Passport marking a throw-back to Nazi Germany.
News About Sex Offender Registries
In the days of the Third Reich, the Nazis stamped the passports of Jews with a conspicuous “J”. The “Judenstempel” (Jew Stamp), was used by the Nazi German authorities identify those of the Jewish faith.
Through the identifier, German Jews could be identified immediately at border crossings. Depending on the entry requirements of the destination country, this could mean that Jews were denied entry.
On October 5, 1938, the Reich Ministry of the Interior invalidated all German passports held by Jews, requiring them to surrender their old passports and reissuing them with the large “J” stamp in them.
On October 27, 2017, the United States Department of State announced that it will begin revoking the passports of registered sex offenders and reissue them with an identifier.
Satis Verborum Molon Labe
is there no end to the punishment. registration is already a life sentence that should not be. there is no other crime that doesn’t have an end to the sentence after being released.
having to report every change in your life. and that has to be done within 48 hours or you are non compliant. what happens next you are thrown in jail. Even if you overlook something honestly you are wrong and will be further punished.
This just out 45 minutes ago:
The comments from so many ignorant people speaks volumes about the orchestrated dumbing down of Americans via government propaganda. As long as they can keep the sheople living in fear, the sheople will follow the politicans to their own slaughter.
I pray that FAC is successful in its legal attempts to undo what self-serving, fear-mongering politicians have done to our Constitution.
There are some rights that can neither be granted by nor taken by man. Those are “Unalienable.”
Again, prayerful that our Highest Court gets it right soon. I’m sure many are at wits end and will one day fulfill the “duty to revolt” spoken of by the founding fathers.
WHERE have FACs efforts been? I have not heard any active lawsuit at all, and we have submitted enough donations for lawsuit, I would imagine. It’s time to step it up Florida. Of all states, it’s one of the ones that lacks the most progress.
1) We have 2 ACTIVE lawsuits and 1 Pending FOR FLORIDA
2) IML is not a Florida issue, it’s a nationwide issue and FAC is participating in the fight.
3) I will look for your donation Joe123
Out of curiosity : which is the case pending in Florida?
Has the FAC had any legal victories?
I am just looking for insight, I am not pointing fingers.
Here are TWO presently in the court.
Internet Identifier – DELGADO et al v. SWEARINGEN (4:16-cv-00501-RH-CAS)
Notable victory – Obtained an injunction blocking the 2016 amendment to the definition of “internet identifier”
SORR – Doe et al v. Miami-Dade County et al (1:14-cv-23933-PCH)
Notable victory – Appealed case to the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals and obtained reversal.
and our Ex Post Facto will be filed shortly.
This case is also one to watch as it would help restore voting rights for Florida Felons. The case is headed to a Sum Judgment hearing shortly. Maguire Vs Strange in Alabama has also recently filed additional outside rulings of Authority. Things are heating up all around.
This abomination has been in the works for quite a while now. Is it the Trump administration that has finally pushed it to completion?? I thought the Republicans wanted smaller government. Sad!
And so begins our one way incarceration into FEMA camps via simultaneous night time raids. No need for informants: government already has all the addresses.