A federal district court in Illinois handed a win to a group of persons required to register as sex offenders, who challenged the constitutionality of a policy of refusing to release persons who did not secure housing.

Registrants brought suit challenging a policy that kept an individual confined infinitely until (and unless) they were able to secure housing. The problem, as it relates to persons required to register as sex offenders, is registration laws and regulations prohibit sex offenders from living a certain number of feet from schools, parks, day care centers, etc.

If you thought it was difficult finding housing when you are released, try doing it from prison. There are no halfway houses or transitional housing facilities in Illinois that will accept an individual convicted of a sex offense .Additionally, the IDOC does not permit any sex offender to use a homeless shelter as his or her host site. Sex offenders are also ineligible for work release programs.

The result became people spending months, or even years, locked up well beyond the time they were eligible to be released.

The court ruled Illinois’ ‘host site requirement’ constituted cruel and unusual punishment. It also violated equal protection because the Plaintiffs in this case are entitled to the same conditional liberties that all convicted felons released from prison are entitled to.

You can read the opinion here:

Order on MSJ Illiniois Host Site

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