When this story first aired at another site, I could not post it because it treated human beings as a disposable commodity.  But seeing it at another site has prompted me into wanting to contact the reporter in hopes of bringing back some form of human dignity to news reporting.

This reporter and law enforcement official are blinded by the fact that this homeless problem being reported has a solution, and these are human beings that they are talking about.

Residency restrictions in Georgia are 1000 feet from child care facilities, churches, schools, or areas where minors congregate.  Please contact 11ALIVE in Atlanta to make them aware that there is a solution for this inhumane treatment of human beings.


Talking Points:

Residency restrictions are a major factor causing this homeless problem.  There are people in this story, and elsewhere, who would have a place to live were it not for the residency restrictions.

All research shows that residency restrictions are ineffective and that is why some states do not have them.  All they do is increase homelessness, thereby making society less safe.

The sexual recidivism rate for people who have committed a sex offense is very low.

These individuals are human beings and should not be talked about as though they are otherwise.  The coverage of this story was heartless.

The only way to make society safer is for these individuals to reintegrate back into society successfully as law-abiding citizens which requires a place to live, a job or source of income, and family/community support and mentorship.

Use your own talking points but remember that an aggressive tone causes the listener to ignore the message you are trying to convey:  Season your words with grace, and a little honey goes a long way.

Thank the reporter for her interest in this story.




Contact Link:  Contact 11ALIVE in Atlanta | 11alive.com

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