Last night, Lobbyist Ron Book (and father of State Senator Lauren Book) was arrested and charged with DUI after crashing his Lamborghini in Plantation, Florida.
Feb 25, 2019 | 134 comments
Feb 25, 2019 | 134 comments
Last night, Lobbyist Ron Book (and father of State Senator Lauren Book) was arrested and charged with DUI after crashing his Lamborghini in Plantation, Florida.
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I feel sorry for the Lamborghini, though!
Ron Book is not only an Alcoholic he is Mentally ill. He has already reoffended more then a Sexual Predator does. He could have just as well ran into a bus load of children and killed them all, with his drunkenness. Where was his voice in 2007 when Epstein was arrested. As a lobbyist does he get paid to pick and choose his battles ?. I’m sure we all know the answer to that. And where was he for 6 years while his daughter was being abused under his own roof? It’s time our law makers stop being afraid of Ron Book and people like him , and take a hard look at the life sentence of homelessness and joblessness and the burden that they have put on the tax payers of Florida. May God have mercy on Ron Books hatred filled soul.
I strongly believe both neighbors and all surrounding Schools within 5 miles should be notified of this. Drunk driving a sports car is a real Public Hazard to Children and Adults alike. In the spirit of prevention and public safety Flyers should be sent. Shouldn’t allow Drunk sports driving Offenders in or around Hospitals schools and Shelters.
Let’s please make sure Ron’s Info appears on all the type sites. After all it’s just “Collateral Damage” not really punishment so they say.
I think this will be a good opportunity to push for a DUI registry. For the safety of the public and all of course. If someone gets arrested for DUI and is convicted they can have a marker put on their license. I was thinking they could put a “DUI OFFENDER” designation on their license and then they can pass a law requiring all waiters/waitresses to check everyone’s ID regardless of age if they order a drink at a restaurant. If they have that designation then they can limit them to 1 drink or deny service altogether. Unfortunately, right now you could have 4 or 5 pints of beer at a restaurant and a server wouldn’t even question it. This way there is “some” chance the person drinking won’t be so drunk that they cause a serious accident when trying to make it home.
Has Ms. L. Book made a comment yet? I need another priceless laugh!
Another thought on how alcoholism harms children…my stepfather terrorized our family for years through his violence in the home. All of my siblings and I have had to live with the lifelong effects from his physical abuse of us and our mother.
How many other children have had to live with those scars? Mr. Book should perhaps reflect on that before he casts another stone at others.
I sincerely hope that Mr. Books’ experience will remind him (and us all) that in some way, everyone is broken, though our scars may be different from one another. Colin Powell wisely commented recently on the culture of the times when he said, “Let’s stop screaming at each other. Let’s just take care of each other.” A sobering insight indeed, and his prescription is spot on. Has our society moved beyond the point of no return in this regard? Time will tell.
My mother struggled with alcoholism her whole life. She abandoned me at age 14 in a hotel room and I became a foster child. Mother was arrested multiple times for DUI. At the time, her county of residence made her write a letter of apology to print in the newspaper.
Mother spent the last of years of her life trying to make up for what she did to me. I forgave her long ago. She died with us on good terms. I still love my mother. However, she made poor choices in life thanks to alcohol, and she should be alive today, and her poor choices led to an early passing. I won’t argue she did not deserve her time in jail. She needed rehab too but never got it.
I have absolutely zero f words rhyming with duck for Ron. He has an entire region acting as enablers to his bad choices, and there are lots of them. He is going to go back to the drinking parties and the bars and drink with his enablers, just as my mom sobered up for a time but hung around her old drinking buddies and eventually did it again.
Ron will do it again and again until the day he dies. Alcoholism is one hell of a disease. I suffered for the actions of one drunk and Miami suffers for the actions of another.
When I saw the Robert Kraft massage parlor story, I hoped that Ron Book was apart of it.
It must be nice to go out, get wasted and drive around in a Lamborghini.
Ironically, he has that luxury because the staff he hired long ago was not on a registry. Maybe he was out drinking and driving then?
Derek, I’m glad you and your mother eventually reconciled. I also made peace with my stepfather before he died from brain cancer decades ago.
I hope better for Ron than what will likely happen, as you have surmised. Perhaps he may have his Ebenezer Scrooge moment one day and see the light before it is too late. Hatred for a group or individual is a cancer of the soul, and Ron Book is reaping the repercussions from it.
Hey thats Ron Book, He walks on water. He’ll be of off in no time, his goons of bureaucrat buddy’s are gonna make it go away, wash it down, forgetta about it! maybe get a fine, a slap on the wrist and a free detailing on the lambo….. It must be nice to come from dirty filthy money. Dirty!!!!!
