Registrant Denied Access to Hospital For Son’s Surgery

Father on Sex Offender Registry Barred from Son’s Hospital

A member contacted us this week. He’s on the registry for an offense that took place over 15 years ago. He brought his son to Nemours Children’s Hospital in Orlando for surgery and was denied access at the door because of his status on the registry.

These policies that prevent former offenders from ever parenting their children are ridiculous!

When someone looks back on their childhood and reflects on the meaningful events when a parent was there for them, they think of sporting events, graduations, illnesses. Laws that banish parents from these events not only do nothing to keep children safe, but deprive their own children of a parent.

Laws which keep individuals from schools, athletic events, even hospitals, when they have no legitimate reasons to be there are understandable. But if someone is at a hospital to stand by his child, who is going into surgery, keeping them away is inhumane!

If anyone is concerned about this policy and would like to submit their concern to Nemours, you can do so here:


57 thoughts on “Registrant Denied Access to Hospital For Son’s Surgery

  • February 17, 2018

    I do not know how to find the outcome of the lawsuit mentioned in this article (it is 9 years old) but it might hold some interesting information. It says in this article, “One point of contention in the lawsuit is whether a hospital has a legal duty to its patients to always give visiting rights to their designated family members and surrogates.” This article is about a same sex couple but the statement above is inclusive and not based on that.

  • February 17, 2018

    Is there even one single documented case of a RSO committing an offense at a hospital? Likely not. Just unnecessary, added expense, frustration, and hassle.

  • February 16, 2018

    just another law maker arrested and probably going to get away with it but doing what some rso’s did to get on the list
    “Rhode Island state Sen. Nick Kettle was arrested Friday on charges of video voyeurism” 02/16/2018 was the day of his arrest lets see what happens

  • February 16, 2018

    It’s a sad, sad commentary on what is happening to this country all over… maybe even the world. People, out of touch with compassion, believe every falsehood told on the internet but won’t trust the truth when presented to them We have become a nation of amoral seething dogs, unwilling or unable to forgive and move on.

    • February 19, 2018

      Thomas, very well said. Thank you

  • February 16, 2018

    Another movie needs to be made here about these injustices. It needs to be documented and soon. People are being hurt for no reason and it has to stop. Where are the folks that did the filming for “Pervert Park?” This is something that just cannot go on, Its nothing less than appalling.

  • February 16, 2018

    Is it just Nemours? How do they check? My son visited my mother in the hospital and they did not say anything. Here is what I wrote to Nemours

    How dare you deny a father to see his son in the hospital because of a prior crime just because our government chooses to label him! That gentleman has served his time for a crime committed a long time ago! How dare you! As doctors and scientists you should have a better handle on the truth about sex offenders – if you did you would know that this person is no threat to you or anyone else in your facility. How many people pass through your doors every day that have committed crimes against humanity and you do not even know about it! Again how dare you!!! Learn the truth before you judge and hurt peoples lives!

    • February 19, 2018

      That’s a good response!


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