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Answer: FAC comment policy for all other posts is that comments must be relevant to the post topic and cannot contain links. For this post and only this post, these policies are suspended. You may comment on any topic and may share links. Comments must still be news worthy or informative, as well as related to the registry in some way.
Has anyone heard how the Ex Post Facto case, that was to be heard in Tallahassee yesterday, went? Is there a video link?
A Florida man wants right to reputation after his son account is hacked online. Maybe this idea could gain steam, a Pennsylvania man is using a reputation defense in his state as a means to challenge his conviction on the Pennsylvania registry.
Eugene, it seems he was targeted by someone out to portray him as a radical Democratic upset at Mainor for switching parties. So someone set him up to make people think that he posted racial slurs about her. The problem with Bugay’s case is that there are many Alex Bugay’s on Twitter. So the other person can always say they’re referring to another Bugay. And no one can ever pin down which one, because the other person can always deny it’s the one. Also, there’s already an anti-defamation law on the books that benefit private & not public citizens. It makes me wonder why Bugay’s lawyers didn’t go that route. They probably believe that Bugay has crossed that line to public citizen thru his activism on Twitter X makes in a public citizen. As far as sex offenders benefiting from this reputation law? That will be a very hard sale to the general public.
If only Washington wisdom would spread here.
Hopefully the idea of a prison alternative for strictly viewing crimes for cp crimes catch’s on for 1st time offenders.
NARSOL just posted the residency strategy for the issues residents face from the Houston conference this year.
If anyone is curious about it.
Even tho this doesn’t really relate to our current situation
I thought was pretty interesting that the state prison system got called out like this. I know from experience we had these issues but seems the state would all ways have corrections back and just look the other way during inspection time.
This is not much different than I experienced in Jesup FCI when I resided there. Amazing that the IG said he had been on the job for 11 years and has seen it all before…some things never change. During the Covid lockdown, we were given “end of the world” box lunches for months at a time and some were so moldy you could not see the bread. In “B” dorm, there was a roof leak that was leaking in 2018 when I got there and still leaking in 2023 when I left. No accountability!!
I Do NOT identify as a sex offender. The State of Florida and the USA identify me as that. So, why aren’t my due process rights and rights against compelled speech being violated?
What does “moderated” mean in this post?
Not sure but I believe they (media FAC) took it out or moderated it.
Long story anyway a registrant who helped a guy with his court case reach the Supreme Court. Guy graduated 1st in his class from Tulane Law.
(Registrant lawyer is towards the bottom 1/3 of the story)
While many of these sex registry issues are off the beaten path for many it seems many authorities are crossing the line when they ask another person to sin even implying for dirty pictures in all this registry fallacy. Why do you think Jesus spoke up about to those of his day a as hypocrites.
Sure there is good laws and bad laws and it would seem things can get corrupt with the many angles in this registry ordeal as in many other unjust issues that many can go thru. So speak out and stand up for true justice. Now many made errors via this inducement and for every action there is a reaction. Is this registry is a type of downfall for many in this type of devilish ordeal and yes we all can suffer in many ways.
Worth the watch
part 1
Grady Judd us finally having to defend himself and his staff in court:
Looks like sheriff Judd is facing a lawsuit
Judd, Chitwood and Lopez have apparently not read the Constitution of the United States, which they are sworn to uphold! By having news conferences every time they have one of their cutely named roundups placing the arrested individuals on public display and calling them monsters, deviants, and Predators, they violate their right to be assumed innocent until proven guilty.
The 5th amendment does not allow them to do this and every person on these lists should sue the sheriff’s department for the public shaming they endure.
Update on my Cruise. My wife and I along with close friends sailed to Hawaii on Princess Cruise Line. I had no problem whatsoever boarding or disembarking in LA.
We all had to pass a facial recognition.
The ship did stop in Ensenada Mx. we stayed on the ship so I have no idea what would have happened if I got off
Thank you for the update.
So thankful you had great trip.
Wounder if there are others who would share their results of a cruise.