I am sorry for Mr. Books ill fortune. However, perhaps he will open his heart and mind to the fact that everyone makes a mistake and is entitled to redemption not a life of punishment. I don’t believe in an eye for an eye. Perhaps we can get him to advocate against the laws he created and help all the people he has harmed with his money.
Poor guy, I thought perpetual greed, fame seeking on his daughters back and bitterness would have brought him peace and contentment by now? NOPE!! Maybe he needs to go back to New York City and strut around in his fur coat again and multiple cell phones? Time to go to some AA meetings Ronnie boy and that pull that head out of your ass. But watch out before you do. You might shake the hand of a Sex Offender!
I do feel sorry for the Lamborghini though.
I take no pleasure in even Mr. Book’s plight in this DUI thing. Perhaps this will give Mr. Book a chance to reflect on all the harm he has caused towards others.
I’m sitting here thinking….the gall of Ron Book….he’s driving a Lamborghini while simultaneously forcing hundreds of people into homelessness. I mean WTF ??? I always knew he was a monumental ass, but somehow it’s just gotten worse.
Will FAC be making a FOIA request for any video or other public records of the arrest?
FYI Book has been charged 8 times in Broward County, 5 times for speed violations. Only 2 were convicted. Would be curious if judges dismissing charges have made contributions. Also interesting if FOIA requests for videos of traffic stops could be made.
Yeah. Pepe Diaz’s arrest was on dash cam video that was later posted…..We need to get all the documents and videos we can and post them here…..and now that we have his home address, I think it’s high time we ALL send him our “support” in a nice letter and let him know how miserable hes made our lives and our families lives.
We should not rejoice in another’s suffering.
But I will anyway.
I am not from your state, but felt this was one opportunity that could not pass. I have been on and off Missouri’s registry retroactively since it’s inception, with no time and a SIS ( a non-conviction in Missouri). I was removed, then put back on because of SORNA. Whatever law is enacted in any state that affects registered citizens is used by other states to justify these overreaching laws. Anyway, this is what I sent to Lauren Book. I usually take the high road….but oh well.
I am not from your state, but the policies, you and your drunken father are part of, affect each and every one of us ex-offenders in the US. You are seeing first hand the ” frightening and high” recidivism of your alcoholic father. Time to get these low class drunken drivers off the street before they maim and possibly kill more children…..remember, ” if it saves one child”. Time for a registry to help parents recognize these dangerous offenders and give them the weapons they need to protect their families. These people belong in prison for life so they cannot have the opportunity to harm again. He needs to be off the street where children play and kept from living within 2000′ of any liquor stores, grocery stores, convenience stores, parks, stadiums and restaurants where liquor is served. He needs to where an ankle bracelet that lets law enforcement know his every move and most importantly a marked driver’s license and a pink plate so other drivers can be safe from this drunken monster. He needs to check in with every law enforcement agency in every town or city he travels in, so they are aware that an alcoholic that can’t control his urges, is in their town…..and no travel out of the country! Too many drunks travel to other countries to indulge in their drinking habits and the last thing we want is for him to be around unsuspecting children. Sound stupid????? So is the SOR. Karma sucks….doesn’t it?
Sent from my T-Mobile 4G LTE device
Dear Matt,
Thanks for your letter to Lauren Book. It was beautiful!
Dude, that is awesome! You need to type it up in a letter and send a copy of it to her address in Tallahassee and her office in Broward Co. So it goes to 3 locations and cannot be ignored. As a matter of fact, with your permission, I would like to use most of what you said in my own letter that I’m going to send.
We need to ALL do something like this and BOMBARD the governors office, our legislators offices, Marco Rubios office etc… with as many letters as we can saying that this man has caused undue suffering to registrants all over the US, and is obviously incompetent as he has a serious addiction problem, and compare it to our situation and just let them know that were watching all of this and were not going away quietly. Start writing people!! It will be worth the 1 hour of your time and 55 cents for the stamp.
I did sent it her directly, at her office email.
Did you send it to her legislative email? Probably won’t even get seen. Or a staffer will get it first and delete it before it even gets to her. I sent a letter to Jeff Brandes office and sent an email. IDK. I just covered all my bases so I bombard them three times instead of just once.
You don’t need my permission…………go for it!
If someone can post the addresses of the people that need to hear from us ie, judges, legislators, prosecutors, all of the books addresses, phone numbers to call and give our opinion then we can start bombarding everyone with letters about how he should be held to the same letter of the law as the rest of us!
Did anyone give tmz the tip line hit? And I got a buck says he gets off with reckless driving he should lose all his lobbying contracts with any government
Diary of a madman
The recidivism rate for drunk drivers and death rate are exponentially higher for drunk drivers than for registered citizens.,
Someone needs to push and asked for change of venue. Sh@t He is friends with all of the state politics.
