable offenders is compiled with anyone on predator status being the first round priority.
Atatched is the county commisioners meeting minutes and discussion, including video,where this was ammended. BUT the new law is clearly only to restrict offenders from working AT a park school, etc.. and is specifically written to NOT ban offenders from any 1000 ft restrictions.
I even ran it by a lawyer to be sure I wasnt confused. He says I absolutely am not wrong.
The BCSO is aware there is an issue involving their interpretation of the new ordinance with what it actually says, but are proceeding and telling people to quit immediately anyways. BEWARE!!
I find this very disturbing and depressing as well.
Neither Sheriff Wayne I’ve nor any of his Brevard County deputies can make anyone sign anything. Period.
You sure? I can’t figure out where the line is anymore. The local level is blurring the lines.
Dear P, I am certain that nobody can make you sign anything. Check with a lawyer on a free first-time consultation if you don’t believe.
The local police created their own policy to come to your home once a month for a check. The vagueness in the address check law allows this. I’ve been yelling at the cop to leave me alone. Wants me to provide ID and sign a form. I keep asking why are you here? Multiple answers. But it boils down to police creating their own policy to control the situation and receive funds for low hanging fruit. Nuts.
On top of that I lost my job because I moved here ignorantly. Got retroactive relisted after 18 years off list. Employer said sorry. But you will hurt the business sales by being listed.
Personally, if a local criminal regime was attempting to come to my home more than 1 time per year, I would NEVER allow them. Not once. I MIGHT, maybe, tell them I’d allow them once per year.
Already, my local criminal regime knows that if they do not call me in advance then they very, very likely are not going to see me at all. So they call and ask if I am free. They are very laid back and not a**holes, so I will usually meet them if I’m free. I won’t meet them if they don’t call in advance. And really, I feel like I shouldn’t even be allowing that.
The Registries are war. These criminal regimes harass families all the time, for ZERO legitimate benefit of anything. There is no reason anyone should ever help them do that or signal in any way that it is acceptable. The opposite is required. PFRs need to stop helping the criminals.
I told him once a year was enough.
I read him the riot act on logic and common sense. Ran him into a corner with my law class approach to restorative justice. Poor guy finally admitted “I’m just the low man on the pole doing what he’s told to do. “. Pretty soon we will all have monthly visits in Florida. Then zoom check ins. Hockey mask device to go shopping. lol. People forget the fact that….. if you take away a man’s dignity after restorative justice served… he’ll do anything to get it back.
Pretty much even off the registry, one does not have freedom. In some states even driving through you can be targeted by license plate readers and if you get a cop that is aggressive, you might just end up on their registry or worse.
I have seen so many stories on here of people waiting decades to be removed then one vacation burst the balloon. If I ever get off the registry, I won’t leave the state of Florida until I get called up to Glory.
I’m seeing news reports that Trump is now nominating former Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi for the US Attorney General since Matt Gaetz backed out. I don’t know her record on our issues (though I’m sure it’s not favorable). How will this potentially affect us?
Considering that Matt Gaetz was the architect of the “scorched earth” policy for “sexual predators” in Florida when he was in the Legislature, I don’t see how anyone could possibly have been worse for us. Bondi’s not great but she’s probably better than Gaetz.
If you only had one felony case in Florida and you had adjudication withheld for that case, it means you never lost your civil rights in Florida. If you were sentenced to probation while adjudication was withheld, never violated probation, completed your probation – then you are eligible to vote.
However, if you have a conviction from another state or other convictions in Florida, then you are not eligible to vote until you get clemency.
However, check with a lawyer.
But if you were convicted and it’s been more than five years since completing sentence, please request your rights to vote to be reinstated.
Contact the Department of clemency in Florida. If you don’t have other violations, they can not deny you forever and the more people that are eligible to vote that are in the registration list , the better it is.
