Orlando man drives into house “because a sex offender lived there”.

The Orlando Sentinel reports that a man claiming to be armed with a machine gun, resisted arrest after driving into a Winter Park home. Once he was subdued, he claimed that he drove into the house “because a sex offender lived there”.

The house was reported to be unoccupied with no sex offender currently living there.

He was charged with criminal mischief, battery on a law enforcement officer, resisting an officer with violence and threats to harm or kill an officer, but no charges pertaining to his threat to harm a registrant.

With psychos and vigilantes out there, we need to find a way to protect ourselves from attacks on our homes.


28 thoughts on “Orlando man drives into house “because a sex offender lived there”.

  • April 3, 2018

    Are they going to put this man…if that’s what you want to call him…on a sex offender hater registry?

  • April 3, 2018

    Impossibility is not a defense. It should be attempted assault at the least. I was arrested for “attempted” and the person did not exist so he should get the same.

  • April 3, 2018

    This very thing is why I’ve spent the last 5 years Reenforcing My Home !!. Until we move, I want to be as Safe as possible. Just this Weekend we finished our “Safe Room” and Front Door and front “Street Facing” wall !!!. I built a Custom Entry Door. It’s built out of 2X8 Pressure Treated Lumber, With a Full Sheet of 1/4 inch Steel Plate covering the Entire door on the inside. It weighs a TON, But will stop ANY type Bullet, And I Custom built the entire wall with 3/4 inch Pressure Treated Plywood, And DOUBLE stacked(sideways) old RED Brick inside the wall, With 1×6 Pressure Treated Interior Wall, With Paneling on it. This made my only Public Facing wall almost 10 inches Thick !! Everything is SCREWED together with 4 inch Deck Screws !!. OHH, Forgot to add that every 14 inches I drove 1 inch Rebar into the ground about 4 feet and each piece is welded to another 1 inch piece that runs across the ENTIRE top of the wall !! . This formed a Steel Cage wall that will stop a Semi Truck or a 50cal bullet(s) At least long enough for us to either prepare to defend ourselves or escape from the Danger. The “Safe Room” is also built this same way, Except all 4 walls have the 1/4 inch Steel Plating !!. It didn’t cost as much as you would think, The Plating being the most expensive. But it’s worth it to me , Knowing that NOTHING will get to us without us having plenty of warning !!. When we move west, I will build a Cabin that will withstand a Dynamite Blast !!!!. It’s SAD that we as a US CITIZEN most live in this kinda FEAR !!! That we have to go to this Kinda EXTREME to feel SAFE in our OWN HOME !!!!!. As far as this Idiot smashing into this home, What makes it so sad is, The EX Offender probably moved away 10+ YEARS ago !!!!. But, Once Marked, It’s Always Marked !!!!.

    • April 3, 2018

      Yes,i have thought of this many times.We should all build 30 foot high walls around our houses and when the authorities ask or complain we tell them that we live in fear on a daily basis, registered sex offenders are being murdered across the country,we are protecting ourselves and family from vigilantes that see our addresses on the sex offender web sites. Think about it,10s of thousands of walls going up around houses all over the country. That should get the ball rolling in our direction dam quick. Ya think?

  • April 3, 2018

    Yes, We should keep a gun loaded and ready……oh wait……….we’re not allowed to protect ourselves…………stupid me, what was I thinking?

  • April 3, 2018

    I cannot say, but my thoughts are there; just listen.
    I have spoken at length with police (names withheld they are a couple of the “good cops”–Ones that LOOKED and read my case and say that I was set-up)
    RSO/RSP cannot own a “firearm” in the state of Florida. The Constitution says different.
    ALSO you do not need a firearm to protect yourself; many other things that are LEGAL for SO’s to have, posses and own LEGALLY !!
    They are;
    Bow & Arrow
    AIR powered rifles
    Paintball guns (with paint and pepper balls)
    Batons (short walking stick)
    Pepper spray

    I have been chased around, had my house shot at, windows shot out. The police did nothing….. Till I started filing IAB reports. Then, within 2 weeks of the first cop getting fired, LO & BEHOLD; the harassment stopped.
    I am NOT a violent person, never have been. But you need to look for ways to protect yourself, because the police sure wont !

    • April 4, 2018

      Please cite the Florida Statute that prohibits rso from owning or possessing a firearm if they are not on probation or convicted of a felony.

      • April 4, 2018

        If an RSO is not a convicted felon they can possess a firearm. There is no law prohibiting that.
        Many RSOs were convicted of misdemeanors and even had adjudication withheld (no conviction). They can own an arsenal.

        • April 4, 2018

          i know this first hand, a family member got mad at me and reported me to local sheriffs department as a ” RSO in possession of a fire arm” long story short, the detective showed up , asked about them, told him i had adjudication withheld, he verified, said have a nice day..the matter is closed !

          • April 4, 2018

            It’s a fact – there’s NO restriction on a sex offender owning a gun, nor should there be. There’s a restriction on a FELON using a gun.

          • April 4, 2018

            I was Adjudication Withheld, But somehow my record now show that I’m “Convicted”, So until I get the THOUSANDS of dollars to hire a Lawyer to fix it, I’m not allowed to have Firearms. BUT, I do have a very impressive collection of “Black Powder” weapons. I also had someone call and report me as a S.O. with guns, And a Sgt from the Sheriff’s Office came a Knocking. I let him know that I didn’t have to show him ANYTHING without a WARRENT, But I was happy to allow him to see what I had in “MY” Possession. He was very impressed !!!. And I hunt every season, Go Shooting at the Range, And with a little practice, I’ve gotten very Efficient at reloading pretty Fast !!. I can keep up with someone loading a Auto loader (9mm with a mag) from start to finish.. I’m only 1-3 seconds slower !!. Also, By Florida law, A “Felon” CAN even carry a Black Powder Revolver in their VEHICLE !!. Because it’s NOT considered a FIREARM !!!. But you stand a VERY BIG chance of the Officer NOT knowing the Laws !!!!. I’d suggest carrying a copy of the “Laws” with you !!. My wife has a Concealed carry permit, And is NEVER without her “Protection” !!!. And to answer the question, YES, A spouse of a “Felon” CAN own a Firearm, And CAN have it in the SAME home as A Felon !!! BUT, Must keep it in a area that the Felon Doesn’t visit !! Like on Their side of the Bedroom ! And kept in a safe locked up when they are not there !! And make sure the Felon Doesn’t know the combination of the safe !!!. This is COMPLETELY LEGAL IN FLORIDA AND EVERY OTHER STATE !!!!!. You might not be allowed to own (The Constitution says EVERYONE can own a Firearm!!) A Firearm, But NO LAW can prevent your spouse (Anyone not a felon) from owning one !!!. BTW, You can order online and have a nice .44cal Black Powder Revolver MAILED to you for $250.!!!!. Complete kit ready to fire 50 rounds !! All you’ll need to buy separate is the Powder !! And a “Felon” can posses 50 POUNDS of Black Powder (Or equivalent) Legally !!!. . And they are VERY reliable !!!. Everyone should own one, Even if your Not a felon !¡!!.

  • April 3, 2018

    even more reason why the registry is bad and riddled with mis information.


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