Believe in Redemtion, Everybody can make a mistake and should be allowed to learn from their mistake. Well look up Book’s Driving record in last ten years, numorious violations, four convictions, guy goes around driving 75 in a 40. He is a menace to Society
I have not been Arrested or convicted of a moving violation in the 20 years since off paper. Yet im the menace.
With no Vote!
Have a look at this:
Not sure who the women is that is accompanying Mr. book but she looks young enough to be his daughter…
That’s his daughter, Samantha.
That video is discouraging for so many different reasons…that’s a guy who knows he’s in no real trouble…I have a question about DUI policy in Florida. Once you refuse to submit to a breathalyzer aren’t you automatically given a blood test? That’s policy in Michigan at least..I could be wrong but the woman in the video might be Lauren’s younger sister….if it isn’t, then Ron already has enough money for a Lamborghini…why not a few gold diggers seeing as how he’s such a prize…
Also, Ron’s had a Lambo for years, you could see him driving one way back in 2009 wen he was being interviewed about the JTC
That is most likely Samantha Book, his OTHER idiot daughter. She’s not well known but what little I’ve seen of her, she’s every bit as cancerous as the rest of the family.
Hate to put a damper on the majority of happy posters here, but I’m in Derek’s and Sean’s camp on this one. Ronnie is a local boy, not some Yankee from Boston. Nothing will come of this. It will disappear from the news. He’s a mover and shaker in South Florida and Tallahassee, none of the corrupt folks in Floriduh want to lose him as an ally. Sorry, but just keepin’ it real.
I think after he’s satisfied his sentence, he needs be be restricted to driving an old Buick and never drink again.
An old Buick or bicycle would be just perfect for him. He actually looks like an Oldsmobile man to me, but alas, they aren’ made anymore. I will be writing a letter to the Governor, hopefully along with many others. A man with possible compromised judgement should not be making decisions about the homeless and where they can live.
I just watched an episode of Law & Order SVU where they threw out a case because of “misspellings/mislabeling of evidence”.
As in Books case they might get a technicality of the cop calling him Mr. COOK, instead of Book.
Either way…. Here is the evidence against Book (most have been downgraded to misdemeanors).
1. He was charged with DUI. The Deputy/Trooper noticed alcohol on his breath/person.
2. He FAILED the field sobriety test.
3. He REFUSED to give a breathalyzer test (either on scene or while being booked).
4. He LIED to Troopers on-scene about how the accident occurred. (filing false report/giving false info)
5. While leaving the courthouse, he stated that he had Cancer and he admitted to taking meds AND drinking.
ALSO, Mr Book has several other “run-in’s with the law; from almost double the speed limit, to Fraud, and several others that elude me at this moment.
While cancer is a horrible and debilitating disease and I would never wish it on anyone, how come he decides to reveal this at this time….? In a supposed sympathy defense? (can you say Karma?)
He was involved in an accident, that he was drunk/and or on pills, plowed into some car, causing it to flip over, on an Interstate Highway and get charged with ONLY a Misdemeanor??
Anyone else would be in “the dungeons, with the key used to weld the door shut.”
Everyone (all egistered citizen) should write letters to the Governor, Broward County Representatives and your local county representative and that judge plus his daughter explaining that we are all watching and why he is the wrong person for his job and expect him to get the same treatment we get as jail time, fines, treatment. That he is no different from an registered citizen when it comes down to consequences being handed down to him.
Some one should have asked Lauren Book about DUI offences and the asked her about her dad.Now that would be worthy news. I put my 2 cents in on this forum. The horrors and number of untold suffering he cause people in the past has gone unchecked, I would stage a protest demanding Justice but that is just my thoughts. All of you that suffer by his hand would be a good time to call the Media and demand Justice. Standing by doing nothing is an lost opportunity. Hit that speed dial newspaper, facebook. You the Registry Citizens and your family need to generate a strong public opinion. Do nothing and you lost a golden chance to get the heat off you!! I not telling you to break the law You need to start flooding the news What Lauren gonna say her daddy didn’t do it. Right now be a good time to take the offence approached!!
What was that journalist guy who did a piece on him defies or something maybe someone contract him and have a debate about dui and registry offences and see who has a higher turn out rate
From News Article in Miami Herald
Influential lobbyist Ron Book arrested on DUI charges after Lamborghini crash
FEBRUARY 25, 2019 12:39 PM
In this article, Miami Mayor Carlos Gimenez was quoted:
“I do believe in redemption,” Gimenez said. “Everybody can make a mistake, and people should learn from their mistakes.”
Ron Book donates to all these people in office. It doesn’t surprise me that this fool of a mayor is saying this.