An operation aimed to confirm that registered sex offenders and predators are complying with state law sent 27 individuals to the Hillsborough county jail.County Jail
I read the whole article. The vast majority of arrests were for probationary violations, not registry violations. Nobody cares though, except us.
can someone explain what this Ex Post Facto Sustainer is and what it is about? I’ve seen it on here for quite a few years. What district is it in? Are there court records that one can look at? Thanks
The mission of the Ex Post Facto Challenge lawsuit is to have the registry legally deemed as punitive rather than administrative. The most immediate consequence of this would be that only laws and requirements active at the time of offense could be applied to a person required to register.
We originally raised funds to kick start the lawsuit, now known as Does v Glass in the Federal District Court for the Southern District of Florida, and since it’s been running, we have been raising funds to help sustain it. The case is proceeding to court, and the attorneys for the case are preparing to file amended complaints to reflect changes since the case was first filed. As the case progresses, there will continue to be costs, fees and expenses associated with expert witnesses, copies of transcripts, etc. With your continued support, we can sustain the strength of our argument with expert testimony and the like, as well as cover other costs associated with cases of this magnitude.
Investigated for a sex crime? You may become a sex offender registrant. Or, you may become the U.S. Attorney General.
Or President for that matter. Funny thing is, the general public doesn’t even seem bothered in the least that our President-elect and Gaetz both engaged in deviant sexual activity multiple times, but so long as it stays a “rumor” it’s a “witch hunt” in their eyes right? The ignorant public somehow needs formal charges, a trial and conviction for those extensively documented “unsubstantiated “claims” to be legitimized.
Now one is about to acquire the tools to halt and disappear any present or future ongoing investigations against both him and the person that nominated him.
Just mere allegations use to destroy politicians. Now in the last decade, voters are too proud to admit that the people they want in office are the very same kind of individuals they want to see punished.
do you really see florida doing something like that? I really don’t, but I didn’t think Trump had a chance either.
We now have a person in the highest office, as president, who stands presently having a criminal and civil background. Does anyone think that this will set or change precedence for those convicted and are being denied services?
Note- I am neutral on who is there and this is NOT a political attack on anyone. Just a healthy thought that may spark a change.
Not one bit. But I do wonder if the E. Jean Carroll case had been criminal, if he would have been allowed to vote. Florida law as I understand it, allowed Trump to vote in Florida because New York allowed him to vote.
He will actually make things worse for anyone with any kind of conviction Everyone keeps forgetting, this is the “tough on crime” bunch. The real question is, how bad will it get?
Those who voted for this certain someone are going to quickly find out how they shot themselves in the foot. Especially seeing how a large swath a society seems to think that someone has to be “convicted” of crime to exhibit a character flaw and thus be deemed “the enemy” in their eyes.
Has anyone here, relocated to Ga and petitioned to be removed from the registry?
I am hoping to do the petition myself, however if I can find an existing case , I can copy the format to file for removal.
Iv researched this with a successful attourney in GA. He told me that when your leveled in GA that if your not a level 1 they won’t remove you. So that’s your first hurtle. He said he’s done hundreds of removal cases and they have never removed someone who’s not considered a level one.. The attourney is Brandon Thomas I beleiev he’s out of Atlanta.
More interested in a successful case number or petitioner name as you can’t pull up cases by lawyer name.
I need petitioner name.
Scam alert:
Earlier, I posted, “IMPORTANT” that there was a federal mandate telling people to do a secondary DNA have a federal warrant.
It’s actually a scam. They’ll send you to a Coinstar machine in some grocery store to send them cash money.
Beware, it’s a scam.
The FDLE should be alerting people in the registry about it.
IMPORTANT: Did anybody get a certified letter with an appointment date from your sheriff office in Florida announcing a 2021 federal mandate to collect DNA secondary DNA or for the first time from all registered sex offenders regardless of age of case ?
And if you miss the appointment or didn’t receive the letter an immediate federal arrest warrant goes out to you that you can’t get out off even if you try to comply and all hell breaks lose ? They even ask to provide 1,500. cash
Is a scam — the police will never ask to have you send cash money to them via Coinstar kiosks or by any other money transfer kiosk. By saying you violated some law mandate. It’s all a scam . It’s part of the stuff we have to deal with because we have no privacy rights and our private info is put out there for scammers to use.
