Earlier this year we warned of a law firm based in Texas that was actively soliciting people on the Florida registry for a “class action lawsuit”. The lawsuit Estes-Hightower filed in their home state of Texas was dismissed yesterday. We are concerned about the fate of the very similar suit they brought in Florida.

We warned our members who received unsolicited letters in the mail to “be VERY cautious about these opportunists who market service to registrants.”

While the firm did file lawsuits, in the opinion of attorneys familiar with the issues and the pleadings, the cases were very rough from the get go. With respect to the TX case we were told, “existing precedent in the Fifth Circuit was already in place that rendered each and every one of Estes-Hightower’s claims frivolous.”

Naturally we are very disappointed to see any registration challenge fail, but this one makes us angry. It is our opinion that this firm is going state-by-state, using the sex offender registries as a marketing list in order to solicit vulnerable individuals and families to pay thousands of dollars and doing them a huge disservice.

Not only does it hurt the plaintiffs, but creating bad precedent harms every registrant in the state!




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