Thanks sailtime
Thanks Sailtime. We had a great Cruise. I too would like to know if anyone did the Caribbean.
Good article about the sex offender registry in Tennessee as well
why is it
” subjected to punishment that didn’t exist when they were convicted, which violates the ex post facto clause of the U.S. Constitution”
and not Florida?
so with the does 2 could that mean a split anf force the men in black dress’s to revisit?
Tennessee falls under the 6th Federal circuit, where many registry provisions are considered punishment, thanks to the efforts of the Michigan ACLU.
FYI, AI generated CP has become a major problem without much needed changes to the laws in the USA.
Geez I wonder why there all cluttered in one spot.
Video of the meeting 1:10 minutes mark. They pushed back the findings until I believe November 30th
link to the video
Great find. It appears the report finds no correlation between SORR and reoffence rates and could be doing more damage. Am I understanding that right if so someone seeing the light
Good article
Wish I could afford to buy a few copies of this book or heck even 1 copy. I’m sure it’s awesome and I know a lot of research went into this book; just wish it wasn’t so darn expensive but I do understand and I hope it can open up some eyes about the hit list.
Does anyone know if the feds track sex offenders using passenger manifests from airlines?
[The moderator reminds readers to be sure to follow all applicable registration laws when traveling].
Moderator should remind writers to not use derogatory hate speech such as this.
This comment parrots the propaganda of the criminal regimes.
He didn’t say anything derogatory. I know you’re use to the ACSOL forum, Will, where certain forum participants get their way, while the moderator “censors” views and words that fall outside their beliefs, and that goes with politics too.
Looks like Curious was/is trying to follow the laws by asking that question.
Looks like Volusia is back at it
Looks like it passed 5-2
Article on Daytona N-J website says that there is a final vote coming. The proposal also includes a registrant fee usual claim that the ordinance is targeting new registrants.
Not sure why FAC did not issue a call to action on the Volusia county ordinance. Guess this one got by them…
This is worse than the last ordinance in only a citywide change that got passed with much consideration by FAC.
We did put out two Calls to Action in June:
Additionally, FAC mailed through the USPS 16 pages of research. The sponsor then pulled the ordinance from the agenda. We continued to check their future agendas to see if he was going to bring it back. We reached out to him, also, asking if he planned on bringing it back at one of the county meetings. He never replied to us.
This caught us completely by surprise as we thought the sponsor had pulled it for good.
This is where we need help from our members. There are 67 counties, and board members cannot possibly keep up with all county and city agendas for meetings. This is where our membership needs to help out by checking all agendas for meetings in their respective county and the cities/towns within their county. Then let us know as soon as you see a proposed SO ordinance.
Please check the agendas for all meetings within your county. These SO ordinances are starting to spread far too rapidly.
It is easier to stop an ordinance before it has been voted on than after the vote has been taken.
Even Judges are not above the law
Yea it is another fanatic Councilman named Danny Robins. I have copied his reasoning below from the webpage. He is using lies and unfounded scare statistics as usual.
Prohibited residences of sexual offenders, sexual predatorsresidency exceptionsMain Topic – ResidencyCurrently State law prohibits persons convicted of certain sexual crimes to reside within 1,000 ft ofChild Care facilities, Parks, Playgrounds, Schools.Today I am proposing a modest increase to the residency restrictions of convicted sexual offendersand predators to 1,500ft which is an approximate 6% residency reduction.Why? Society hasdetermined that sexual offenders, repeat sexual offenders who use physicalviolence, and sexual offenders who prey on children are sexual predators present an extremethreat to the public safety. Sexual offenders are extremely likely to use physical violence and torepeat
their offenses, and most sexual offenders commit many offenses, have many morevictims than are ever reported, and are prosecuted for only a fraction of their crimes. This makesthe cost of sexual offender victimization to society at large, while incalculable, clearly exorbitantand a drain on the resources of society.It is the intent of this article to serve as Volusia County’s compelling interest to promote, protectand improve the health, safety, morals and welfare of the citizens of Volusia Countyby creatingareas around locations where children regularly congregate in concentrated numberswherein certain sexual offenders and predators are prohibited from establishingtemporary or permanent residences.Item 04 – Supplemental DocumentsOctober 17, 202304-19
This Judge, Jeff Ashton, was an assistant Florida prosecutor who later got elected to State Attorney after prosecuting Casey Anthony. It’s also not the first time he’s been accused of inappropriate sexual things; he held a press conference years ago and informed the price that he joined a website called Ashley Madison (which is a known hub for prostitution).