@ RR
I will give them some of my DNA when I spit on their fake paperwork and send it back to them. They will be happy because they think I was stupid and provide my spit but in actuality, I let my dog Brutus lick the paper LOL
I’m confused. Isn’t Coinstar for loose change.
Cheorkee I understand your point about visiting relatives, course I have never tried to visit my brother in Florida or my other Sister in TN but if I needed to I’m sure there would be a way. Sure I was intimidated when I first got arrested back 14 yrs ago. Matter of fact the officer had to think of something to charge me with since I contradicted him. See I didn’t make a choice and he is the one that emphasized that.
I made a decision. The cop said whats the difference. Than he said well he would have to think of something else to charge me with. I knew their game plan. See I don’t fear man but I do fear God and we do have a difference between the OT and the New as in teachings. As far as news about this registry are not all men created equal, are we not endowed with inalienable rights, or are we to be compounded by government injustice even being compromised by some plea deal, right to speak out, or are we all guilty. Much of this registry is government glossing over their abuse on mankind.
Florida Today Reports:
November 2023 numbers
Status of sex offenders in Florida
Absconded 1,107
Civil Commitment 522
Confinement 20,249
Deceased 1,574
Deported 3,683
Released – Subject to Registration 52,691
Supervised – FL Dept of Corrections 7,177
Supervised – FL Dept of Juvenile Justice 8
Supervised – US Probation 941
Marion County Sheriff’s Office says any sex offender who participates in Halloween violates the law. What law?
Yes. Those clueless cops and “news” people think that PFR’s and sex offense probationers are the same people. There are only state rules for halloween for probationers. And no Marion county ordinances that I’m aware of.
A couple of books I now recommend:
On Tyranny: Twenty Lessons from the Twentieth Century by Timothy Snyder
How Fascism Works: The Politics of Us Versus Them by Jason Stanley
Both authors are Yale professors so they know their stuff. Stanley’s book particularly relates to us because fascism (as anyone who is watching the political news today) has an obsession with ridding the nation of “undesirables”. Both books will prove very thought provoking.
Warning to Florida Action Committee Members on Out-of-State Travel Requirements:
I recently spoke with a trusted friend of mine for more than 30 years who is a Florida law enforcement officer regarding the new travel registration requirements outlined by the FDLE. These changes affect both in-state and out-of-state travel, with particular emphasis on out-of-state trips. Notably, the updated rules require a 48-hour notification to be made in person at the sheriff’s office either before travel or within 48 hours after returning.
What’s more concerning, however, is a comparison my friend made to these out-of-state requirements and international travel registration. My friend said law enforcement notifies the destination country about the incoming PFR, allowing that country the option to deny entry. My friend suggested that some sheriff’s offices in Florida may be applying a similar protocol for out-of-state travel. This means that local law enforcement might be alerting the destination state, county, or city of a registrant’s travel plans, potentially coordinating with the destination area for monitoring, tracking, or even arrest actions.
Your thoughts?
I thought it was standard operating procedure for Florida to notify other states when an out-of-state temporary or permanent residence is registered. I would actually be surprised if there’s not some kind of automated electronic notification system in place.
So registry is supposedly not punishment, but we seem to be the only class of people in the U.S that can get arrested for merely visiting a relative in another state. If you can be arrested for something, it is punitive. We are not being arrested for a law any other citizen could be arrested for, but for non-criminal behaviors that only we are held accountable for.
Why a supreme court judge can grow a pair and step up and defend our rights is beyond me. You take an oath to be fair but then throw us under the bus, even though most of us have long since done our time.
The state of Florida used the premise in 1997 that they were applying the S 0 act as a civil law only. Therefore, they applied it retroactively using the federal commerce claws to people who were already active in the system after Oct 01, 1997. The fist law out of Tallahassee allowed removal after 10 years when completing one’s sentence with no other convictions. Also, there was a confusion because it said that the law could NOT be applied to anyone who had their civil rights restored,. But would be applied to people who had adjudication withheld. And if one had adjudication withheld, one didn’t lose civil rights. But they applied it to everyone.
