When a Sex Offender Comes to Visit
Information for Sex Offenders
A new study by Shawn M. Rolfe, Doctoral candidate at the University of Louisville, helps identify some of the requirements each individual state has when a registered sex offender travels there.
A chart contained in the study provides a useful reference.
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Fact checking Shawn Rolfe’s
I was excited that Rolfe took the time to do the research. I find this helpful and appreciate his time and efforts.
As a registrant who recently traveled through several “States” I spent months researching the locations I would be staying.
One error I discovered on this article is the State of New Mexico. I contacted the NM Sorna Coordinator and also consulted with attorney Barry Porter, and both confirmed the number of “free” days in NM is 5 business days. Rolfe states it is 10 or 30… I don’t know what he is referring to.
Hawaii is correct however as I was just there and the State Sorna website and an attorney both confirm it is 10 days.
Be safe people and verify for yourselves. Verify every detail of table No. 2 if it applies to you. Your freedom is worth the effort.
If any of you have info on any other States, especially Oregon, would you please reply to my post?
May the Lord bless and protect you; may the Lord’s face radiate with joy because of you; may he be gracious to you, show you his favor, and give you his peace. Numbers 6:24-26
Absolutely good advice. Verify verify verify.
Also keep in mind that this is a slice of info in time, and may change somewhat at the end of each state’s legislative session. Always check before you go.
Bureaucratic bullshit or not, I’ll take a few hours or days of inconvenience over a 5 yr felony sentence.
At what point are we going to quit being a victim to these unconstitutional, ‘luni bin’ laws and be willing to say that enough is enough? Many of the churches in Germany during the Nazi reign of terror agreed to remove crosses and replace them with the ‘twisted cross’ to avoid Nazi persecution. They even agreed to identify and turn over Jews. Churches behind the ‘Iron Curtain’ agreed to turn in members who who not take allegiance to the masters in Moscow. These laws that are made by power grabbing bureaucrats are designed to reduce certain law abiding citizens to the level of slaves…’Yes sir, yes sir, three bags full…whatever you say’. We need to get to the point that we do not fear these efforts to destroy certain lives and families. As a group RSO’s need to take a stand. If we evaluate most of the problems this nation has today, we would find that most are government generated.
The chart lists Nebraska as having statewide residency restrictions, but the restrictions are local and not statewide.
Matthew, do the other requirements in Table 2 in the Rolfe article match up with your knowledge of Nebraska SORNA? How many days are “free” for a visitor?
@ Jake what are u looking for? AZ Is 10 days to report in if you are coming here or going to move to a different county with in the State. If you move with in the county then it is 72 hours. If you do not have sexual predator or crime against a child. The 1000 foot law does not apply to you. I have neither but I wont push my luck by moving near schools, etc I report in once a year unless I move. Then It is a trip to sheriff office and D.M.V . I pay 10.00 for I.D. once a year. They send out papers you send it back. A word of caution….. If you tell them u live somewhere You better be there. A sex crime detective drives and comes by to see you. But that is it. I been here for 7 years now and No problems. also I got the hell out of Florida the day they cut me lose from Conditional release
Key Word-Compliance
Read your own State Statute or Laws as they refer to your crime and restrictions. You will need to know what to do first in the state you reside and then the state you are traveling to. In Florida you must fill out the travel registry. In some states a visiting RSO must register with the Sheriff of the county or city you are visiting. All states have different laws. If you choose to ignore these laws you could be arrested for a Violation of Sex Offender Laws. This all sounds like a horrible intrusion on your civil rights but its worth it to stay within each State’s laws of compliance.
JEV-True Confessions
Glad to see that someone is taking a survey of this. Every time I travel I have to allot about 3-4 hrs sometime beforehand to pore over every state/county/city statute and ordinance I can find to try and make sure my travel doesn’t involve a trip to the local bed and breakfast.
Lots of the responses in here from the states irked me, but this one….just….I dunno…am I misreading this?
“As it was simply put by one of the state’s registration representatives, “If a registrant is stopped by a law enforcement agency, that officer has full discretion to arrest the registrant regardless of whether they knew the laws or is within the allotted number of days to register in that state.””