I wanted all of you that I was able to book a cruise on Princess Cruise line several months ago. We sail Sunday. I have not received any cancellation notice from Princess.
Good luck and enjoy please keep us updated. [moderated]
Thanks Not sure and Sailtime I will keep you posted.
Has anyone traveled to Italy or Greece recently? I know they are OK on the matrix, just makes me nervous to book an expensive trip with my family only to get turned away.
Thanks for the information.
Let us heard how it went
Lauren Book is in the news again. Standing up for human rights but has a bad habit of forgetting that PFR’s are human too.
[moderator’s note: registration is not mentioned in the article].
More alleged illegal activities by our lE community.
Let’s see it they get signs posted in their yards.
Maybe we have been approaching this from the wrong direction. We have numerous Call To Action issues that we try to fight. Some are good outcomes, others not so much. To my knowledge every item the City Council sees for a vote has to go to the LEGAL department. What if we reached out to the legal teams for each county/city council and shared the real statistics? Letting the legal teams know the days of them just beating on us until we are out of blood is over. We have a voice, even if very small. I just found out the new Mayor of Jacksonville has placed a new lawyer into the City Council. I am going to reach out to him and give him the rest of the story. See if he is concerned with the law or whats popular.
Good idea AL. Maybe this will be pursued by FAC Legal?
Often as the story goes those who yell the loudest usually are the ones that try to deflect their own issues. Maybe in time he can see the other side of the issue now.
I know we don’t want to seem to single out a individual and focus solely on their charge but I believe that this guy was a public figure in the community who was well know lawyer in the law sexual abuse advocacy group and worked especially hard at punishing us.
One has to wonder about those who are exposed to whatever they are doing to protect others, such as this gent in this manner, if they become numb to it and fall to it over time, much like a temptation for those in positions of power. Yes, projection by others onto others is because there is most likely guilt associated for their own actions, but to what path happens does the fall take and why? Is there trauma from before they are addressing? It would be interesting to get this gents story to see one side, one perspective, of his fall. Let’s hope he is able to use his legal knowledge to assist FAC, et al, the best he can for improvement in the area he now will be part of, whether in the cell or outside of it.
Happy to report we our at sea having a great time with our friends. No problem boarding!
Awesome, have a great time!!!
Let us know how it goes coming back in the US.
Thanks for letting us kn6
So they interviewed the Governor and he is sensitive to the issue of giving the death penalty to register citizens based on the act that they have committed which they should be prosecuted for the crime that is very true, but is the death penalty the answer? Especially lowering the threshold, needed to send someone to death. What is to stop the criminal or the defendant from killing a child stopping the child from testifying or discovering the body I think this is a serious dangerous law because people panic and when people panic, they do stupid things.
8.4 million for HUD and not a cent to help registrants
With the vast amounts of new social media accounts I see more of these types of outcomes accruing more and more
More “custody” sweeps in Florida. So tell me again how we’re not in the laws custody when they routinely conduct these operations throughout the country and the throughout the year we are not under custody?
Congratulations Osceola County. You just arrested a bunch of dangerous homeless people for being homeless or others for not reporting an email address. This is of course sarcasm.
Pretty impressive work by the Osceola Sheriff’s Department. They arrested 89-year-old [redacted] for omitting information on his registration form. Did he buy a new wheelchair and fail to report it? I’m glad the Osceola Sheriff’s Department is working hard to keep us safe. I feel safe already.
