Registrant Denied Access to Hospital For Son’s Surgery
Father on Sex Offender Registry Barred from Son’s Hospital
A member contacted us this week. He’s on the registry for an offense that took place over 15 years ago. He brought his son to Nemours Children’s Hospital in Orlando for surgery and was denied access at the door because of his status on the registry.
These policies that prevent former offenders from ever parenting their children are ridiculous!
When someone looks back on their childhood and reflects on the meaningful events when a parent was there for them, they think of sporting events, graduations, illnesses. Laws that banish parents from these events not only do nothing to keep children safe, but deprive their own children of a parent.
Laws which keep individuals from schools, athletic events, even hospitals, when they have no legitimate reasons to be there are understandable. But if someone is at a hospital to stand by his child, who is going into surgery, keeping them away is inhumane!
If anyone is concerned about this policy and would like to submit their concern to Nemours, you can do so here:
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Last year my then almost 2-year-old was at the Children’s hospital closest to us, and thankfully we had no issues since I am an RSO. Granted, she was admitted at almost 2am but we were in and out most of the weekend since we have two other kids but still had problems. I was worried the whole time I was there, we were in a shared room with another sick child and 2 of the 3 nights I stayed the night along with my wife.
I am giving birth in a few months. I’m 6 months pregnant. How can I found out if the father of my child will be denied access to witness the birth of his first baby due to his status?
I’m kind of scared to call the hospital and ask… I need him there. He is my support. He can’t miss the birth. 😱
That’s unacceptable!
I’d probably not open a pandora’s box by saying anything. Schedule a tour of the hospital (they usually do these) with your husband and see if he has any issue getting in for the tour. If he does, there’s still 3 months to find another hospital.
Thank you for the recommendation. I will, For sure. I didn’t want to call and self fulfill my fear. I’ve searched online but haven’t found anything about their policies on SO’s.
So sad that this is even an issue. No one should have to miss out on being there for a loved one or even to welcome their child or grandchild into the world. Disgusting and heartbreaking.
They tend to bury the policies. It can take literally hours to get a straight answer out of places concerning their policies on SOs.
I’m not really sure why this is, whether it is because they encounter inquiries having to do with their policies on RSOs so infrequently, or if they just don’t want to prominently publish blatant segregationist policy for fear of media attention.
I’ve had to try and find policies at three different institutions so far, and each time I could not find any verbiage in their published (i.e. available online) policies having to do with RSOs, the first human point of contact had absolutely no idea, and I had to go through at least three layers of escalation (“let me ask my supervisor”) to get an answer.
I’ve spoken to others who have encountered the same.
Done. Pointed out that if they don’t want RCs visiting their patients, then they should refuse to treat the patient. Also asked if there was any other occasion of an RC committing another offense there. Willing to bet if there was ever any sex offense that occurred at that facility, it was likely committed by an unregistered staff member.
My case happened 29 years ago, the family relations with victim has been restored for 20 years, and yet, Neymors Hospital denied me access to see my grandson after a delicate surgery. And to make it worst they wanted to tell me why the access was being denied privately away from my wife, like if that something you can hide from a wife you have been married to for years.
Its time to revise non violent cases when they become 25 or more years old.
I suggest submitting that complaint. If enough people have been impacted we can consider doing more.
Same thing happened to me last December !! Only at Halifax Hospital in Daytona FL. My daughter was there Giving birth to my FIRST Grandchild and I missed it because I was refused entry because of me being on the”Registery” !!!!. Allowing this type of “BANISHMENT” should be ILLEGAL !!! The Registery and ALL OF ITS RESTRICTIONS should be ABOLISHED and soon !!!
I heard about that place doing that…maybe on FAC’s website. Don’t remember.
My son on the registry, wanted to be with his dad at Halifax when he was undergoing surgery. He was told that if he stayed at the hospital he had to have an armed guard with him at all times. My then 16 year old daughter was there as well, and since her brother didn’t stay I had to cancel an interview so I could be there with her. I ended up not being able to get the company to reschedule the interview so I lost out on a better job. My son just couldn’t handle having the embarrassment of a guard with him, especially as he had just been out of prison for a couple of months. My ex-husband nearly died of Sepsis while my son was locked up and he really wanted to be there for his dad.
All this proves is, That the Registery IS PUNISHMENT !!! . Anyone that says it’s not, Is either Blind or Making money from The Registery somehow !!!!. I’ll NEVER get back the chance to be there when my First Grandbaby is born again !!!. It eats at me a little bit each day !!!. All this suffering I’m going through because of a LIE !!!. My victim lied about her age, Admitted it in court, And while I spent over 2 YEARS and $160,000 fighting for my life, My “Victim” did the same thing to two other Guys !!! One is in Prison for 20 year’s, And even tho there was ALL KINDA PROOF that my “Victim” lied about her age to me, It didn’t matter in FLORIDUH !!! I couldn’t use it in court !! I was still WRONG regardless of the reason, She was a Minor !!! .. I’m punished DAILY for something I’ve already PAID MY DEBT TO SOCIETY FOR !! And that is AGAINST THE CONSTITUTION !!!! I just can’t see how this is Legal to do to almost 1 MILLION people !!!!!!. . Something needs to be done and be done NOW !!!!.
Write to that link provided in the article. that’s step 1 of what is being done now.
I don’t understand. Does the hospital check the RSO status of everyone who enters the premises?
What if the RSO is the PATIENT??
Was this a HOSPITAL policy or is it a law?
Hospital Policy.
The Hospital must check the registry.
They check EVERY PERSON that enters the building !!! And it’s POLICY not LAW, But according to the Lawyer I spoke with about suing them over my incident, Since the Hospital is Privately Owned, They can dictate who comes and goes. Except as a patient, If an Offender comes in for treatment, They allow them BUT assign a GUARD to that Patient !!!! They treat you like your in Prison or Jail !!!. You will be WATCHED 24/7 as long as your in the Hospital !!!!. And IF you go to visit a loved one in the Hospital and they ALLOW you to enter(only if your Family is dying !!!) The Hospital Assigns a UNIFORMED SECURITY GUARD to you and they stick to you like Super Glue !!. The will escort you straight to the patients room then right to your vehicle !! And wait till you LEAVE THE PROPERTY !!!. If that isn’t ADDED PUNISHMENT, I don’t know what is !!!!!. This Country has become so Scared of itself, And people are so BRAIN WASHED that we don’t stand a chance in having a “Normal” life ever again !!!. Kids are being raised to HATE certain People !! It’s so sad…
Privately owned but I bet they take a lot of tax money and not just Medicare or Medicaid.