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This below video would be a good link to a playlist on the FAC’s YouTube channel.
The Unconstitutionality of Sex Offense Laws – Catherine Carpenter
Way to go Carol. I always did like Ms Carpenter and she does have guts. I noticed she wants change… How about starting an all have Sinned movement” and that includes Government also in many ways. I am sure governments are sticking to their man made commandments.
One wonder who the Pharisees are today in modern government today.
Terrible tragedy of another believing the other way out would be better than the future label.
The use of Taxpayers dollars?????- child sex stings – the bait and switch devious scheme used on adult websites to entrap men. These men end up on Florida’s life sex offender registry.
For those of us who live in Duval County, Action News Jax (30 & 47) will be airing an “investigative” report tomorrow (2/15) during their 5:00 afternoon newscast about the registry. I encourage all my Duval pfr’s to watch it. I’ve no doubt they’ll be ramping up the public hype and paranoia about us by presenting lies just like ch.4 does. Please make a point to watch this and email action News Jax with any rebuttal.
I watched it via their website. As always it’s a twisting of the truth about recidivism, how many PFRs are in Florida communities, and using one horrible crime to highlight why we all must suffer with our families. Their recidivism rate of course did not separate new sex crimes from FTR. They need to hear from us…they will hear from me via email.
Interesting case out of Chicago. Will probably be overturned on appeal, but still.
Proximity law removed due to constitutional challenge, similar to Florida laws such as Brevard County. When will these be challenged here?
The exploitation of prison labor, and one of the leading reasons for doing so, as well as keeping the number of people in the system.
Florida news: Man wins Internet identifier case. Apparently he allegedly solicited a minor after incarcerated and probation. He allegedly did it again the state tried to violate him for failure to register an email identifier somehow he use that case a few years ago with the guy in Tampa said all sanctions were not paid yet he was still on probation, so he never had a registered sex offender. Then the legislator changed the law the next year to say, and instead of or I guess somehow through some legal lease and he’s right but allegedly so far I haven’t read it all.
I don’t know they wrote a lot about it. It must be very important.
“At the time of Mr. Crose’s alleged offense, he was required to register as a sex offender following his release from “the sanction imposed,” not just a single part of the sanction. Because probation was part of Mr. Crose’s sanction and he was still serving that probation at the time of his alleged offense, the circuit court correctly dismissed this charge. See James, 298 So. 3d at 94.
Having so held, we acknowledge that our decision today calls into question the continued effect of certain portions of supreme court precedents, including Lowry, Lanier, and Leftwich. We, therefore, certify the following question of great public importance to the Florida Supreme Court pursuant to Florida Rule of Appellate Procedure 9.030(a)(2)(A)(v):
We have answered the question in the negative and affirm the order below accordingly.
Affirmed; question certified.”
This is going to get appealed to the Florida Supreme Court, so if I’m still on probation I don’t have to register Internet identifiers is what this case is saying in the second which is Tampa area
so if I don’t register Internet identifiers, why do I need to report out of state travel, I’m not a registered sex offender yet? So why would you pay probation? This is going to get interesting.
opps caps
Police say teen lied about being raped in Pembroke Pines
I’m shocked!
Hialeah bans use of recreational vehicles for housing
Sure, let’s create more homeless for Don Crook to “manage” and bilk millions more from Floriduh taxpayers.
I wonder if the following type of public service announcement might help those who have left this “free state” of Florida but remain on its registry:
“Ladies and gentlemen of Florida – many dangerous sex offenders and predators in this state have contemplated leaving the state in order to get off of its registry. However, once they realize that Florida will still keep them on the registry forever, they figure it’s not worth the effort to leave the state after all. It sounds like Florida doesn’t want them to leave! You should ask your legislators why. Think of your children and your property values.”