“are not under custody?
All these so-called “compliance” [moderated] shows are no different than “shakedowns” in jail and prison when they come in and toss your cell looking for contraband and drugs.
Yes, it meets the threshold and goes beyond the realm of custody.
It’s actually militant over-policing.
There is a US Supreme Court case, they brief was just filed yesterday, I think. United States v. Rahimi it is a 2nd admin case. It is based on another case called Bruen(spelling). In that case the Supreme Court said you had to look at historical context in dealing with the 2nd admin. In this recently filed brief, the premise is the defendant had a restraining order, State said he could not have a gun. He was not a felon. The brief makes an argument, domestic violence was a crime,when the Constitution was written, and they had a type of restraining orders then, and they did not take their 2nd admin rights away. So that was not the intent of our Founding Fathers. We will have to see if the US Supreme accepts that as a valid argument. If so could we try and apply to our situation. Say in the 1000 feet rule. Violating our right to live where we choose. Just an idea.
Currently, Newberry’s code does not allow sexual offenders to reside within 1,000 feet, and predators 1,500 feet, of a state-defined “protected place,” defined to be schools, childcare facilities, parks, playgrounds and any other gathering place for children.
The city of Williston limits both to live 2,500 feet away from protected places, while state statute limits both sexual offenders and predators to a minimum of 1,000 feet from protected places.
Staff also asked the city attorney’s office about enacting a more restrictive code than the state’s, looking specifically at Williston’s code for reference. The attorney’s office advised that, while a stricter code would be allowable, it may not be enforceable because the state will not prosecute a local ordinance that is not also a violation of state law, unless the city enters into an agreement with the state prosecutor. ( does anyone know what he means? )
“Newberry staff learned there are 21 levels of sexual offenders, only five of which are required to comply with state residency radius restrictions. “
“If Newberry expanded the perimeters around its protected areas to 2,500 feet, the entire urbanized area would be off-limits for sex offender residency.”
Seems like banishment of future potential residents to me
Thank you for the link. I have been searching for more information. It is good to read “Staff also asked the city attorney’s office about enacting a more restrictive code than the state’s, looking specifically at Williston’s code for reference. The attorney’s office advised that, while a stricter code would be allowable, it may not be enforceable because the state will not prosecute a local ordinance that is not also a violation of state law, unless the city enters into an agreement with the state prosecutor.”
This is why Gainesville dropped its 2500-ft residency restrictions: The city attorney said a lawsuit is a lot easier to defend if the city is using the state’s 1000-ft RR.
looking at this site
Seems there still is a way to challenge it.
Just saw this
Don’t know if they’re expanding it a rolling it back, but apparently thinking about doing something. item number 17.
Apparently the next county over in williston fl has more restrictive living requirements and they’re thinking about adopting those that they have over there in the neighboring town. Williston has 59 Registrants according to city data. Com and newberry has 30 residents according to home facts. This is the same issue that happened in Crestview, small town are driving residents out. What are the chances that 30 of those registrants committed a crime or the 59 in Willison? This has to be grounds for a lawsuit its systematic hatred.
I’ve noticed a trend in Florida in that all the central state counties are trying to “out tough” each other. Make no mistake, the cruelty is the point in the messaging and framing. It’s low-effort gentrification to give off the illusion of safety and order.
They actually think it’s creating a legitimate safety buffer. Bless their little ignorant hearts. What any reasonable person would call call gaining housing and neighborly goodwill, these local council members are maliciously spinning anyone with “that label” as attempting to “skirt” detection and gain “safe harbor” in their precious little communities.
