Miami-Dade Commissioners Want Cops to Arrest Homeless Sex Offenders on Sight
Florida Sex Offender News
For 12 years, Miami-Dade’s registered sex offenders have been barred from living within 2,500 feet of any school, playground, or daycare. They’re effectively homeless by law, and today hundreds live in squalor in makeshift “tent cities” under bridges, near trailer parks, and on roadsides. After New Times reported on a camp near Hialeah, county officials called these encampments inhumane and unsanitary and promised a solution.
That solution, though, apparently isn’t to amend the law or to find transitional housing. Two commissioners now want to simply put the offenders back in jail.
This morning, the county commission considered an ordinance that would change Miami-Dade’s policy on what to do with homeless people who are found sleeping on public property. Currently, police are required to offer homeless people the chance to go to a shelter before arresting them, but under the proposed change, homeless sex offenders would be immediately arrested.
Members of the local American Civil Liberties Union and the Florida Action Committee (FAC) have already called the measure excessive punishment and are demanding that commissioners vote against it.
“Instead of building affordable housing, [the county] would rather spend money on incarceration and criminalizing homelessness,” says ACLU attorney Nancy Abudu, who is defending three homeless sex offenders in a lawsuit against Miami-Dade.
Effect of Florida Sex Offender Registry
Since the county passed its restrictive laws in 2005, sex offenders across Miami-Dade have struggled to find permanent residences. Because the majority of the county is off-limits, dozens were forced to live under the Julia Tuttle Causeway until a national backlash resulted in their relocation. By 2014, the colony had been moved multiple times, eventually to a set of railroad tracks near Hialeah, where at least 233 offenders have lived in tents since then.
This past August, New Times investigated the encampment at NW 71st Street and NW 36th Court, which local business owners say has scared customers away and made them worry for their safety. Soon after, Homeless Trust Chairman Ron Book declared the site a “health crisis” and promised the county would shut it down as soon as possible. In spite of his remarks, the camp is still there months later.
Critics have long demanded that the county relocate sex offenders to legal housing. However, many commissioners disagree. One, in particular, has offered his own solution: placing offenders back behind bars.
Recently, Commissioner Esteban Bovo drafted a proposal to amend the county code governing overnight camping on public property. The code states that law enforcement is required to offer homeless people the opportunity to go to a shelter before arresting them. Bovo’s ordinance, however, would eliminate this safeguard for sex offenders, claiming it has been an “unworkable, unduly [burden] on law enforcement” because sex offenders are ineligible to stay at homeless shelters anyway.
Bovo’s ordinance, cosponsored by Commissioner Rebeca Sosa, passed its first hearing this morning and is scheduled to go to committee in December. If it’s approved, homeless sex offenders would be vulnerable to immediate arrests, while other homeless people would continue to be protected under the code.
Bovo says that “as commissioners, we are tasked with identifying ways in which to keep the residents and families of Miami-Dade safe, and this item accomplishes this goal.”
Many homeless advocates, however, insist the ordinance would not improve public safety.
“It’s ill-informed, uninformed policy,” says Gail Colletta, president of the FAC. If anything, the ordinance would put sex offenders, who are trying to be compliant with the county law, between “a rock and a hard place,” she says.
“Either they stay in the area and risk violating the [ordinance], or they leave and risk arrest for violating the county’s [residency restriction],” she says. “It’s a lose-lose situation.”
Abudu says the ordinance might also violate the state and federal constitutions because it would add time to sex offenders’ criminal sentences retroactively. “It’s unfair to set these people up for incarceration, where they’ll be subject to poor mental-health services, overcrowding, and limited resources,” she says.
Of particular concern, Colletta says, is the motivation behind the ordinance: “It seems like a pointless move on [the county’s] part. Either it’ll push [sex offenders] to go underground or, if they’re arrested, taxpayers will be forced to foot the bill.”
Instead, the ACLU and the FAC urge the county to do away with its harsh policies.
“[The county] should be getting rid of the residency restriction,” Colletta says. “These people shouldn’t need to live on the street in the first place.”
Maybe not a good idea to be homeless in the Banana Republic (a/k/a Florida):
More of a question what happens to people that go to Miami on vacation such as south beach ? Do they violate the law by staying there for like a weekend ?
stay less than 5 days
Another point to consider. Technically, the RSOs living there are not homeless in a legal definition. Isn’t their “address” registered officially on the registry for all to see? Did not an official of law enforcement enter that into the list as an “official address”
By default the state accepted it as an address so then subject to eviction? They have legal proof of residence as they all have florida id cards. Theyre not homeless are they! They can prove residence and its been verified by visit and leo verification
So when is someone going to pull their thumb out of their ass and challenge the STATE law that allows the city and counties to do this? How can the Legislature pass a law that allows local governments to do what the state cannot do? The state knows that it can’t impose these residency restrictions on anyone convicted before 2005. THEY realized that it is the date of conviction, not the date of establishing residency that controls. They also SHOULD know that they can’t give permission to the cities to enhance a criminal penalty. How is it constitutional for the LEGISLATIVE branches of the local governments to enhance what is is clearly punishment, especially now with these latest Federal court decisions? Could Dade county enhance a sentence from 5 to 10 years? Could they extend probation? No.
Question if your crime was committed in 1999 but your plea deal was August 2004 what law does the person fall under ?
As I see it any law made in 2000-2004 would be null and void
Depends where you are looking, but for ex-post-facto arguments it’s date of offense.
Where do you see that “any law made in 2000-2004 would be null and void”?
Sorry what I meant was that any law made after 1999 should not legally affect me
How do find out what the law was back then ?
There are many registered citizens that have been grandfathered in because they showed proof of established residence before 2005. I know of one that has been living in his place since the late 80’s without any moving whatsoever, and the law protects him there and therefore was grandfathered in by Police and dept of corrections when he was on probation. He still lives at his residence with his family without any incident whatsoever before and after his arrest. He has been long done with probation. Just a normal regular guy with a family like any other. So I don’t understand what the big deal is for all RSO to live with their family or anywhere they want. You give people a normal productive life and they will be law abiding productive citizens. These restrictions are punishment and shouldn’t even be impose on people long after they finished their sentences.