The law has evolution-ized to what it is today, very punitive and very unconstitutional. it’s been applied retroactively at will to folks whose cases can go back 40 years.
I think that the 11 Dist Court in doe vs swearin, got it right when they figured this could be a continued violation of doctrine for those who have been on the list since prior to 1997
im glad someone else here remembers that it was 10 years then in mid 1998 it was changed i argued with a bunch of people including one that is a lawyer wanna be that was or may still be involved with fcat he made a hugh bet with me about this and lost and his payment was to talk crap about me
And each legislation gathering, they make a point to throw in at least one more pain point for us to live with. I have heard some on here who are not on probation but still getting multiple visits to their home from law enforcement, to the point of feeling like probation. (Visits past the 1,2 or 4 times a year compliance checks)
If you find an old library with the printed 1997 Fl Chapters it has it.
My mom is in her later years, in poor health, and when her time comes, her funeral will be in a FL county that has restrictions not only for living, but also travelling in “forbidden” areas. Naturally, it’s almost all “forbidden,” including the church she attended until the dementia progressed too far, which is where her funeral will most likely be held. I know I can use that as an excuse to go into that county, but the last thing I want is some self righteous person getting me locked back up for being there to say my goodbyes. So I have that obvious concern of whether or not to go when that time comes when my freedom is potentially at risk.
I do not see it being constitutional to be banned from a church or a funeral. When we cannot even attend worship services or a loved one’s funeral, they have stepped over the moral and legal line.
File the lawsuit, I bet once filed the governor will have second thoughts. These are basic rights that everyone has. Heck, even in prison I got to attend church services. I would stand with you on that one.
I have attended several churches over the years since my release and never, ever had an issue.
The Free Exercise Clause prevents the government from prohibiting the free exercise of individual religious beliefs. It also provides some protection for religious practices.
“either before travel or within 48 hours after returning” Sorry, that doesn’t make any sense at all. But it wouldn’t surprise me if that is what big government is doing, they aren’t exactly known for being smart or competent.
“People” who support the Registries are pathetic. They just keep grasping at dumber and dumber harassment in order to grow big government and the Registries. The awesome thing about this is while they are burning resources with this nonsense paperwork they are not doing anything to even try to prevent any actual crimes or certainly to solve any. All those crimes are happening while they are doing paperwork. I guess too bad for all the extra victims government fails to protect.
The funny thing about this BS too is that it just makes me enjoy every single day even more as I directly and empirically observe that the Registries do not protect anyone or anything. The Registries are not just worthless though, they are very counterproductive. They are a direct cause of a lot of extra crime, radicalization, and anti-social behavior. This kind of travel harassment does less than nothing. Good theater for dumb people though. Dummies eat it up.
However, when WE are the victims of Registry crimes (When someone attacks us, or our property because we are on the registry) my sheriff’s office won’t even come out, they tell me to file a report which I do, but never even a follow up.
I have written so many of them that I actually gave up and do not even report anymore.
The registry created new types of crimes for vigilantes to commit, and basically get away with.
Of course they do. this is nothing new. It has always been the policy.
When I visit my mother in another state that jurisdiction always contacts me to confirm my plans and track me while visiting.
They have always notified your destinatin in the USA of your arrival, destinations and time of leaving their jurisdiction.
Why did you think that reporting was mandatory? Just for kicks?
And yet my constant destination (NY) doesn’t care as ive never been public on it and i was removed years ago. Its a total waste. The only list im on is the dumb florida one for some insane reason.
Hernando county information the county in the state you are traveling to. Just to covery ass I review the registration requirements for where I am going and call that counties svu ahead of time and let them know the plans, after that I go to my sheriff’s office and register my itinerary. ALWAYS check the laws of where you want to go.