I like that
2024 Legislative Update:
SB 1230 Sexual Predators and Sexual Offenders
On Criminal Justice Committee agenda Tuesday 01/23/24 1:00 pm
This bill has drastic consequences for all registered citizens
– Changes definition of day to include any part of a calendar day.
– Makes it impossible to be removed from registry.
– Any duration of travel outside the USA is reportable (previously five days or more).
– Each instance of a failure to register or report changes to the required information specified in this paragraph constitutes a separate offense.
So Kentucky plans on introducing a bill to pay innocent people money for the time they spent falsely convicted
75,000 for death row
65,000 for regular prison
25,000 for parole, post incarceration probation and get this the sex offender registry. Why would they pay you the same amount of money as parole and probation, if it’s not custody it’s just the registry it’s purely civil, so why would they give you money unless they know somethings wrong with it and they know it’s punishment which is why there giving falsely convicted people money for their troubles.
HB 178 would grant $65,000 in damages for each year a claimant was falsely imprisoned. If that person was on death row, the damages would increase to $75,000 per year of imprisonment. Damages of $25,000 would also be awarded for each year a claimant spent on parole, in post incarceration supervision or on the sex offender registry, whichever is greater.
Read more at:
I think this needs to be clarified as it says:
“to pay innocent people money for the time they spent falsely convicted”
“These people have to prove under this bill actual innocence to get any recovery,”
I have a feeling it’s another Lawmaker legal Attorney scam they are pulling on us again. Just like the “For 4,500.00 I’ll do an assessment on your case” kinda crap I’ve already gone through which is a joke. They dig until they can find a way out of it or pay hundreds of thousands to keep the B.S. going only to be held up in court for years. There are how many Ex Post cases going today in Florida? This was put to rest in 1995 in New Jersey and the Federal 3rd Circuit in 1997. It’s exactly what they want us to do is keep the wheels going round and round but not getting anywhere costing millions only to be smacked down by a Federal Court.
There are 9,362 registered in KY, I don’t think they are gonna pay out 25,000.00 a year or 234,000,000 gross per year for placing someone on their registry that SCOTUS has ruled it’s Constitutional under Doe v Smith FDLE threw at me back in October. ( It’s a joke really they screwed up ) People be still waiting for their 40 acres an a mule our ancestors were promised so don’t get your hopes up to high an be spending any money yet.
Supreme Court news: The court will take up an issue on homelessness camping
In the brief to the court they mentioned this case where a man was denied release from prison since he was a registered citizen. There states out there that will hold you past your sentence. If you do not have a residency a lot of halfway houses, transition houses whatever you wanna call them will not take us. So this could be important to us.
Also this is challenging the 11th decision, in Joel versus Orlando as it makes reference to that as well.
So heres a new one: went to VCSO for my bi yearly. No changes to any information but the person asked: have you downloaded any “communications apps on your phone” thought that was new and odd. Also asked if i had any travel coming: i said not at the moment and she asked me to think about it because i need to report it. I said i always do. Just an fyi
A while ago i submitted the travel form they use where it asked to state reason of travel etc. I know a letter was sent to vcso but never heard again. Any word? Thanks for all you do!
Plead the 5th, Jim
Almost sounds like VCSO is fishing for a violation. My experiences with them, were always borderline nasty and hostile to the point of being in fear of being arrested for breathing. I wonder if that’s the clerk’s additional requirement or one Chitwood or Volusia County installed.
Just laugh and say “you don’t reserve the right to know.”
Any more dumb questions that will have no impact on public safety?
Michigan update:
We hope this message finds you well in the new year.
We are reaching out to share a brief update in the case. As of December 29, 2023, we have filed our briefs for summary judgment, including our response to the state’s motion for summary judgment. These documents are now available on the Does III Website. This briefing phase of the case is expected to conclude by the end of January. Currently, we are awaiting information on whether and when the Court might hold a hearing in the matter. We will keep you informed you of any continued developments.
As always, for those interested in the details or wishing to access relevant court documents, we encourage you to visit the Does III Website linked to this email.
