A story has been running for a couple of days now about a non-compliant registrant “squatting” in a Kansas City Historic Northeast neighborhood.  The man clearly needs medical/neurological/psychiatric help from the community.  Instead, one resident made it her mission to nag the police until they were finally forced to arrest the man just to shut the woman up. 



Ms. Honeycutt, 

Has anyone considered the possibility that this man has a neurocognitive disorder of some type?  There are so many people, particularly the elderly, who have mental illnesses or neurocognitive disorders that are doing the best they can.  I wish your station could also look into whether this gentleman falls into this category, and your community could help him out. 

We have turned into a country where it is all about incarcerate, incarcerate, and incarcerate.  Until we begin to look at the root of the problem, our problems are only going to get worse. 

This man could have frontotemporal dementia (FTD), a fairly newly discovered “kid on the block” where atrophy of the frontal lobe brain cells often begins in the part of the brain that deals with judgment.  Harvard Medical School found in their 2015 study that 37% of their FTD patients committed a crime.  (https://www.alzforum.org/news/research-news/when-frontotemporal-dementia-leads-crime-prosecution-or-protection)  In 2014, the National Health Institute found 54% of their FTD patients committed a crime.  (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4145577/) 

I can understand why the neighbors does not want him lurking around, but incarcerating him is cruel and unsual punishment.   

Thank you for your story and starting the conversation on how best to deal with people who are suffering from mental illnesses and neurocognitive disorders. 

 Florida Action Committee 

If any of you feel as I do that Ms. Honeycutt is cruel and heartless, you can contact her at [email protected].  Please remember that she will be more likely to listen to us if our words are seasoned with grace. 


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