Regularly check this link and our calendar of events for updates: Legislative Delegation Calendar for 2024 Session
Each year before the legislative session starts your State Senators and State Representatives are meeting in your county to listen to all concerns. This is a great opportunity to see your Representatives and Senators in action. It also gives us a chance to voice our concerns as individuals regarding things that could be improved through legislation. For instance, this year I am going to encourage legislators to consider legislation that will end the forced homelessness in our state. There are several issues that I can address related to punishment being passed on to those required to register and their innocent loved ones.
The above website is a great way to keep updated with the dates, times and locations of upcoming meetings. If you want to speak, you must fill out a request to appear form and email/mail it to the address listed. If you want to provide handouts those must be mailed or delivered to their office by the deadline they set.
Even if you are not ready to get up and speak, this is an educational opportunity to learn how the state of Florida Legislature works. I look forward to seeing you at the meetings.
Jennifer Blasdel
Membership Committee Co-Chair
Florida Action Committee
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