Thank you all again for your patience. We have made significant strides and will continue to keep you all updated on further progress.
Does III Litigation Team
Respectfully Tim P ACLU of Michigan SOR Specialist
Michigan news: Supreme Court case Michigan vs. Cora Lymon audio from yesterday about being placed on the registry for a non sexual act. But the suit is challenging the registry as a whole. Kidnapping. Worth the listen
So I watched the video and I thought the attorney for Lymon was right lymon should not be on the registry. What I got out of listening to the 2 attorneys for the people was, well, a lot of fast talking mumbo jumbo. Legal cases thrown back and forth.
This is, n my opinion, what’s wrong with our laws and court system. Lymon did not sexually abuse anyone, the bottom line is he is innocent of that and must be removed from the registry.
This was the previous court ruling if you want to do more legal reading.
The previous court ruling said that Sorna is punishment not just to him but everyone. This man should easily win his case. What they are trying to do is overturn the ruling by the lower court to only apply to him and not the registry as a whole. It’s like when the defense finds the perfect plaintiff so the defense argues this ruling should only apply to him.
This is EXACTLY why I’m not rushing to file suit against FDLE. I don’t want this to just apply to me an not to 45% of the registrants with what they did with the May 17th, 1996 Amendment. They create a Federal law then slip in an Amendment that added public shaming to all but then say it’s a non-punitive scheme when the 3rd Circuit shows it would be punitive to 45% of registrants with it being public. My question to everyone is: Has anyone convicted after 9/13/1994 had an actual Civil Due Process Court Judgement or just a Criminal Due Process Judgement they used to place you on the registry? In 1972 SCOTUS ruled there are 2 sides to an ACT. Criminal and Civil. Do they provide Due Process on the civil side or blend it into the criminal judgement? Every time they put me under a new law I have always ask where is my Due Process?! I’ve been told by Law Enforcement “There is No Process your an Offender” or How many do you expect to have? Well, I only expected to have 1 but I had 2 an the Retroactive Civil Judgement you used the Registry part but refused the “Not For Public Notification” part of it making it Double Jeopardy under the Ex Post Facto / Double Jeopardy clause of the U.S. Constitution. WE GOT THIS PEOPLE!
Alabama news:
Wasn’t there a bill that tried to do something similar here in Florida?
Tennessee case: Roath v. Haslam
Apparently, in Tennessee, they did legal gymnastics to rule that the man was an ineligible to sue since his registry was time bard, For some reason. I was hoping this case would go differently since it’s in the 6th circuit.
What is the mailing address to FAC for donations and how do we get a receipt?
Donations made to FAC are not tax deductible.
When you donate online at, you immediately receive a confirmation of the transaction on the screen and a receipt is sent to your email.
Donations can be mailed to address below, and canceled check is your receipt,
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Donations made to Justice Transitions are tax deductible, and receipts are mailed by January 31 for the previous tax year.
Make Checks to Justice Transitions and include purpose on the memo line of the check (such as FAC Legal fund).
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So apparently we’re all evil scumbags according to this sheriff.
It’s all gonna bite them in the ass one of these days. 2024 is going to be a good year for us. More news coming soon.
In the coming New Year I would like to see an article by FAC about whats wrong with the registry. Yes in many ways FAC’s hands plus other advocates hands are tied to some extent although we all press on.
While Florida seems the worst place for those that get trapped in all this sex registry shenanigans in many ways, one should understand many in all states are being railroaded also in many ways or where is true justice today.
Seems like this registry is getting like a quality control ordeal of a milk shortage. One is dealing with human lives factors and also undue punishment. due process and fair treatment for many in many of these issues.
Another registry joins the list
Yes, another registry. But this one is optional and without any penalties. Ours is court ordered with criminal penalties for failing to comply. Huge differences.
The irony is, many on the registry have special needs along with the plethora of mental health issues the registry CREATES for those forced to register.
