We’re so annoyed!!!

Just days ago, we posted a fun article titled “Polk County Pick’Em” that poked a little fun at Polk County Sheriff Grady Judd’s sting operations. The article, which can be read here (https://floridaactioncommittee.org/polk-county-pickem/) presented a satirical contest, inviting readers to predict whether Judd would conduct another sting next month, what that sting would be called, and whether there would be more teachers, police officers or Disney employees arrested.

Then BAM! No less than 4 days pass and the “King of Sting” delivered! Today’s headline reads “Disney employee, 12 others arrested in Polk County child sex sting, deputies say” Wow! Less than a week later, “Operation Cyber Guardian 2″, Disney employee and all! All I can say is absolute WOW! The speed and precision of this man is unparalleled. His ability to bait and switch is better than most used car salespeople, and we mean that as a compliment!

OK Grady, we see you! You’re good alright, but how good are you really? Here’s the challenge… 2 weeks… TWO Disney employees… one member of law enforcement… and one school employee… but here’s the catch; the school employee must be a Principal!

So satire over and back to reality…

We’ve written exhaustively about these stings and how, in many cases, they find lonely, gullible people on adult dating sites, lure them into a sexually charged conversation, and then introduce a fictional minor into the equation. Admittedly in some cases there are people intentionally looking for minors, but in many (if not most) of these reverse stings, these are people who were looking for an adult on an adult website, who never started out looking to commit a crime, but after a lot of coercion and misdirection, get sucked into a manufactured one.

As much as we need to warn children about the risks of online predators who actively seek them out, we need to warn the “average Joes” out there about these traps.




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