Alligators are literally eating people daily, sink holes are eating homes and infrastructure, kids are getting shot up in public schools, but hey… lets distract from all that by targeting a group everyone loves to hate in order to make it appear like we’re doing something about “community safety.” Pfft…
Eugene V. Debs >>> Well my friend I guess the cat is gonna come out of the bag soon enough. I’m a John Doe in John Doe vs Poritz NJSC 7/25/95 ruling. Ground Zero for the Registry to those who look it up. This is the foundation court ruling of the Megan’s Law in the state of New Jersey where it started. This Registry was ruled informative not punitive making it civil not criminal being an extension of punishment. Then the ruling goes on for those who were convicted before Constitutional laws: Even though it is not an extension of punishment the state must provide “Due Process”. My civil D.P. Judgement because I was before Constitutional Laws was a Tier 1. This ruling was even before the 5/17/96 Federal Amendment. Yeah they are smoked an they know it, why they pushed it off on FDLE.
Constitutional freedoms lawyer, what a crock.
Wow they mention all that but not one word about the fact he is partially responsible for homelessness in Miami dade. Nor his DUI and wreck or any other thing he’s done wrong. But if one of us saved someone’s life they would lead with joe blow a CONVICTED REGISTERED SEX OFFENDER saved a life his CONVICTION was from charges filed against him in 1925 blah blah blah .
Not only is the article from the Supreme Court blog, they actually did along article about the case. maybe this case they think about hearing?
this case has been brought back to my attention I Supreme Court, gave them an extension until October 23 to file. Fingers crossed
any thoughts on it?
I really wished he raised the residency restriction argument, but apparently our side wrote 25 page paper to the supreme court 11th circuit had no comment and as you see on the link it went before a conference and now the Supreme Court wants to hear from the 11th. So apparently the Supreme Court is at least curious of the details. He filed federal so I believe a ruling here will effect everyone. I truly believe we are in custody if there is no end to this. And the Alaskan case we were free to live and work where we wanted now it’s almost to the point of just listing the things we can do. I believe Ketanji Brown Jackson will want to hear the case and chief justice, as far as internal politics of the Supreme Court I have no idea how they will gain from hearing this case but I do know they need to hear this case. Roberts will have to excuse himself, since he was original prosecutor I believe.
Maybe FAC will write a Amici in support of the hearing since the Supreme Court could potentially hear this case effecting everybody on lifetime registry.
On ACSOL site under this month general comments there a good summary someone wrote regarding this case.
Apparently the search engine for this website does not work very well. I searched for “Clements” and not a single result came up. Has FAC been blindsided by this case?
For those interested, here is FAC’s previous reporting on this case:
I don’t know if you saw the article but out of all the petitions highlighted this week the choose to highlight this one maybe they view it has having weight we just need 4 of them to agree to hear it. They could of denied it at the conference where 7,000 plus decisions get denied yearly for the supreme court doesn’t wanna hear them that’s why Florida didn’t file a response it thought it would get denied like the 1,000s before it but apparently this case seems to caught at least one Judges attention otherwise it would of been thrown in the recycle bin when the scores of ones before it. So States deadline is Monday October 23rd and I believe the Supreme Court has 14 or so days to decide if they want to hear it so we should know by Thanksgiving if they will hear this case. This could be huge! here is a podcast that talks about it 277. The guy Larry is always pessimistic
It’s almost a year old but here was 11th circuit argument
Just saw this
Current Law
• St. Johns County Ordinance No. 2009-36 makes it unlawful for Sex Offenders to be on or within a Safety Zone (300 feet) of a St. Johns County park and recreation center, school, daycare center, arcade, school bus stop (when children are present), YMCA/Y WCA, designated Public Library Areas, public or private playgrounds, Boys and Girls Club’s facilities, youth camp grounds, or another other similar location or facility that is designed for or primarily used by children.
Proposed Amendments
• Update the existing ordinance to provide clarification to the notice requirement.
• Strengthen the ordinance by eliminating provisions that are ambiguous.
• Provide new and revised definitions.
• Extend the Safety Zone distance from 300 feet to 1,000 feet.
“Amenity center shall mean a recreational facility, including, and not limited to, clubhouse, swimming pool(s), playground, and open space, operated primarily for the use of residents or neighborhood groups and their guests. For the purposes of this Ordinance, amenity center shall only be enforceable when children are present.”