I agree.
-Whatever happened to doe v. SWEARINGEN. A group of Florida registrants with cases dated prior to Oct 1st, 1997 arguing about the violation of Expo facto clause which was allowed by the 11th District Court to be sent back to lower court to be reconsidered as a continued violation of doctrine ?
Hopefully that case was not married to any other case being argued in Fl that may have a registrant defendant with a case dated after 1997 ?
The case has been stayed until Judge Hinkle rules in the case from the Northern district of Florida. The one in the Southern District of Florida will continue after that ruling.
Florida News our motion survived a motion to dismiss the complaint
However the injunction was denied.
What is Kirkpatrick v. Kerner about? It appears to be on the Middle District of Florida, whereas we have a case for PFRa in the Northern and Southern Districts as well. Thanks.
It’s about being predator marked on a drivers license. From what I first read in the PDF file. Defendant Dave Kerner is the Executive Director of the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles. This is the same district as me so I want to see what is in the courts already. The one to watch in the one in the Southern District of Ex Post Facto but I fear it will get shot down as it is only just before the state law being on 9/03/1997 not the Federal Law of 9/13/1994 and the Amendment of 5/17/96. Did he have Civil Due Process under this act by the state of Georgia? I’m not an Attorney but I’ve been in this game since the beginning in New Jersey. I’m a John Doe Retroactive challenger of the Original Megans Law. We challenged it in Federal court already under E.B. v Verniero ( Every Body Retroactive ) the Ex Post Facto Double Jeopardy Clause an what was considered non punitive in Federal court. This Amendment took out the civil classification level of not for public notification but didn’t remove anything to justify it’s removal making it all public. I earned “Not for Public” classification in court under the due process clause but FDLE refused to honor it. How good would it be if we prove that potentially 45% 35,000 here in Florida are being punished with public humiliation? of the 1172 retroactive 528 were classified not for public. that 45% who were not going on the public registry.
Thank you for the update. Can you fill me in on what this case was about? I don’t recognize the plaintiff and defendant’s names.
Sorry, yeah I didn’t list the info of the case, this is in regards to the drivers license branding. I don’t have a pacer account but it seems we tried to get injunction which would be hard to get and it was denied, but it looks like the case has merits and will proceeded again I’m not a lawyer so I’m just trying to make sense of it but this is my best guess.
In Michigan news the Michigan Supreme Court will hear next month if a non sexual crime warrants placement on the registry
“The Supreme Court denied the defendant’s application, but granted the prosecution’s cross-application to address whether requiring a defendant to register as a sex offender under the Sex Offenders Registration Act (SORA), MCL 28.721 et seq., as amended by 2020 PA 295, effective March 24, 2021 (the 2021 SORA), for a non-sexual crime, such as unlawful imprisonment of a minor, constitutes cruel or unusual punishment under Const 1963, art 1, § 16 or cruel and unusual punishment under US Const, Am VIII.”
Senate Bill 1534 becomes law on Jan 1, 2024. The law changes Florida statutes so that only a judge can set, reduce or alter a defendant’s bail.
It also amends state law so that a person cannot be released before a first appearance hearing if they were, at the time of arrest, designated as a sexual offender or sexual predator in this state or any other state.
Sometimes, first appearance hearings can take days or weeks. And, even then, this law might be more likely to discourage a judge from even allowing bail. This law applies if one is arrested for ANY reason.
I am surprised that we did not oppose this terrible bill. Re-arrests of former sex offenders tend to be for technicalities, not re-offending. What a cruel waste of tax dollars.
Good catch by RayO, and a warning.
Related bills SB 1534 Pretrial Release and Detention and HB 1627 Pretrial Release and Detention keep registered citizens from getting out on bail until their first appearance and then “a judge must determine the appropriate bail, if any, based on an individualized consideration of the criteria in s. 903.046(2).”
