When this bill was first introduced a couple of weeks ago in Missouri, most people paid little attention to it as no one thought it had a chance of passing, but it is stirring up some heated debates.

This bill would make it a felony for teachers or school counselors if they use a student’s preferred name and pronoun, requiring them to be placed on the sex offense registry.  Other actions are also included in the bill that would require a teacher to register.

FAC does not take a position on anything except that the registry is punitive and needs to be abolished.  We do not feel that people who are NOT sexually re-offending should be on any type of registry.

If a teacher were to use a student’s preferred name and pronoun, does that qualify as an action that should place a teacher on the registry with all its punitive accompanying laws?  To be charged with a felony?  As someone who taught in public schools for 30 years, this bill scares me to death.


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