Below is the content of a letter to Judge Jeanine Pirro, who appeared on FOX News and presented totally inaccurate recidivism rates for sex offenders.



Dear Judge Jeanine Pirro,

I am a loyal follower of yours as well as Fox News.

I was listening to your program Saturday night September 22, 2018 and it was during the segment regarding Judge Kavanaugh when you stated “sex offenders recidivate 70% of the time”. This is just not a fact. I am the president of an organization which does not support sex offending in any manner shape or form, but we do advocate for equal protection under the law and our constitution. One of our main focuses is to educate the public, the legislature and the media to get the truth out. If those we respect and listen to do not take the time to be truly informed on an issue especially something as high profile as offenses of a sexual nature we cannot expect those in the general population to react and respond to an issue in a rational way.

I’m including for your information the actual statistics and additional research on this population. These are not opinions they are the empirical studies by the experts in the field from both the US as well as Canada. What I have included is a renowned expert on risk and a recent Amicus Brief submitted to the US Supreme court by experts regarding this very issue. These are the people whose work are accepted globally. When will the media begin to speak the truth and not just inflame the public to believe things which are simply just not true?

I’m truly hoping you take this information and correct your statement.

Should you require additional information I will gladly provide or connect you directly to the experts.

Respectfully your loyal viewer and American voter..

Gail Colletta
President, Florida Action Committee
[email protected]

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