We tracked these bills, but did not actively oppose them because 903.046(2) already kept registered citizens from getting out on bail before first appearance. All these bills did was add more non-sex crimes to prevent people from bailing out before first appearance.
The above is good to know, and I am thankful as always to our Legislative Committee and its volunteers.
If anyone lives in the Tampa- St. Pete area the zoning issue is on the calendar for tomorrow item number 66
Looks like this is open to the public.
I imagine they’re trying to find a backdoor option to evict as many residents as they can thru some zoning technically.
Dang it they pushed it back till January 25th
NARSOL posted their residency restriction conference today from earlier this year
Also this conference is new as well
Michael Dolce, the attorney from Palm Beach County, who rallied for and supported the increase of time to the statute of limitations that would allow sex offense victims to bring a case against an alleged defendant, and who vocally supported increased protection of children from “evil sex offenders”, was just sentenced to 4 yrs. prison, followed by 15 yrs. probation and sex offender registration for possessing CP. I just shared the complaint and judgment on RECAP, but you can also see it on PACER if you choose. Case#: 9:23-cr-80063-DMM All Defendants USA v. Dolce. Another hero bites the dust.
North Carolina Supreme Court denies man who’s been on Colorado and Florida registry for petition for removal from the registry since he hasn’t been in North Carolina 10 years. The scenting judge has a good point, because North Carolina legislators say 10 years from initially county convicted in, it says nothing about having to register in the North Carolina county first.
I’m confused. I live in North Carolina. I left Florida because of the draconian nature of the registry in Florida. It was my understanding that when I registered in Carolina that I could petition to be moved ten years from that initial registration. It would be something if I could be removed from the Carolina registry next year or in 2025 instead of 2031.
They’re saying you gotta live in North Carolina for 10 years if you’re at tier one with no mess ups “convictions” otherwise it’s 15 years, again I’m not a lawyer I posted this on ACSOL ‘s website so maybe one of the legal guys might chime in with a legal opinion.
I just don’t see how they recognize another states civil regulatory scheme, but they won’t honor the time that you spent on their civil regulatory scheme. It’s like the state wants to have it both ways they want to punish us for committing the crime, but won’t recognize the time served we have received since committing the crime in another jurisdiction. So our civil punishment starts all over again with all the penalties restarting.
Hopefully he appeals. South Carolina, North Carolina, Virginia, I didn’t check on Maryland and West Virginia, but they all are in the fourth circuit court of appeals and three of those states say you can get off early. I don’t know much about court nuances, but I just don’t see how Colorado’s registry is different than North Carolina’s registry. If they register upon conviction and both registry results in a prison sentence upon failure to register, it is punishment. The time on the registry is punishment you did your time. and since he live in Florida, maybe this will affect others of us as well.
Here’s what grinds my gears, we have Ohio that says that time a man spent in Kentucky time counted 10 years but the bad decision based on ruling in North Carolina used as precedent a man lived in Kentucky for 105 out of the 120 months (10 years) and North Carolina says that that time didn’t count.
So we have the Ohio Supreme Court saying the time in Kentucky counted then we have the North Carolina Supreme Court basing a decision on a bad case the Mitchell BORDEN case we’re an individual resided in Kentucky for all the 15 months of the 10 years and that time didn’t count. So I would challenge based on this. You have two different states saying that one honors the Kentucky registry and one doesn’t honor the Kentucky registry I would ask clarification from the courts on this issue why have 50 individual registry if the states are going to interpret them in their own way and not in a consistent way.
Like I said before I am under the impression that I have seven years left on Carolina’s registry. The fact there are inconsistencies between the states are frustrating. I moved to Ohio after my release from prison in Florida. Ohio originally posted me as a tier 3. Their high risk level, despite there being no victim. The reason why, “Florida said so”. I had to petition the court to change it to lowest level. I was convicted in 2014, so I was hopeful that maybe..
Thanks for all that you do. I appreciate it.
