Orlando man drives into house “because a sex offender lived there”.
The Orlando Sentinel reports that a man claiming to be armed with a machine gun, resisted arrest after driving into a Winter Park home. Once he was subdued, he claimed that he drove into the house “because a sex offender lived there”.
The house was reported to be unoccupied with no sex offender currently living there.
He was charged with criminal mischief, battery on a law enforcement officer, resisting an officer with violence and threats to harm or kill an officer, but no charges pertaining to his threat to harm a registrant.
With psychos and vigilantes out there, we need to find a way to protect ourselves from attacks on our homes.
If he used the FDLE website to find the vacant house with the non existent sex offender he’s guilty of a misdemeanor
My son used to keep a baseball bat next to his door (approved by his PO) – where he lives now is about as safe as one can get (cameras etc.) – but probably not against a battering ram car.
So let me get this straight… They make a reg to keep kids safe Now we got a Crazy man ramming a car in to a sex offender house that dont live there LOL THEN WHAT THE HELL IS THE REG GOOD FOR NOTHING!!!! THEY NEED TO DO AWAY WITH THIS SHIT BEFORE MORE GETS KILLED!!!
I thought the Police are supposed to protect you civil crimes, harassment ect…. How else is there to call ?
Sounds like a reasonable excuse too me…after all he is just doing society a favor by attempting to finish what the state government has started.
First vilify and stereotype them…next shun, humiliate, and abuse them then kill them.
I was first taken back being surprised that a sex offender found housing…but then it was explained that no sex offender actually lived at the address – explained.
Yes, there is some sarcasm in this reply!
do you have any thoughts on this?
Not sure where the FWC gets this rule. Convicted felons are permitted to possess antique firearms and replicas thereof in Florida as long as they do not used fixed ammunition. They are NOT allowed to posses modern in-line muzzleloaders, especially the ones that use shotgun primers, aka modern ammunition components, as caps. The FWC rules re hunting do not seem to line up with the actual firearms laws of Florida.
Aboslutely correct and even explained on the fwc site: replicas and actual antiques are not regulated: anything utilizing obsolete cartridge ammo is also exempt. As long as it follws this ive seen nothing to the contrary . One of the few law descriptions that are as clear as it is.
I called and spoke with FDLE about this law, And I specifically asked about the 1895 Colt 45 !! Because MANY modern Firearms were in use BEFORE 1918 !!. He didn’t want to qoute what Firearms in specific was “Legal” to own, But he did Stress that ANY Firearms manufactured BEFORE 1918 was “Legal” !! And I asked about”Ammo”, Saying that I could buy “Ammo” from Russia that worked in the 1895 45cal pistol, And his reply was, As long as the “Ammo” wasn’t available through “NORMAL” commercial maens !! It was “Legal” And even though he didn’t want to answer me, He gave the “Impression” that buying ammo from other countries was “Legal” !! FDLE won’t ever Confirm what is legal when it’s in the “Grey” area, But from research I’ve found out that we CAN own a 45cal, And use ammo from other countries !! And there is also a “Law” about it being “Legal” for a Felon to own a “MODERN” Firearm as long as it was Manufactured in Florida, Sold in Florida and NEVER left the State of Florida BEFORE you buying it from a PRIVATE Party !!. Something about “Interstate” travel, I’ll have to research it more to give the “Legal” name. But that’s the basics !! You can Legally own a new Firearm as long as you buy it from a PRIVATE Party who bought it from a Florida Dealer that bought it from a Florida Manufacturer !! And it NEVER left that State of Florida EVER !! Before you buying it (or receiving it in any way, Such as a gift). But this law isn’t one I want to test !! But my 1895 Colt 45cal is one !!!. Anyway. It doesn’t matter what kind of “Protection” you get, JUST GET IT, AND FAST !!.
1) Never rely on what FDLE tells you unless you get it in writing.
2) Never rely on what anyone posts in this forum unless there’s a specific reference to a statute or case law proving it.
Below is the statute and here is a link to the FL Sup Ct. Case: http://caselaw.findlaw.com/fl-supreme-court/1748973.html
Do not take anyone’s word for anything unless you get a legal opinion.
790.23 Felons and delinquents; possession of firearms, ammunition, or electric weapons or devices unlawful.—
(1) It is unlawful for any person to own or to have in his or her care, custody, possession, or control any firearm, ammunition, or electric weapon or device, or to carry a concealed weapon, including a tear gas gun or chemical weapon or device, if that person has been:
(a) Convicted of a felony in the courts of this state;
(b) Found, in the courts of this state, to have committed a delinquent act that would be a felony if committed by an adult and such person is under 24 years of age;
(c) Convicted of or found to have committed a crime against the United States which is designated as a felony;
(d) Found to have committed a delinquent act in another state, territory, or country that would be a felony if committed by an adult and which was punishable by imprisonment for a term exceeding 1 year and such person is under 24 years of age; or
(e) Found guilty of an offense that is a felony in another state, territory, or country and which was punishable by imprisonment for a term exceeding 1 year.
(2) This section shall not apply to a person:
(a) Convicted of a felony whose civil rights and firearm authority have been restored.
(b) Whose criminal history record has been expunged pursuant to s. 943.0515(1)(b).
(3) Except as otherwise provided in subsection (4), any person who violates this section commits a felony of the second degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082, s. 775.083, or s. 775.084.
(4) Notwithstanding the provisions of s. 874.04, if the offense described in subsection (1) has been committed by a person who has previously qualified or currently qualifies for the penalty enhancements provided for in s. 874.04, the offense is a felony of the first degree, punishable by a term of years not exceeding life or as provided in s. 775.082, s. 775.083, or s. 775.084.
@ tired of me miss treated
To my understanding and I may be wrong because you know how the law is. But the way I understand it with FWC they are the trump card with FDLE meaning they have the authority over FDLE. I called FWC If you follow what they say it’s all legal. But for me a vertical mini crossbow at 350 fpm is the ultimate weapon for protection. But this is a good subject that we need to explore more we need to defend ourselves at all cost but do it legally!
350 fps