Since our Call to Action went out on April 26, 2024, all movement seemed to have stopped for these two bills.  

Besides our many FAC members who sent emails to the Louisiana legislators opposing these bills, there were organized groups from all over the country that participated in this email blitz.

There was movement on May 15, 2024, with the forced physical castration bill in the Louisiana House’s Committee on Administration of Criminal Justice:  Reported favorably (9-0) and referred to the Legislative Bureau.  SB 371

There continues to be no movement with the forced vasectomy bill with the last movement occurring on April 16, 2024.  HB 166

The last day of the Louisiana legislative session is no later than 6:00 pm on Monday, June 3, 2024.

The video of the May 15 Criminal Justice Committee can be seen here; timestamp is 2:44:03 – 3:11:27.

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