New Florida Bill banning sex offender High Schoolers from competing.
The provided link states “conviction” and then goes on to say “sentenced,” while the actual bills state “sentenced.” How is one sentenced without a conviction?
Has any forced to register in Florida or any other state been able to obtain or been denied the TSA Precheck Trusted Traveler status?
I am registered in my home state of Michigan and unfortunately in Florida. I have a TSA trusted traveler number. My wife and I did a 15 Day Hawaiian cruise recently, no problems.
How long did it take for you to get yours? They told me 3-5 days but it’s already been 1 month. I thought the delay may be the background check even tho my conviction is more than 12 years old and I have no probation, just Florida’s registry.
I wish I could remember how long it took but unfortunately I don’t.
It was around 3 weeks
I have has TSA for several years
The rule is you can get it with no convictions for 7 years
How long did it take for you to get yours? They told me 3-5 days but it’s already been 1 month. I thought the delay may be the background check even tho my conviction is more than 12 years old and I have no probation, just Florida’s registry
In our deposition testimony they said they make every effort to not arrest someone over failure to register. I wonder if they granted that standing to this gentleman.
How can you seriously equate a civil regulatory scheme to this? If I forget to put a tag on a car at the DMV it’s a fine but it doesn’t equate to felony prison sentence, but this man is probably gonna do a year or two but if I forget the register a car like this man did, it’s a year or two year sentence how is that still civil? This is nothing like a DMV regulatory scheme. This is purely punitive.
Will be interesting to see what happens here. The best way to end this debate for me is so simple. Place us under the registry scheme that was in effect at the time of offense and be done with the conversation. That would solve a ton of issues and the only thing I would add is also make a way for all to be removed. No matter what scheme you would fall under; AKA Pre Sorna, before 2004, between 2004 and 2014, between 2014 and 2018, and after 2018. With the later allowed to petition at 5, 10 and 20 year mark.
“Place us under the registry scheme that was in effect at the time of offense and be done with the conversation.”
That will not satisfy the Karens and Darens and haters of all persuasions.
They must and will support nothing less than death.
Ah that is a given. I was offering solutions to those in Tally that surf this blog.
Very powerful documentary on HBO tonight titled Great Photo, Lovely Life. A true account of the granddaughter and her account of how her pedafile grandfather affected everyone’s life.
Seems in the UK they are starting to realize that it takes a different approach to help people than the US system
If you’re high up enough in the food chain, you’ll never face justice for raping or abusing a child.
[Note: The Moderator has no evidence of any public official “raping a child”].
Here’s so.e evidence of a public official in that scenario.
So last month a 14 year old boy was shot and killed early in the morning in an adjacent neighborhood.
I didn’t hear anyone screaming for cctv cameras when a child gets killed throughout city yet seems to one of the “solutions” to deal with the mass of registrants located at 3 buildings.
37 minute mark
Heres the news segment of the meeting if anyone is curious
The council seems like they want to help but their hands are tied to our state law. Also they said that the council is not going to contact Tallahassee for fear that they will do the opposite thing but urged that the townspeople write their legislation.
Seems the real issue is that the registry is hurting her ability to sell her house for the highest value she thinks she entitled to so her solution is to try and find a way to make registrants homeless.
If anyone lives in ybor city the workshop is today.
Tennessee files ex post facto lawsuit
Eugene>>> They are all gonna have bigger problems coming soon. “May Day” or M.D. v State of Florida. What would happen if the states lost the 5/17/1996 Amendment? I have a very good case for challenge. I’m New Jersey John Doe Retroactive Challengers of the Megans Law Tier Level 1 by a court ruling. They just took away Tier Level 1 with this Amendment but removed nothing on our side to equate that the Federal 3rd Cir. showed what was not punitive just the classification Tier 1. We have no ability for us not to be publicly shamed. The state of Florida placed me into a Level 2 making it punitive on me for the last 25 years. Read E.B. v Verniero E.B. was for Every Body. W.P. wasn’t ripe that was We the People.