Are many on the registry sexual predators or sexual offenders? I’m sure their is a difference. Sure we all want fairness and justice and not some improvable method type of injustice infraction. Yes we all look for a second chance, some type of redemption, pardon, or to explain our ordeal without compromise from injustice abuse by government. A plea deal is a compromise and not true justice.
While I am not sure many can vote due to this registry I think many should take a look at Kama la Harris as she does believe in redemption and second chance. This whole sex registry has gotten out of hand since much of its inception and is unethical in many ways as the blind leading the blind. I believe it would be a good idea for FAC to channel these redeeming factors in stressing the need to bring common sense meaning to those that have gotten rapped up in much of this registry hi-jacking abuse. Making criminals out of people by this registry ruse.
I do not think any president is wanting to weigh in on sex offenders, registries and our plight. They want votes and we cannot vote so we matter not. Same with judges, most believe relieving a sexual offender of their requirements, or ending registries is political suicide.
I still cannot fathom how they were able to retroactively apply it. Those who went to court once the registry was in place were able to at least ask for a deal since they are facing registration.
Myself and many others were pre-registry and if we knew what was coming, many, including myself would have gone to trial. But since there are no do overs, nothing we can do about it unless an important judge has some sympathy on us and gives us a chance to prove ourselves. (Think many of us already have with decades off the registry)
With the help of Ron Kleiner I was recently removed from the Florida registry and would like to visit Disney World with family. I have not visited since being on the Florida registry. Does anyone have any information or experience with Disney?
Doesnt really matter now that youre clear.
We have been told that they check driver’s licenses upon entry into the park. You will no longer have the compelled speech marking on your license, so I do not see how it would be a problem for you as they do not do background checks.
Your question is a good one. Let us know if you run into any problems.
Good luck.
Thanks, first thing did was obtain a new license without the Florida statue printed on it.
Congratulations JD! If you don’t mind sharing how did he get you off the register?
I had a military conviction for sexual assault (touching of buttocks) in 1999. Ron Kleiner filed paperwork with local US District Court in my county. It was unopposed so judge signed without my appearance in court. Still concerned about traveling out of Florida.
I’m happy for you. Do your best to enjoy life. Be a great citizen. You’re free again.
Freedom is precious.
I would do anything to be free again.
Lots of long lines, walking and standing. Get the lightning passes. As far as your past conviction, I have been to multiple theme parks without incident. Although you are no longer on the registry, try not to present your id if you can help it. I am always with my wife and kids and she handles the tickets which is when they ask for id.
Why would any sane person want to spend money at a place that bans us. Even though you can go once you are off the registry, why spend money on a business that chooses to exclude us from sharing a good time with their family? It is not the courts telling them to ban us, rather they choose to do so.
They won’t get a damn dime from me.
ST. LOUIS (AP) — Many states have laws designed to keep children away from convicted sexual offenders on Halloween night, such as curfews for those on offender registries and requirements to keep their porch lights off.
But a Missouri law mandating a sign at the offender’s home was a step too far, a judge ruled.
A 2008 law required registered offenders in Missouri to post signs on Oct. 31 that read “No candy or treats at this residence.” U.S. District Judge John Ross ruled this month that the provision violated the First Amendment by forcing “compelled speech,” depriving those on the registry “of their freedom to speak in their own words or to not speak at all.”
The ruling lets stand other provisions of the Missouri law that require people on the registry on Halloween to remain inside their home from 5 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. and to leave their outdoor lights off.
If this is the case for which Janice Bellucci is the attorney, it is being appealed. Why is beyond me. Apparently the Missouri attorney general has not seen all the other cases in the middle of the country and in North Florida where the signs have been ruled as compelled speech.
Thought this was a good article
Hopefully with the McGuire v. Alabama case being appealed to the 11th Circuit (Alabama, Florida, Georgia) this could no longer have to be a way of life.
I feel like the media doesn’t show how much of the towns are off limits due to residency restrictions that are increased every year and once you moved out you can’t move back in clause effectively creating a neighborhood free community by design.