The part about ‘…is within the allotted number of days…’ sorta sound like whatever this state is, they can just pick you up for being an out of state offender? I’m failing to understand what they could charge you with. Please someone tell me I’m misunderstanding this.
Oh, that’s rich. Notice how the idiot tries to make a connection between RSO’s and ‘tourist destinations’, which goes hand-in-hand with the idiotic IML and passport scheme. Next, RSO’s will have to obtain a domestic passport to travel from city to city, county to county and state to state because, hey, they might be visiting or just passing through a tourist destination. I can see the check points, like toll booths, being erected all across the land of the free. “Papers, please.” Don’t be fooled, this bumbling moron chose his words carefully and has an ulterior motive with this hit piece:
“Additionally, states may experience an increased financial burden due
to the manpower needed to enforce their state’s nonresident sex offender laws, especially in areas that are known tourist destinations.”
As a US citizen and retired military member, whenever I travel I will stay wherever I damn well please. This has gone well beyond ridiculous.
Capt. As former military myself I put myself in harms way to defend the rights of the same people who keep trying to take mine away I agree with you I will go where I damn well please and I may even sleep there I’m over this crap.
It comes to a point in life that we have to say ‘enough is enough’ to this bureaucratic stupidity.
Suppose I want to move to Las Vegas, are there any required things for me to do?
yes – you must notify FL you are leaving and then register in NV
All states require you to notify them you are moving. However when visiting you shouldnt have to notify anyone. In Virginia, go on vacation all you want. No need to tell anyone unless going overseas.
I went to Virginia Beach a couple of weeks ago for a symposium for Aerospace Maintenance Professionals. I was pleasantly pleased to see that their distance restrictions of 100 feet include the word ‘loitering’. One can buy groceries, get a haircut, eat a meal, etc. across the street from a school and as long as it’s legit business, no problem. In Brevard County Florida buying groceries or dining or buying car parts, etc. across the street from a tennis court or playground will get an RSO arrested…and the distance restriction is 1000 feet. I have to travel 35 miles one way just to get a haircut. I used to live in Virginia…my offense was there…but I moved to Florida to help my mother and ailing father. The way Florida treats one, you would think I had had a rape and pillage rampage in Florida. I like living in Florida, have good neighbors, and made many friends but the bureaucracy in Florida is out of control.
In Virginia we RSO are not bothered nor targeted by police. I once called police and they had no idea my apartment complex was full of RSOs.
I went to Virginia Beach in April for my high school reunion. Probation in Florida wanted me to check in with law enforcement when I got there, so I did. They didn’t know what to do with me. After about 20 minutes of phone calls they had me fill out some paper and got my finger prints. On the way out they wished me a good reunion.
As long as you werent on school property you are fine. Virginia law enforcement could careless what you do as long as you arent breaking the law. I go to parks, walk in front of schools, and go to movies without problem.
If I didn’t love it so much here in Florida you could tempt me to move back to Virginia, however, a day or two of ‘playing in the traffic’ in Virginia Beach brings me back to my senses. I just hope that common sense will find a strong hold eventually in Florida and our ‘do-gooder’ politicians will come to realize that they are doing far more damage than good.
All SO laws are based on a lie proven so far by 10 different state run research.
or so they say Charles Mock…
SCOTUS has ruled that law enforcement can LIE to fake an arrest.
They know, they are just playing their ignorance card–(they “play” ignorant all to well)
I will say that’s mostly true, however, I work at a restaurant and we have to call them all the time and never once did they say or do anything that would put us off. The department where I live is very community oriented policing. They’re very approachable and friendly. I’m not saying some arent ignorant, always a few, but by and large I’ve got trust in them. 3 years and not once pulled over cuz I’m registered and so are my vehicles.
Its complicated and a complex process. First off the state you are leaving loses jurisdiction of your case and yourself as a registered sex offender. In Florida you have 24 hrs to give notice of new address once you have established new residency. Nevada will have laws requiring registrants from outgoing states to register. Your case will be reviewed in the new state and you must follow the guidelines for Registration. In the case of Nevada the restrictions could be even harsher than the state you are leaving. Depends on your crime.. be smart, stay compliant.