There are no tiers in Florida!
John Doe>>> Actually there is that was changed in 2002 – 2003 I think it was? When I was classified an Offender by Florida. I asked where was my Due Process is an was told there is no process. They are a 2 Tier Non-Retroactive system started on 10/01/1997. By using the 5/17/1996 Federal Amendment that removed the Tier 1 because they saw 528 of us as Tier 1 out of 1172 in New Jersey. 3rd Circuit ruling showed what was not punitive only to retroactive so they took away Tier Level 1 who were not subjected to Public Humiliation right after we were all Tiered Federally with this Unconstitutional Amendment.
Please provide Florida Statue number where there are tiers
You are either an offender or predator a 2 Tier level system. They did away with what was considered a Tier Level 1 in the 5/17/1996 Federal Amendment for the Megans Law of 9/13/1994 Read the laws. I’m not an Attorney but I know how to read an interpret their laws against us. The 3rd Circuit ruling was a big help for us today. They couldn’t rule on anything after 9/13/94 only for people before Constitutional law. They showed what was non-punitive in their ruling. Level 2 and 3 are considered non-punitive on retroactive. There were 1172 retroactive 528 were Level 1. This is what they saw almost half would not be on the public registry an that made them mad. I’m just waiting to see what was ruled on these 2 challenges before I do anything.
Again please post the statue as I’m trying not to be mis informed. But again Florida does not have tiers unless you can somehow provide that statue. * FAC please chime in and help stop this misinformation. This is not first time this person states there are tiers in Florida
There is no tiers in the state of Florida. Just 2 levels. a Offender and a predator. Most laws have no differences between the 2 levels. Other then markings on drivers licenses and community notification. Some municipalities could have separate laws based on offender or predator but there is not a tier system in Florida.
John Doe – FC16, I was going to reply with some serious stuff that is about to happen but I felt it best not for it to be public right now. John Doe, use that name with honor here as I am one of the original John Doe Retroactive challengers of the Megans Law from New Jersey. That is “Ground Zero” if you do not know. I’m also an E.B. challenger in E.B.v Verniero in the Federal 3rd Cir. what showed what the Federal Government saw as non-punitive in Tier Level form. I’m not here to dispute or give false information, I’m here just give a bit of hope that one day 45% who are being punished with public notification be removed to get on with their lives. The May 17th, 1996 Amendment is what changed the registry system from a 3 level system into a 2 level system. This removed the level that had “not for public notification” but they didn’t remove anything to justify it’s removal potentially punishing 45% on the registry today. There is a whole lot more but let’s see where these 2 E.F cases go. I’m one who is before Federal Law 9/13/1994 as FDLE used their 1998 state law to enforce I register as I had to register in another state but then used Federal law against me as if I were convicted after 9/13/1994.
2024 Legislative Session Update
As of this posting, 599 bills have been filed.
So far, I see no bills of concern.
The session starts in January.
Happy Holydays!
Florida has what they consider clasifaction of offender or preditor there are no tiers in Florida!!!
do not know what is so hard for you to understand!!! since you claim to be a legal eagle AGAIN PLEASE POST FLORIDA STATUE OF THE TIERS!!! if not please stop spreading false information!!!
What happened to the Weekly Updates? Last one posted was October 28, 2023.
Maybe I’m reading this wrong but looks like the 11th circuit just released the decision.
Allows you to view adult pornography while on probation. Seem like probation said don’t view it since treatment doesn’t allow it. But now it does I guess.
Eugene.. Government has limited authority. Sure if people want to view graphic pics of nudity that is their individual right. All human rights are indivisible and interdependent. One set of rights cannot be enjoyed without the other. Even the law of the commandments says Thou shall not covet. That should tell even a Greek scholar something or what is the law of vain abuse can one say this sex registry scenario.
