A 60 year old man was killed in Pottawatomie County, Oklahoma on Sunday. Police say he was shot twice and “likely died in agony” as it is “believed that he tried to get away after he was shot”.
Neighbors found him lying dead outside his trailer. According to reports, the shooting happened along “back-country roads that are hard to navigate, and complicated for those who don’t know the area. Investigators believe the shooter had to know what they were searching for.”
The victim was required to register as a sex offender for a 2007 incident.
We need to do something to end this public hit list!
Does the theory of state-created danger apply because of the enforcement of Registration laws which may cause harm to an offender as in this case. I wonder if any attorneys ever looked into this.
As a RSO,I publicly tell All new people I meet of my past.In the hope that people can see how this humble man could do something so wrong.I dont fear prosecution.
Emailed the following to the tip address at the bottom of the source article:
It’s pretty doubtful the man had much of a social life, so you’re unlikely to find any motive other than the man’s status as a registered sex offender. If you need suspects, start with the victim of Venosdel’s original offense and his/her family members. Or get the IP addresses of whoever accessed the sheriff’s registry, his entry in particular. If you can’t find any suspects after that, I can only assume you’re not trying all that hard, probably because of the man’s registry status.
Incidents like these are probably the only crimes (other than failure to register or update) that the registry has some value. Use it accordingly.
Suggest others follow suit.
Nothing will change no matter what the police investigation turns up,, Say they catch the murderer and the murderer confesses that yeah I did it, got his address on the sex offender registry.. What will change?, Nothing,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
if national hit lists and blacklists were not enough now they are even manipulating foreign countrys to make a target of any one who may possibly sought to escape the persecution..Hitler must be so proud.
I’m always on the offensive, even people who I say hi to daily around our condo, cause you never know, who’s going to come up to you and Confront you about being a RSO.
My wife is always on the defensive, when the issue is brought up, because they don’t know the FACTS, only going by the hype/ hysteria about RSO’s.