It passed 5-0
Anyone know whether St John’s new ordinance preserves the exceptions of the old ordinance (such as transporting one’s own kids, just passing through, attending a religious service, etc)?
Or did they strip those out?
Seems they left the exemptions in place from what I remember hearing about the meeting but expanded the ordinance from 300 feet 1000 feet
Watching that Clearview video was a bit much. Hey I’m an offender but who did I offend. Sure in many ways we all offend and that came straight from the bible. This registry is nothing but abuse of fellow man for some gain glory by man over man in this sexual coy.
Sure its an honor for FAC to be invited to this HUMAN RIGHTS event but have not all human rights been abused since the dawn of time.
This expo-facto thing effort is baseless as is much of this sex registry. So who is watching over who. Is this registry some space race to see who gets the victory or the just understanding or cannot government count their mistakes and errors in judgement. On the human conditions man is just as sinful as the other person.
Since this is a public meeting will you or can you please share this clip with the civil rights council that practically sums up what were against with residency restrictions? They have the evidence, but emotion takes over. They admit they want to banish us. They admit they pass the laws to get as many as they can arrested but yet it’s a civil scheme, so it’s not punishment.
I watched the video. This is not unbelievable, so wrong and it has to be illegal. These people are exactly what is wrong with our country. Florida is out of control.
True true true
Perhaps someone who’s eloquent with words should write in, what about the registrant who are not on drugs who will simply be arrested stemming from a civil registry scheme. And Ron Book believes housing is the issue, but only housing for some that would be us.
Here is a report to the human watch group from 2007 don’t know if it will be any use at the Geneva conference.
It’s been saying what he have been yelling over 16 years ago and still is being ignored.
Missouri Alliance for Family Restoration
Next course of action?
Another town in Florida increases there residency restrictions
One of the men behind the so called “predator patrols” was Florida cop who has recently been arrested on child porn charges.
Good article
Wow, I had to make sure that I heard correctly. F.A.C a chance to go to Geneva, and not Geneva Florida but Switzerland! This is a real huge deal that could put a lot of external pressure on the US by finally acknowledge that the human rights is trampled on us by the Florida government. Should we have a comment page suggestion post so we might summit ideas that need to be addressed to the Geneva meeting?
To this man being put on the registry was worse than the 12 months he did when wrongly convicted. I hope this goes to court you can get money for wrongly, been convicted and going to prison, but you cannot receive money for being placed on the sex offender registry, and that’s what this man is fighting for and if we get that we can prove at the registry as punishment hopefully
Somehow they do legalese gymnastics in order to get the ruling that they want. If there’s three branches of government executive legislative and judicial, and they’re all equal, and they’re saying, only a executive pardon can be used not a judicial pardon what is the judicial process for? Just have a legislative and an executive branch just skip over the judicial branch altogether seems like that is what is happening to registrants rights.
Seems the state should be on the hook for a lawsuit . Knowing keeping an easy to use guide to rob the registrants
I don’t even know how you would stop it unless you just go after people who have it.
And of course it’s a “race against the clock” to pass more laws to “protect” fabricated children in the digital sphere.
Anything lazy, low=effort and easy, lawmakers will swoop in and “save the day” for easy political points and news cycles.
Attorneys like to win cases. Especially those cases whose fees are paid by the state when you win.
So when 39 attorneys turn down your case against the state, that might be taken as an indicator of that case’s perceived winnability.
The good news is that, as I understand it, one of our ex post facto challenges is scheduled for trial in just three months.
Jacob >>> I’m well aware of them liking to win but some of them I can’t even get through the door as it is about a sex offender an the people I do get to talk with jump on the oh well you had to register in another state is how they got you. Have a nice day…. I’ve been kicked out of an attorney office being slapped with the May 17th amendment saying this is why. They just don’t want to be named in the suit that takes it all down. The Ex post facto challenge I don’t put much faith into it as I know how they work. I’d love to show these Attorney’s my case an see what they say. I’m 100% sure no state can deny a court judgement making it an extension of punishment.