One could go on to say all things are lawful but all things are not beneficial. In other words its a type of character abuse by mans government with much of this registry. Even holding prisoners after prison by this probation type ordeal.
Eugene>> I’m still reading what was filed I’m looking for the Expost Facto suits links. Might have a Federal one coming soon against Florida if they don’t back down. Were still in the fact finding who is liable stage but will be presenting a case soon to the Feds on it. This is what I can say. Florida is a non retroactive state. They can only go as far back as 9/13/1994 with their law without running into the Due Process Clause on the US Constitution. They can not enforce any law past that date without Due Process or honoring one from the retroactive state if they are using it to put that person on their registry. They are implying it is because they moved here in 2006 that they can enforce 2003 Federal laws on a 1992 conviction. Oh they put it in writing!!! “While it is understood this is not the answer you desire…” Oh the heck it’s not. Lee County put your feet into the fire and they just ran you under the BUS!! It was crazy cause they were just grasping at straws not knowing how to play this but then still being ballsy with their mumbo jumbo Florida Laws but not one of them ref before 9/13/94 an they still try to act tough an might makes right and your wrong because we say your wrong. My fight is almost over. I have Federal E.B. v Verniero on my side as a Tier 1 showing “Punitive” and more. 25 years in one week from tomorrow
Ok we got some movement on Does 1-5 vs Swearingen. But I don’t know what it means.,_15_v_Swearingen
Has anyone heard of this case Harper v. Glass , 4:21-cv-85 (N.D. Fla. 2021) apparently the judge mentions it.
Ok I’m an idiot, Harper vs Glass is the doe II case. So basically I believe the Judge is formally acknowledging that the case is on pause following the outcome of the northern district case
Florida man subject to lifetime sex-offender registration requirements argues that he is “in custody” for purposes of federal post-conviction laws – SCOTUSblog
With the curfew(8 hours in lock down), checking in at the Sheriff often, POs “visit” more, there is not a lot of difference in being in work release. May we applied in other ways.
being put in jail if you seek shelter from Hurrican
Guy talks about the punitive nature of the Tennessee registry.
Michigan Update to the Class
(November 16, 2023)
We hope this message finds you well. We appreciate your ongoing patience and commitment to this case. Without your collective effort, we wouldn’t have reached the pivotal juncture we’re at today.
We are pleased to share that on October 2, 2023, we filed a Motion for Summary Judgment. This is a formal request to the Court to rule that we win on our claims based on the law and the significant evidence we have collected to date. The aim is to prompt the Court to decide on the foundational aspects of our claims.
In addition to the Motion for Summary Judgment, we also filed a comprehensive Statement of Facts that included not only a plethora of expert research on why registries are harmful and counterproductive, but also the compelling stories that you all shared with us about your experience being on the Michigan registry.
In our motion, we are first asking the Court for declaratory judgments on each count. If the Court grants us a declaratory judgment, it would rule that SORA is unconstitutional in specific ways. This is critical, because it would provide a clear-cut judicial declaration on the legality of SORA, as well as providing a basis for orders about what the state can and cannot do.
We anticipate that the government will also be filing a Motion for Summary Judgment in late November. We expect that Court to complete briefing on the parties’ motions for summary judgment in mid-January of next year. We do not yet know if the Court will want an evidentiary hearing, or when the Court will rule on our motions.
Hopefully these ideas can spread.
Now this article that Eugene gave link too, should tell many that are on the sex registry that much of this registry violates not only equal justice,due process, plus it goes against principals set in the bible and the principals would be more condemning upon law enforcement.
Setting one up in all this is a grave injustice that mankind is inducing over another. Its like a presupposition of a situation induced by law enforcement.
All too many of our group have problems in Marion County, Florida. Well, Karma is a b$#&h.
Florida deputy followed girl to McDonald’s after traffic stop, sent ‘inappropriate’ texts: police