I wish they would show a Time-lapse span it every five years and show how much of each square mile of the town is chopped off each single time. Then over lap it with working restrictions exclusion zone as well show how the homelessness of registrants have increased year by year when these statutes were passed.
By new legislation purposely aimed at excluding us from areas to live at forcing us purposely to cluster in locations, there’s not enough housing for all of these locations, forcing the people who can live there to pay more rent to live there since they know that they can charge more since they’re registrants. Then you are forced to stay at a location because your grandfather in but now the residency restrictions have gone from 1,000 feet to 2,500 feet while you lived there Meanwhile every new subdivisions has a park in the middle of it for the family so you can forget that community, yet your tax dollars help paved for its roads being built.
How can they say with a straight face that these impacts felt are only collateral consequences of our crime. But the registry is not supposed to be punitive is supposed to be civil, but when all the effects you feel only punitive, how can they say with a straight face is collateral consequence time and time again?
Their crimes did not make them homeless the state legislators after the fact of their sentence by constantly increasing distant requirements made people homeless that’s not collateral consequences that’s vindictiveness by blatant intent by openly calling for the execution of us from our communities. Any other time that person would be admonished for their behavior but no when they openly commit these acts the fellow legislators and council members stand up and appalled.
This story is absolutely barbaric what is happening to these people.
The powers that be wave a special wand and the general public accepts magically that nothing they do to us is punishment. Of course, there are those who wish so much punishment on us that they would be would happy if we were tortured and hung in public.
I have come to accept that most of us will never be removed from the registry. I wrote a comment a few months back about how there are 1000s of dead people on the registry. If they cannot be removed, how do we expect to.
And just to note, even if you are eligible to be removed, it is not automatic, and the judge is not required to remove you even if you followed every rule and had no violations or arrests.
It’s hard NOT to take any of this personal, but once you understand that we’ve been commodified by capitalism for passive income by the locals for guaranteed passive income, it all makes sense. We ARE victims because our misery is being monitized. We’re made out to be the scary carnival freaks in an Online circus.
They will always cite “public safety” and “recidivism” (ignoring facts, low-threat dynamics and reality) to rationalize and justify this unconstitutional mission creep.
you hit the nail on the head its all about $$$
like rick scott and private prisons.
DETROIT – In the latest in a long string of judicial decisions holding Michigan’s Sex Offenders Registration Act (SORA) unconstitutional, U.S. District Judge Mark A. Goldsmith struck down significant portions of the law in a decision released late last week. The court’s decision in the class action lawsuit, Does III v. Whitmer, will affect tens of thousands of people and follows two recent rulings by the Michigan Supreme Court, as well as numerous federal court decisions dating back to 2013, finding constitutional problems with Michigan’s registry.
In a 115-page opinion the court upheld some aspects of the registry, but – as in the prior decisions – again found multiple constitutional violations including:
The registration of people who did not commit sex offenses;
The retroactive extension of registration terms to life;
Harsher treatment of people with non-Michigan convictions; and
Violations of registrants’ First Amendment rights.
All of us hate registries, but those of us who were retroactively applied years after being sentenced, is especially concerning. For example, a person who commits a crime and knows well there is a registry, at least knew what they were facing.
Those of us who were arrested and sentenced before the registry, had no say in the court room, and for me personally, I would have changed my plea if the registry had been in place. And the fact that every year they add new add-ons like they just did in Florida, makes it even more scary due to more tip toeing through the landmines of new laws that could send us back to prison.
I totally agree with you, Florida is very draconian.
Here is more of the Michigan decision:
The class action lawsuit brought eleven constitutional challenges on behalf of the more than 45,000 people on Michigan’s registry.
The court ruled in favor of the plaintiffs on six claims, including rulings that:
Retroactively extending registration terms from 25 years to life violates the Constitution.
In-person reporting requirements imposed in 2011 cannot be applied to pre-2011 registrants.
People who were not convicted of a sexual offense cannot be subjected to SORA without a judicial hearing.
Michigan cannot impose harsher registration requirements on people with out-of-state convictions than on people with Michigan convictions. Such individuals must receive a judicial hearing to determine their registration requirements.
SORA’s requirements to report internet identifiers like email and social media accounts violate registrants’ First Amendment rights.
Forcing registrants to attest that they understand SORA, even if they do not, is unconstitutional compelled speech.
Under the court’s decision:
About 17,000 people will be removed after they complete 25 years on the registry without another registrable offense.
More than 3,000 people with out-of-state convictions will be entitled to a judicial determination of their registration requirements.
A judicial hearing will be required if the state seeks to keep about 300 people on the registry based on convictions for non-sex offenses.
The in-person reporting requirements will change for about 31,000 people and the internet reporting requirements will change for about 14,000 people.
The court ruled against the plaintiffs on three claims involving individualized review,
why do you think that every state says the same thing: “convicted on or after 19??, or still serving sanctions on that date”? which makes it ex post facto. Clearly, not all states can be that oblivious to the constitution.
Just want to bring attention to this article today officially marks the day that you may arrest the homeless person if they refuse services of a shelter.
In Florida there a few places have shelters for registrants through homeless very few places rent to registrants high portion of registrants are homeless are chronically very close to becoming homeless at any given time. Supposedly, they’ll give you every opportunity to help you before they arrest you is what they say.
However, in supreme court case California versus Robinson, you cannot arrest somebody for simply a status crime.
12. The designation of a person as a sexual offender is not a sentence or a punishment but is simply the status of the offender which is the result of a conviction for having committed certain crimes.”
-Florida legislator 943.0435
If you look up the Supreme Court cases of the recent grant pass homeless case which is about cruel and unusual punishment for a status offense of homeless people and the California versus Robertson case which was the status about a drug addict and the Texas court case which was the status about being drunk in public, which was conduct which is punishable and they’re saying the case Grants Pass is applying to everybody not just homeless people so it’s not a status crime its being evenly forced upon everybody thing however, in Florida, we are banned from a lot of stuff simply for our status. This act simply criminalizes being a registered homeless individual with incarceration for simply living as a registrant in the state.
lets go after shady grady
-Whatever happened to the expo facto case “doe v. SWEARINGEN” with convictions prior to 1997 that was sent back to the lower court by the 11th District Court ? Was that case canceled by the judge ?
In our recent legal update post at our site, the first sentence says, “Our Ex Post Facto I case in the Southern District is currently in standby but is still alive.” One of the attorneys, Val Jonas, has asked FAC to gather some data for her, which we have been doing. Court cases can take a long time, unfortunately. Nothing happened with this case for a long time as the judge appeared to be waiting for the Ex Post Facto II case in the Northern District to be completed. Now that it has, movement has started in the Ex Post Facto I case in the Southern District that you are referring to.
Our post where the one-sentence statement was made concerning the current status of our Ex Post Facto I case:
Meta/Facebook/Instagram owner Mark Zuckerberg told the US Congress in a letter yesterday: “Zuckerberg wrote. “Our platforms are for everyone – we’re about promoting speech and helping people connect in a safe and secure way.” If that’s true Mr. Zuckerberg, why do you ban people who are forced to register as sex offenders (compelled speach) in Florida from your international platforms?
as long as we are on the registry, we might as well still be in prison. I think I had more rights and freedoms in prison than I do now off of sanctions (Because so much has changed since then)
And if anyone is fooled, all the sanctions on us are only going to get worse as they pass the test on each new banning that passes muster from the courts.
Surprised we do not have patches on our clothes like some did in Germany during WWII identifying us as undesirables. Of course I guess the registry does that for us huh?
You got to be kidding
Supreme Court of Missouri cherry picks quotes to say the registry is not punishment
How is the registry exempt, immune and insulated from being a form of cyberbully and doxxing? These judges would rather let our houses burn down than risk their own houses being burned down by continuing to lie, distort and mislead with “their” distorted version of “not punishment”.
Every time a “not punishment” ruling is rendered from a court, it sets us back years – if not decades!